View Full Version : GWX 2.1 passive sonar

12-03-08, 11:42 AM

i,m new here and first a hello to all!

i,m playing sh3 + gwx2.1- what a wonderful addon!

the only issue i do not like is the passive sonar of the destroyers currently in summer 1940 hunting in the western approaches wih the VIIb.

when i attacked a convoy and was counterdetekted of course the escort steams for me and nails me down with depth charges. normally when i deal with 1-2 destroyers i,m able to survive (having about 130 meters water depth) until he runs out of charges. but without using silent running there is no way to manouver that he looses contact. the escorts are turning above you and follow you for hours without having depth charges.

and now the point- when turning on silent running i can simply relax. go slow speed with silent running and he will loose me immediately for sure and steam off.

without silent running even using minimum rpm,s, manouvering carefully etc, there is noc chance to loose him.

so i have two options a) without silent running i cannot loose him, b) with silent running i will loose him for sure...

is it only me having this and is there a way or hints how to loose an escort without silent running? ( i,m tending NOT to use it, because with it i,ts too easy to loose an escort)

thanks for any comments!

12-03-08, 12:50 PM
Scuttlebutt (='gossip') has it that in later years DDs get much better at nailing you. :up: So I'd say keep your silence advantage while you can and live for another couple of years, ... and then fear death. Start a new carreer a year or 2 later. That should even it out.

12-03-08, 05:23 PM
I read somewhere that early-war ASDIC was, in the words of some of its creators "a huge bluff" and only able to track or detect about 10% of boats.
So yeah; enjoy it while it lasts.

12-03-08, 05:33 PM
thanx for your replies gents! so you think it was really so easy to leave the scenario in early war days?

hm... good question...

12-03-08, 05:54 PM
Enjoy the Happy times, mate. It won't last forever. :D

without silent running even using minimum rpm,s, manouvering carefully etc, there is noc chance to loose him.
This doesn't seem right. :hmm: Even if you're not in silent running, escort shouldn't detect you if you're going slow. You should be able to shake them off easily, unless you're in very shallow waters.

12-04-08, 02:58 AM
Dont forget when you go slow to also turn off auto loading. The destroyers can hear the clanking of torp loading and repairs if you are doing them.

12-04-08, 03:09 AM
thanx for your replies gents! so you think it was really so easy to leave the scenario in early war days?

hm... good question...
There is a reason why it was called the Happy Times in the beginning. And why by the end of the war ~75% of those sailing on U-Boats never returned.


12-04-08, 04:35 AM
Early war escape is easy to make. Just dive at or below 200 meters and DDs near you wount get a lock on you with ASDIC. They would ussually circle around your last known position and pinging around but due to early splay angle ASDIC system destroyers can't find you if they are close to you while you are in deep waters.
But make sure silent runing is enabled. I believe there is a stock SH3 bug which alows destroyers to throw DC directly at you even if you aren't pinged but making lots of noises.
Unrealisticly though. Sonar operator of destroyer would not be able to tell how deep is the u-boat from it's noise. Only ASDIC shows the depth and pitch of the u-boat in RL of that time.

12-04-08, 06:53 PM
Hmmm a viib.... it can dive deeper than that.
For example a VIIC max depth before everything is messed is around 240 m.
Assuming VIIB is a little weaker than VIIC, I would say you can dive up to 200m without having any problem. Maybe even more than a VIIC?:hmm:

12-04-08, 11:39 PM
I just killed my career for you :rotfl:
Diving at 240m and nothing happen.......
Diving at 250 and nothing happen .......
Diving a 260m and nothing Happen!
Doh diving at 261m "We are taking damage sir"
at 270~ We are taking damage sir
and then Uboat destroyed by pressure :dead:
And that was simply a VIIC boat...... Imagine those viic/41/42 or even XXI

12-05-08, 01:19 AM
Ciao ACR,

Assuming you're using the 1 kt. (50 rpm) speed, not the 2 kt. "slow" on the engine telegraph, you can elude DDs right up to '44 -- two keys that every Kaleun has to know:

1) Get below the thermal layer if there is one (you'll know, when you no longer hear the pings). The depth of the boundary can vary anywhere from 100 - 200 m.

2) Go to full speed in short bursts when the wabos explode; this also seems to work with torpedo explosions. The explosions will mask your noise for at least 30 sec. after the last one. According to one book I read, the period of post-wabo sonar deafness was several minutes in real life. Then switch back to 1 kt. -- this would be a good time to change course, too.

If you think 1940 is too easy, just wait a few years... I guarantee that won't be a problem anymore! :lol:

12-05-08, 03:35 AM
I'm affraid there is no thermal layer in GWX 2.1.

12-05-08, 03:39 AM
Hmmm a viib.... it can dive deeper than that.
For example a VIIC max depth before everything is messed is around 240 m.
Assuming VIIB is a little weaker than VIIC, I would say you can dive up to 200m without having any problem. Maybe even more than a VIIC?:hmm:

Of course it can go deeper, but it wasn't the main point. I ment that 200 meters is enough to make an early war escape!

Kpt. Lehmann
12-05-08, 04:14 AM
I'm affraid there is no thermal layer in GWX 2.1.


However, the lack of thermal layers is not specific to GWX. There are no thermal layers in SH3 itself.

12-05-08, 09:30 AM
Welcome aboard ACR http://www.psionguild.org/forums/images/smilies/wolfsmilies/pirate.gif

Good to see your enjoying the GWXperience http://www.psionguild.org/forums/images/smilies/wolfsmilies/thumbsup.gif

SH3 Commander does a good job of randomly changing the ingame capability of the ships sensors as a substitute for thermal layers.

Kpt is quite corect though....there have never been an thermal layers in SH3.

12-05-08, 12:13 PM
thank you very very much for the inputs!

ok, yesterday i played again and had to deal with depth charges after attacking a convoy.

since the BDU sent me now in the vinicity of the rokall bank i had this time plenty of water under me and took the boat down to 160meters. after initial avoidment manouvers for some DC i slowed down to 50-60 rpm and this time i indeed was able to shake of the escort without using silent running. so it truly seems to depend on randomized knowledge of the crew, surely water depth , wethaer etc. (i,m using sh3 cmdr) since i like it hard core- realistic, auto reloads are off and i,m running without the simply "silent running button" . its a real pleasure of gaming when you carefully have to look at the weather, visibility, lightness at night and much more for a convoy attack, i need a whole evening to make one attack, but thats no problem!

i finally sent one cargo to the bottom and damaged two another. after avoiding the escorts i turned on the grammophone. later i realized that my window of the room was partly open and my neighbours listened a little sceptic since there came songs out of my speakers wchich are very delicate for the people where i live.... (i live in germany) :lol:


12-05-08, 09:25 PM
Well, live and learn! All this time, it was SH3 Cmdr fooling with me! Gotta love it!

Lieber Gott, ACR, spielst du das Horst Wessel Lied?! Kein Wunder! :lol:

12-05-08, 11:22 PM
It's funny, I don't remember playing any sub sims taking place in the atlantic that model thermal layers. Yet almost all the pacific sub sims do. Even 1985's Silent Service!

12-06-08, 05:48 AM
Lieber Gott, ACR, spielst du das Horst Wessel Lied?! Kein Wunder! :lol:

es kam gerade wir fahren gegen engellland:o