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View Full Version : [TEC] need help with torp-speed mod

01-21-08, 01:22 PM

I want to make a mod wich alters the default torpedo speed setting.
Default the speed is set to low, i want to make a mod which changes this to default "high".
I think most people set there torp's to high speed, no?
Well, i do most of the time and with every attack i have a lot of clicking to do to change all the torpedo tubes.
And if you save the game, this isn't "remembered" by the game so if you load the last save you have to change the speed again...:shifty:
Can someone tell me if this is something which i have to change in the "Torpedoes_US.sim" or in "Dials.cfg"?
I tried to switch the values of "Speed 0" and "Speed 1":
But this results in a button which points to "low" and isn't movable anymore (it don't switch anymore between low and high i mean).
Strange because i only adjusted the speed settings, i don't have a clue why he button is stuck then, do you?
I also tried to play a bit with the values in Dials.cfg but this does not result in any noticeable change. Strange!

Any help is very much appreciated!!!


01-21-08, 02:47 PM
fvd, you sure do get about... :D

when you altered the speed did you set them to the same speed ie 46 knots?
or did you do speed 1, 46 and speed 2, 31? i think you may find that if you did the later you will only have one speed setting as speed 1 iirc must be slower than speed 2

and did you test it out when done? did you set up a test shot and measure time taken against a known distance to verify if the torp is now faster than before?

let me know what you get upto.. i know its a pain but i dont bother with the dial as i set each torp as i require it or think i may require it before i go in for attack and in some cases the slower speed setting to start with pays off :)

01-21-08, 03:09 PM
fvd, you sure do get about... :D

when you altered the speed did you set them to the same speed ie 46 knots?
or did you do speed 1, 46 and speed 2, 31? i think you may find that if you did the later you will only have one speed setting as speed 1 iirc must be slower than speed 2

and did you test it out when done? did you set up a test shot and measure time taken against a known distance to verify if the torp is now faster than before?

let me know what you get upto.. i know its a pain but i dont bother with the dial as i set each torp as i require it or think i may require it before i go in for attack and in some cases the slower speed setting to start with pays off :)

Like i said, i switched them, so there still were 2 different speeds.
Is it so that speed 0 has to be slower than speed 1?
BTW: what does this saying exactly means? "you sure do get about... "


01-21-08, 04:10 PM
Hi fvd,

I meant no offence by what i said, "you sure do get about" its just a saying as in you get everywhere and ask alot of questions... which it turns out is a good thing because its a forum and if you dont ask you dont get any replies and you dont learn from it :D

as for torpedo speed settings to fast as default, i think thats down to the values -45,45 in the dials.cfg file you mentioned. I havent tried it but there was a similar method on changing the default settings on contact from contact influence (or vice versa).

as for "Is it so that speed 0 has to be slower than speed 1?" yes i believe it must be or the tdc may go screwy.
could be completely wrong as i havent messed with it yet.

hope that helps

01-21-08, 04:28 PM
Hi fvd,

I meant no offence by what i said, "you sure do get about" its just a saying as in you get everywhere and ask alot of questions... which it turns out is a good thing because its a forum and if you dont ask you dont get any replies and you dont learn from it :D

as for torpedo speed settings to fast as default, i think thats down to the values -45,45 in the dials.cfg file you mentioned. I havent tried it but there was a similar method on changing the default settings on contact from contact influence (or vice versa).

as for "Is it so that speed 0 has to be slower than speed 1?" yes i believe it must be or the tdc may go screwy.
could be completely wrong as i havent messed with it yet.

hope that helps

No offence taken Taurolas, i just wasn't familiar with this saying ;)
And yes, you are right, i post a lot of questions, i really would like to learn to make a few mods.
And this mod has a long history, i've been posting questions about this for months now and it gets really frustrating not to get any usefull respons! (till now)
I mean; i'm sure this isn't impossible to make, many mods around here are far more difficult i suspect.
So there must be guys on this forum who can help me with this, let's face it: there's plenty of experience on this forum, that can't be the reason.
I know many of them have lot's of work with their own projects but a little help here and there isn't so much to ask?
And i still think it is a usefull mod.

No, i'm affraid changing the -45,45 in the dials.cfg don't help, i've tested this and strangely enough this has no influence at all...
But maybe i'm doing things wrong?


01-22-08, 07:18 AM
Hi fvd,

If i get any time to myself tonight i'll have a look at it.:hmm:
if you do make any mods and need a tester just let me know i'll be happy to try things out :up:

01-22-08, 12:51 PM
Thank you very much Taurolas!
Also for offering to test some things.
If it comes that far (first have to learn to mod remember ;) ) i'll certainly let you know!

Best regards,
fvd (hope to hear you soon :up: )

01-22-08, 04:03 PM
Hi fvd,

well i had a look and found i can set it to med speed as default however its running slow speed on the torp, there is another section for you to look at look in the dials.cfg for [Dial54]
when i get my original file back.. boy did i mess it up! ask me no questions and i'll tell you no lies... only that the missus sabotaged me :oops:

Just one other thing i found out while messing about... i set the dial to med by default and can also switch it to high, for some reason switching to low is eluding me, must give it more thought:hmm:

I also found that high setting can be linked to the second speed setting on the torp so its basically operating like low / med... this means the dial WORKS on HIGH! so there is scope for a 3 speed torp :)

no luck on getting the switch to operate backwards tho... had it low / fast, med / fast but no med / low :-?

01-23-08, 01:12 PM
Hi Taurolas,

Thank you for your effort! :up:
Ok, so we got a little bit farther with analyzing this file which is good news what so ever.
Now we can try to take the next step.


01-24-08, 07:25 AM

Can you send me your Dial,cfg file please so i can see what you've done regarding the med default and back to low setting, i didnt look at it last night (other things to do) but i would like to know how you managed to get it to operate backwards... i can possibly then make the correct torp speed setting operate with the right dial movement.

I'll then leave it to you (if we can confirm it works) to release it as a mod :up: