View Full Version : Sound editing - japanese voices

12-10-08, 01:51 PM
I have a japanese submarine movie in which I think we could find all relevant sounds to replace the currrent english voices .

Since I don't know squat about sound editing , does anyone ?


12-10-08, 02:09 PM
I have a japanese submarine movie in which I think we could find all relevant sounds to replace the currrent english voices .

Since I don't know squat about sound editing , does anyone ?


I think the files you need are in the sound/speech folder in .oog format.


12-11-08, 07:09 AM
There's plenty of free audio software that allows you to well... edit soundfiles, i tend to fool around with Audacity a lot, good software though it is limited in file formats how it can save them as (ogg, Wav, MP3 and something else i think) but it supports just about any soundfile format you can find.

12-11-08, 10:54 AM
oog ? never heard before, will check out audacity though thanks !


12-12-08, 02:10 AM
a song about Kaiten in japanese with images :


I'd like to downlaod things from U tube and edit the sound but somehow the adress I transfer from firefox into the u tube download program never works...


12-12-08, 05:16 AM
this site has a few short movies about IJN ships and submarines available for download :

Warship movies in AVI. format ready to download So please enjoy.

IJN. Movies


I guess we could use parts of those to get our sound files ?

Audacity doesn't seem to be able to extract the sound from the movie ???


12-12-08, 07:52 AM
okay, wht you need to do is grab a mic, and just record back thru the speakers. its really easy/.

12-12-08, 02:31 PM
don't you lose sound quality ? I don't have a mike anyways :-?

12-12-08, 04:20 PM
first sounds !

Torpedo firing sequence with released air sounds :

captured from the movie Gochin (sink instantly) at 37'37'' till 37'45''

mp3 :


ogg :


Dive Dive ! sequence :

captured from the movie Gochin (sink instantly) from 10'14'' till 10'22''

mp3 :

http://files.filefront.com/dive+dive.../fileinfo.html (http://files.filefront.com/dive+dive+dive+gochinmp3/;12635200;/fileinfo.html)

ogg :

http://files.filefront.com/dive+dive.../fileinfo.html (http://files.filefront.com/dive+dive+dive+gochinogg/;12635178;/fileinfo.html)

I guess the ogg file could replace the original firing sequence, I still need a japanese speaker to tell me what they say !


using 4musicmp3 to ogg converter :

Pazera Free Audio Extractor is an absolutely free application that extracts audio tracks from video files without loss of sound quality or convert them to MP3, AAC, AC3, WMA, FLAC, OGG or WAV format. The application supports all major video formats (AVI, FLV, MP4, MPG, MOV, RM, 3GP, WMV, VOB and other), moreover, allows the conversion of music files, so it can be used as a universal audio converter. The program has a number of predefined settings (profiles) specially designed for novice users. While more advanced users can customize audio encoding parameters for its own needs.


12-12-08, 06:00 PM
okay, wht you need to do is grab a mic, and just record back thru the speakers. its really easy/.

That is the bad way to do it. You can actually rip the sound file from a movie with a movie / sound editing software, grab the parts you want and save as mp3, ogg, oog, wav or so formats. What you find best, im not sure did the game use oog or ogg, they're pretty similar but nevertheless, isn't too much of a problem.

That method REALLY reduces the sound level a lot, all the background noises, buzz from speaker, PC, etc etc...

*Edit* Keltos, i can take a look into those sounds, since i can speak japanese a bit (standard conversation is about the best i can pull off)

*edit2* Just checked the mp3 file of the torpedo launch and well, for me they're using some alternative for the "Hashin/Hassha" as we non japanese people hear it.. But i cant really make out what the word in the mp3 is even written, sorry. Someone other that is more fluent in japanese language then i should take a look into that.

12-12-08, 06:37 PM
w4lt3r, i put the two programs I found on the net in my first post, they're easy enough for a beginner like me !

If you know of a simple movie editing program I could maybe cut the parts the sounds come from and post them too ? maybr it could help ?

Zaza who gave me the movie said that WWII japanese was very different from current japanese. I haven't heard from him in a while though... I can just hope he takes a look at Subsim now and again.

I will try this weekend to make a small mod to replace one or two of the sounds, like the two I lade here above.

I especially like the dive sequence !


12-13-08, 03:48 AM
Keltos, have you tried looking for a subtitle file for the film? There may be one floating about on the internet and it will give you what the say and when they say it.

12-13-08, 05:00 AM
didn't find one, the movie is Gochin, was made in 1942 on the 4th war patrol of I-10.
If anyone can find subtitles... please tell me !

Real Life Sounds there !


03-25-17, 08:32 AM
found it again, never quite completed but it's already more immersive..

link :


Gochin (sunk instantly, RL WWII movie on board of I-10 in the Indian Ocean)
dl link :


03-26-17, 04:14 AM
Great stuff so far.

I think there is more to full up the selection of naval commandos for instance given on the bridge.

I would suggest to get your hands on the japanese Anime-Series "Zipang".

Episodes with english subs used to be on youtube, but I cannot see them here in germany any more due to that crappy geoblocking.

03-26-17, 07:44 AM
can anyone recommend a program to rip out sound from a movie (see GOCHIN here above) ?


I would first get it from the WWII movie (I have another somewhere..) as japanese changed over the last 70 years

03-26-17, 09:19 AM
I can do it, but if you want to try, depending upon the format of the movie, even Audacity (http://www.audacityteam.org/) can do it. I usually use either my Sony Movie Studio to split the audio off, or Sony Sound Forge. Most audio editors should be able to do that. The problem with Audacity comes in setting it up correctly, usually...

If you want me to do it, just point me to the file, and let me know what format you want the finished audio in. Do you want it "cleaned-up" or "enhanced" in any way?

03-26-17, 11:43 AM
Sound of I-10 submerging (rip from "Gochin")



you can dl as ogg after uploading ! (the format SH4 uses :) )

03-26-17, 03:32 PM
Got through the whole Gochin movie ! :salute:

btw it is longer than the one I had posted years ago, there are more scenes inthere. also if you watch using ExMPlayer you can right click, choose video, choose increse video quality ! and it works !

so I ripped scenes from the movie meant to become sounds in the Japanese Campaign Climb Mount Niitaka mod including RL depth charges explosion sounds, gun sound, etc...

03-27-17, 04:59 PM

from Gochin before they surface for gun action

can anyone translate ?

03-30-17, 06:30 AM
Hi keltos01,


from Gochin before they surface for gun action

can anyone translate ?

He said, "to all crews(in submarine), we spotted enemy."

By the way,
my friend knew about making Niitaka MOD and he has started making Japanese Voice MOD by amateur voice actors.
I write a script(1500 lines) and confirm pronunciation.
I believe we can release this year.:salute:

03-30-17, 09:24 AM
Hi keltos01,

He said, "to all crews(in submarine), we spotted enemy."

By the way,
my friend knew about making Niitaka MOD and he has started making Japanese Voice MOD by amateur voice actors.
I write a script(1500 lines) and confirm pronunciation.
I believe we can release this year.:salute:
Get in touch by pm Akisame and welcome!

Could you in the meantime git through go chin
And find me relevant orders? Like say at 13'32" till 13'36" they say dive dive
I really would appreciate!

And do you know if there are subtitles for that movie somewhere?

So as to be able to include more of them sounds in Climb Mount Niitaka:)

Also if you know of other movie of WWII IN subs..
Domo arigatou gozaimasu


03-30-17, 09:37 AM
Alright! We're also trying to come up with a voice-over for the "movie" segments that play as you start certain segments of the stock Fleet Boat campaign, but have it for the IJN Submarine perspective, of course. I've been trying to research the vernacular that would have been used, and possibly use some of the animated map segments, in addition to film segments, if I can get them to "play" as smoothly as the artwork does... :lol: so far, what I've done in experiments would be considered failures elsewhere... :D It would also be nice to be able to have a mod that sits on top of CMN that allows a person to have all Japanese voice, with sub-titles (if desired), and one with English voices, with sub-titles (if desired). It would be nice, for the opening round of submarine missions, to have the animated map segment have a voice-over with an "Admiral Shimizu" character discussing "Operation "Z" and "E" invasion plans, and the immediately afterward plans... ??

03-30-17, 03:28 PM
here's a movie :



more seriously (and you might recognize the intro music)


and a cartoon about I 68


03-31-17, 08:21 AM
THX, I will do my best.:salute:

I know some movie of WWII IJN subs.

Manatsu no Orion,"真夏のオリオン",fiction story of I-58sub(2009)

Deguchi no nai umi,"出口のない海",story of Kaiten.(2009)

Sensuikan 1 go,"潜水艦一号"(1941)

sry, I don't know subtitles written by English.
There are few movies of IJN submarines:timeout:
and no subtitles, no transration in English...:hmmm:
I have "Dasboot" that is dubbed in Japanese voice, but it has something wrong.
So, I'm reading nonfiction history books of WW2 IJN for a script.

I think Go-chin and Animantary Ketsu-dan(決断) is better if its used sounds and narrations.

03-31-17, 07:08 PM
Ok one movie i didnt know of!
Keep it coming !

04-30-17, 02:24 AM