View Full Version : Decoys cause me CTD

10-07-08, 06:19 AM
This is a singular CTD:

When a decoy (Active or Passive, i dont known) is launched and a torpedo turns to it, when it reaches the decoy, i have a CTD (not even, about a 60-65% of probability of CTD). Only occurs when a torpedo reach a decoy and detonate. In missions like Sicilian wedding happend (in the part when the two Foxtrot submarines launch a lot of torpedoes to the FFG).
Is this a known bug? Is there a patch to solve this noisy bug? I have to save many times for fear to lose the progress of the current mission/campaign.
Of course i run DW with the 1.04 patch + Lwami 3.08.

10-07-08, 07:30 AM
AFAIK torpedo detonation on CMs should be turned off via INI file when used with LWAMI. But I don't think it should crash. :o

10-14-08, 05:06 AM
Ok, i'll try it. The INI file is dangerouswaters.ini, isn't it?

10-14-08, 06:22 AM
I don't have the game installed at the moment, so I'm not sure, but I think so. There is not much ini files there and AFAIK the line should be there already. It was discussed many times here, try search here (or google).

Molon Labe
10-14-08, 09:16 AM
AFAIK torpedo detonation on CMs should be turned off via INI file when used with LWAMI. But I don't think it should crash. :o

The recommended setting is to have detonations ON with LWAMI, so the Nixie will still be effective.

Going back to the OP, if LWAMI is installed torps should not be detonating on decoys in the first place, so my guess would be it's only half-installed and there is a stock doctrine that's calling on something in the DB that's missing. Revert to pure stock, reinstall the mod, and re-enable it.