View Full Version : [REL] Reduced Map Contacts Information

04-29-07, 09:29 PM
*Edit: It turns out a mod was already in the works for this but I hadn't found it.

Thanks Observer.

Here's the link: http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=108998


I was using RUB when I was playing SH3 and the thing that I missed the most from it when I started playing SH4 was the mod that made all contacts on the map the same color. It really adds to immersion to have to actually see the flag on a ship before knowing if you can attack it.

So I ported it from RUB to SH4 and thought you guys might enjoy it.

Credits go to GouldJG, Observer and Beery for the original mod. (let me know if I forgot somebody)


- This mod has all contacts displayed on the map the same color regardless if they're Allied or Axis. You now have to visually identify the ships yourself.

- Contacts no longer have a "tail" revealing their true heading.

- Contacts on the map do not appear at high zoom factor.

- The sonar contacts have reduced precision for distance to the contacts.

I recommend installing it with JSGME.


04-29-07, 11:48 PM
Thanks, sounds like a great mod!!

Maybe you know how to do this. I want to turn off the contacts on the map but retain the sonar lines (with the decreased distance precision)? Any idea what files I need to change?

04-30-07, 12:14 AM


New version in the works to fix a few small errors if anyone is still interested.

EAF274 Johan
04-30-07, 01:40 AM
Just what I had been looking for! :up:

04-30-07, 02:46 AM
Nice idea, thank you alot !

Can you please tell me which files i need, to just not be able to see the "color" (friend or foe) of the contacts ? Because i would still like to be able to see the tail which shows the general course of the contacts.

Thanks for your efforts,

04-30-07, 03:36 AM
I was using RUB when I was playing SH3 and the thing that I missed the most from it when I started playing SH4 was the mod that made all contacts on the map the same color. It really adds to immersion to have to actually see the flag on a ship before knowing if you can attack it.
This feature was definitely needed in sh3, but using it in sh4 brings a question. Doesen't it ruin the idea of "Ultra-messages" to skippers, giving vital and many times amazingly accurate information about enemy shipping. Courses, speeds, noon-positions etc. Some skippers complained that the contact came "15 minutes too late", from what they were told.

If you have your opportunity and important radio contact ranges shorten in the contacts-cfg, you get lot less contacts on the map than with the original values. These "rarer" ones reflect quite nicely (IMO, better than not at all) the information that could be gathered via friendly forces and most importantly from Ultra.

Even though those contacts on the map with the tails and all information, are too regularily on the spot, it is better than not have them. For the obvious reasons, mainly cos it leaves the Ultra-codebreaking - a key element- information from the game.

04-30-07, 05:36 AM


New version in the works to fix a few small errors if anyone is still interested.

Sorry about that Observer. I hadn't found yours.

People, he's got the original mod so I'll leave you in his capable hands for this one!

Perhaps you sould make a [REL] thread to announce your mod and have it posted to the List of Mods thread: http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=108964

04-30-07, 06:01 AM
Thanks, sounds like a great mod!!

Maybe you know how to do this. I want to turn off the contacts on the map but retain the sonar lines (with the decreased distance precision)? Any idea what files I need to change?
OK what you need to do is take the mod (go download the one from Observer), and modify all the files in Data\Menu\Gui\Units\ and, with photoshop, erase what's in those pictures (.dds files) and keep only the transparency. Those files are the contacts symbols on the map. Take the rest of the mod (it already erases everything else) with your modified files and install that on your SH4. Leave the "No Map Contact" unchecked in the gameplay options.
You should be all set.