View Full Version : Noob is me!

11-25-08, 02:43 PM
Hi there guys. I have never played this game in my life. Only seen screenshots!

Is it enjoyable and where can i get it! thats if it even works with Vista lol

Just thought I would give it a try.


11-25-08, 05:22 PM
It should work without problem with vista 32/64 and xp64.
The game is very challenging, not mod friendly and with so so graphics.
So don't go expecting SH III/IV graphics because you'll be terribly :cry:
Quite some people play DW, but since their is no "central" server you have to join one of the many fleets out there. Or if you prefer the freelance type you could schedule games here on subsim, or on CADC (commanders academy and dive center website).
Be prepared to read a lot and I mean a lot because learing all those units is going to take some time. :D

11-25-08, 07:13 PM
Is it enjoyable and where can i get it!

You can download it via Steam.

11-27-08, 03:58 PM
thank you very much :D im going to download and spend some time reading up on it before i venture into it lol
