View Full Version : any opinions about trigger maru (overhauled version) i am eager to hear them!

06-16-08, 11:44 AM
guys i just installed trigger maru (overhauled) and i am amazed! give me your opinion about it and explain it in details please. (by the way the narwhal boat is AWSOME)
there are even AI Subs in it If you guys discover new things in this GREAT mod


06-16-08, 01:24 PM
Ducimus has done a great service to the community through his work on the TMO Mod. He eliminates many of the shortfalls in the stock game and adds many new features as well. He also created the mod to "urge" players to run their boat more like the reality of the times. He does this by penalizing certain behaviour and rewarding others.

If you add Lurker's RSRD Campaign to TMO then you have an outstanding experience in store. Highly recommended.

06-16-08, 04:12 PM
have them both installed and for sure you need no
other mods!!!!!IT IS AS REAL AS IT CAN GET