View Full Version : Having issues with ASW Training Mission

01-26-09, 09:00 AM
Hey everyone,

I'm playing the ASW Tutorial/Walkthrough posted here and subguru.com, and have no issues locating and getting an accurate firing solution for the enemy sub. However every time I fire, the sub manages to evade my torpedoes. (after restarting the mission 4 or 5 times I put show truth on so I could see what was happening) I have tried all kinds of activation ranges, 2000 short, 5000 short, 500 short, Set the ceiling to 200, and the depth to 2000...it doesn't seem to make a difference, as he will simply drop CM's and evade.

After a bit, my torpedoes just disappear from the map (I'm assuming they ran out of fuel) do I just need to get closer? I'm somewhere between 28000 and 34900 away when I'm firing. I'm using Mk 48's.




01-26-09, 09:04 AM
Well, you just can't fire and forget (unless the target is righ on top of you).
You must manouver the torpedo to the target, and that is why you must track it continuosly through TMA and sonar. So that you know when the target releases countermeasures, when it evades doing a 180 or changing course, etc...

Ps: you're also firing from very very far, so TMA and Sonar tracking of the target is even more important.
At 30000 yards = 15 nm a 55 knots torpedo needs at least 15 minutes to arrive on target, and that is if the target is not evading etc...

01-26-09, 09:10 AM
Well, like I said, the torpedoes have no issues tracking the sub, they just seem to disappear before they can get to him, weather that is from hitting a decoy (I'm running stock DW, so they shouldn't explode, right?), or running out of fuel, I don't know.

Maybe I will try to get closer.



01-26-09, 09:17 AM
Well, like I said, the torpedoes have no issues tracking the sub, they just seem to disappear before they can get to him, weather that is from hitting a decoy (I'm running stock DW, so they shouldn't explode, right?), or running out of fuel, I don't know.

Maybe I will try to get closer.



Ok here is some advice : if the torpedos dissappear before hitting the target the most probable reason is that they have run out of fuel. Pure and simple. Another reason can be that the submarine environment has changed and the torpedo has hit the bottom.
Also activating the torpedo while it still has a long way to go is counterproductive, since it will zig-zag and consume more fuel to arrive to the target.
As for the torpedoes exploding on countermeasures, with stock DW there is only one way to deal with this, and it is by deactivating temporarily the torpedo just before it encounters the countermeasure. You can triangulate precisely where the countermeasure is by doing a TMA on it; only 2 line of bearing are necessary since cm are stationary targets.

01-26-09, 09:20 AM
Thank you, I will try those things.

One other question, Should I try also setting the RTE range to be longer? Can the enemy sub detect the torpedo when it isn't enabled?



01-26-09, 09:38 AM
Thank you, I will try those things.

One other question, Should I try also setting the RTE range to be longer? Can the enemy sub detect the torpedo when it isn't enabled?



Torpedoes whether they are using active or passive guidance are noisy beasts. So yes the enemy submarine will here your torpedos. If you're using an active guidance torpedo and activate it, the enemy will hear the torpedo on passive sonar and on active intercept. If you use a passive guidance torpedo or an active torpedo that has not yet been activated the enemy sub will hear the torpedo on passive sonar but will not see it in active intercept.
Always try to set the RTE to something like 75-85% of the range to target (once you have a firing solution). More accurate is your firing solution, the bigger the RTE can be.
If you're not sure of your firing solution, its best to use a 70-75% of range for RTE.

01-26-09, 10:05 AM
Ok thanks. Its kinda funny, because after I fire, I've just been kind of hanging around the datum, and I don't know what torpedo he's using, but I want it!

It fires into the air, comes down right next to me, then starts tracking. What kind of torpedo is this? And can US subs use it?

01-26-09, 10:29 AM
Ok thanks. Its kinda funny, because after I fire, I've just been kind of hanging around the datum, and I don't know what torpedo he's using, but I want it!

It fires into the air, comes down right next to me, then starts tracking. What kind of torpedo is this? And can US subs use it?

Its an asroc, a rocket tipped torpedo.
They are very deadly if you have a precise firing solution on your enemy.
In stock DW, the russian subs are the only ones able to carry subrocs.