View Full Version : Hello. Some questions.

05-05-08, 04:16 PM
WoW. just noticed this forum after years on the Silent Hunter forums.

Watched some videos and looked at some screens of this game and it looks great.

Just 1 or 2 questions;

Are there gameplay settings to control the realism at all? Can you have the game set to noob friendly all the way up to full realism?

Also is the campaign structured or open ended? Is there a sandbox mode of sorts where you can do your own thing?

Thanks very much. Looking forward to trying this game out! :arrgh!:

To be
05-05-08, 07:35 PM
There are realism settings to control, with an "autocrew" feature that can be turned on to automate tasks for you. These are all fully functional in the demo. I will leave it to someone else to talk about the campaign, but I will say it is mostly structured, but you do have some influence over the events based on what you do.

05-06-08, 04:07 AM
As far as I know the influence in campaign is quite simple. If you kill some ship in some mission, it will not show in next missions, that's it.

TLAM Strike
05-06-08, 12:18 PM
As far as I know the influence in campaign is quite simple. If you kill some ship in some mission, it will not show in next missions, that's it.

However the campgain engine is very powerful. A more open ended type of campgain compared to the stock one and RSR is possable within a few limits, each mission would take place on the map area set. But the units, ROE, deployments, and missions can be radomised, dynamic, and persistent.

The major downside is that it takes a little understanding of programing langauge and a lot of effort to make such a campagin.

I had a couple of close to dynamic open ended style campagins in devlopment at one time or another but nothing came of them since the ammount of trigger and doctrine work for even a basic open ended style campgain is huge with a captial H while making a single mission or scripted campagin is much easer.

If you want a hint at what how open ended the game can be check out the single mission "Unseen Attacker" at Subguru.com (created by me). It has a simple premies but the mission tasking is dynamic and can be based on your actions. Origionaly this was going to be mission 1 of a campgain of missions like this (with a few scripted ones tossed in) but as I said the amount of work required is huge, and i abandoned the idea.