View Full Version : Unanswered Newbie Questions

03-09-08, 10:13 PM
Just finished the first few missions, love the game. Haven't even patched it yet, can't stop playing this campaign. I was reading the 'Sticky' above and could not find answers to this previously posted question;

1. In the manual, in the section about "sending data to the TDC", it mentions: "Note: You may reset the TDC and data by pressing the X icon on the notepad." Which notepad would that be? I know speed can be set to zero manually using the attack data tool, but I don't find this notepad.

2. Then, the navigation map. The manual states: MAP NOTES
• With this tool you can place marks on the map. Each mark will have a generic
name when placed (Mark 1, Mark 2, etc).
• You can modify this name (18 characters max.) and attach a note (54 characters,
centered, max. 18 characters wide).
• You can delete marks.

Placing marks is easy enough, but the ways to modify them seem to be less obvious, and the manual is not explicit about how it's done. It would be very convenient to be able to add, for example, time information to each mark when playing at high realism levels.



New question;

3. What are the 'must' have mods....like 'tools', I hear you can make them smaller, and if you have time, can you give me a current link to the download.


Any help would be appreciated.
Tks very much,

03-09-08, 10:28 PM
1. A leftover from the SH3 manual. Related to the notepad that is sometimes used to input data in SH3 and when commanding a u-boat in SH4.

2. Not currently implemented, even though(as you noticed) it's mentioned in the manual

3. Check the mods forum

03-09-08, 10:52 PM
Figured the manual was 'over-extending' itself...needed confirmation.
Thanks Fincuan :up:.

From reading threads here, I think the mods to have are;
Trigger Maru
Real Fleet Boat
Run Silent Run Deep Campaign
Reflections on the Water
Natural Sinking Mechanics

I was hoping for a current link to the 'tools'.....but I'm sure I can find it in the mods section.

03-10-08, 09:48 AM

I think that's the most up-to-date list on anything related to modding, including mods, other utilities and modding tools

edit: And your "must have" list looks ok, just beware that you have to choose either Trigger Maru or Real Fleet Boat. They can't be used together.

03-10-08, 04:19 PM
Thanks for the response, I appreciate the time.
But it seems many of the links are no longer working.

I've been trying to get the 'small tools' MOD.
Seems all the links are broken for this mod.
Tried the modding forum, no luck.
Does anyone have them uploaded somewhere, with a good working link?

03-10-08, 05:40 PM
Marks can be deleted (just like all the drawn tools on the navigation map) with the eraser.

03-10-08, 05:57 PM
Yes PV....but the manual says you can 'edit' the marks, put in your own info notes...but you can't.

The tough question to answer :yep: ... is below;

I've been trying to get the 'small tools' MOD.
Seems all the links are broken for this mod.
Tried the modding forum, no luck.
Does anyone have them uploaded somewhere, with a good working link?

03-10-08, 06:37 PM
Here you go:


Do you have the add-on? Let me know if they work with it, if you please.

Monica Lewinsky
03-10-08, 06:46 PM
Haven't even patched it yet, can't stop playing this campaign.

Patch it and ask again. If you don't, we know your new name is Deep Throat Murphy.

03-10-08, 08:44 PM
Here you go:


Do you have the add-on? Let me know if they work with it, if you please.

No, I do not have the add on.....yet.

I haven't even patched the original, I just got the game. I have a dial-up connection and am waiting for a chance to get to another box with broadband, so I can d/l the patch. Wish I had the money for broadband, but I don't.

The link works fine, thank you Sir. I appreciate it. Great game, I love the manual targeting. I need the patch ;) .
It's going to be a long career....I can tell.
I spent a year sailing SHIII.

03-10-08, 09:05 PM
You're welcome and good hunting!

Slick Wilhelm
03-11-08, 12:16 PM
I have a couple of newbie questions, too:

1) I'm using TMO/ROW. My TBT seems to have only one magnification level. Is this working as designed, or is there a secret zoom control? It doesn't zoom in and out with my mouse wheel as the periscope does.

2) According to WernerSobe, he doesn't start the position keeper until he's already got the target course, speed and AOB already confirmed by doing multiple sightings/rangings. But I think I've seen others here who start the PK as soon as they identify the target in the recognition manual. Is there an agreed upon convention on when to activate the PK?

03-11-08, 12:39 PM
I think I can answer the first one.....there is only one level of 'zoom' and your at it when you are looking through the binoculars. No further 'zoom'. Unless there is a MOD for it somewhere.

I load everything in once, and then turn on the TDC and continue to update. Don't know what others do.

Good luck.


I believe the 'small tools' MOD causes a severe drop in my Frame Rates.
From 120-150 in the Nav screen to 30-40. And from 40 in outside view to 10-18.
And it keeps hanging up upon loading, asking for 'Radio_messages.dds' in my layout folder. Odd. May not be able to use it....unless it's corrected when you patch up to 1.4