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View Full Version : How does automated TMA and SONAR resolve mirror contact?

09-23-09, 12:14 AM
It's a newb question that has bugging me for some time. I never see mirror contact gets deleted....so how do you resolve mirror contact with automated crew?:hmmm:

09-23-09, 03:51 AM
I think the system logic simply 'knows'.

09-23-09, 04:11 AM
Err it doesn't like I said the mirror stays and the TMA plotted and shown on the map just like any other real contact.

In Sub Command the automated crew simply didn't detect the mirror straight away.

Molon Labe
09-23-09, 11:28 AM
You make the turn just like you would on manual TMA and the crew will drop the wrong one.

09-23-09, 07:32 PM
I see but I think sometimes even though I made that turns the mirror contact would stay:). I'll try again. Thanks. I usually play with manual Sonar and TMA though.

09-24-09, 11:16 AM
If there are alot of contacts the autoTMA gets overburdened with work, so it may not have gotten around to it yet. However, I have never caught the autoTMA working on a mirror contact for extended periods of time. They do seem to know more than they should in such a short time.