View Full Version : torpedo room

Wilhelm Keppler
01-28-09, 10:29 AM
How many men is bowtorpedo room? IIA type? sry stupid question

A Very Super Market
01-28-09, 07:01 PM
How many you can fit? Or how many you need to load torpedoes?

Sailor Steve
01-28-09, 07:29 PM
WK, your sig is kind of big.

A friendly reminder, please keep your signature images to a reasonable size, no larger than 120 high, 400 wide. Max file size is 100KB.
http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/faq.php?faq=susbim_faq_item#faq_signature_image_fa qs

Wilhelm Keppler
01-29-09, 12:00 AM
problem was to loading torpedoes, but I solved it