View Full Version : Good videos for mod research

04-20-07, 02:48 PM
Just like in Das Boot - German War Journalists did go to sea with at least a few U-boats... great videos here for Mod Research. I think some of these found their way into GWX :)


Seems as if it was regular practice to bring up 5 or 6 shells for the deck gun at a time... look how fast this expert crew can reload that deck gun when they have shells ready and on hand!


This video briefly shows a small puff of exhaust smoke as the diesels rev up to chase a sighted mast on the horizon [2:23 into the vid]

Also weapons officer assists in IDing the target [3:21 into the vid]

You can actually see the explosive concussion in the video at 3:42 when the torpedo impacts its target.


Insiders view of milk cow operations in this video with some Type IX action?

down and out
04-20-07, 03:21 PM
Love those propaganda newsreels

Not sure how accurate they are though

Re the Indian Ocean one in 44

Could find no uboat commander named Musee

The ship looks like its called Radames - was sank in 41 by U103 lol

04-20-07, 07:12 PM
It's not Musee - if you listen closely the name is something like Duse...