View Full Version : GWX 1.03 creaking sounds, sonar ping sound

04-16-07, 11:47 PM
First of all, GREAT job to GWX modders. At this stage, and probably for the next long while, SH3-GWX is a superior game to SH4:rock:

But I still have a nit-picky issue. I played GWX 1.02 for a while and was enthralled. BUt I found out about the patch to 1.03, and thought, well, better iron out any historical inaccuracies that still remain so I patched it. The thing is, it seems that with the patch, certain sounds were changed, and IMHO the new ones are not as good. For one, the sound of the boat creaking is now too loud, and too frequent. I don't think the boat should creak that much - i mean, we are in silent running. Maybe during changes in depth it should creak, while adapting to the new load, or perhaps at extreme depth it would creak very regularly. But at medium depth, and especially at a level depth, I imagine that the boat would be pretty silent.

Was the creaking sounds and/or creaking sound frequency changed with GWX 1.03 from 1.02? If so, any quick way that I can go back to the previous settings?

The other thing is the sound of the ASDIC ping. In 1.02, it was a loud and menacing PING! (perhaps taken from Das Boot?). Now it's a kind of innocuous 'ping', sort of like 'hi!', and it doesn't strike the same fear in my heart. So, i'd like to go back to the mean ping, in order to heighten my own stress level and immersion.

Was the 'PING!' changed to a 'ping.', with patch from 1.02 to 1.03? If so, is there an easy way to go back?

And again, GREAT MOD. SH3 RULES!


04-17-07, 12:40 AM
I got these that I actually dragged out of the mods forum today.
ICBM's Water Pressure Effects Mod (http://www.filefront.com/?filepath=/theofpfaq/sh3/SH3_Mod_ICBMsWaterPressureEffects.rar). Good creaks in there.

Also Reece's Improved Soundpack has a nice loud ping for the sonar. Theres actually a normal one in there and then a folder called "Louder".

Maybe someone who's still using 1.02 can get you the specific sound files you want.

04-17-07, 10:04 AM
Thanks P_Funk. I'm going to check these out.

The Munster
04-17-07, 01:00 PM
Would like to try the water pressure effects Mod but refuelling at Corrientes after raiding Freetown [funny seeing German Propaganda posters on the Harbour walls :rotfl: ].
Anyway, is it poss to add this now then return to St.Nazaire or wait ?!

04-17-07, 03:49 PM
IIRC sounds are usually okay to add mid patrol .....well I do anyway:up:

The Munster
04-18-07, 12:41 AM
Okay, here goes ..
blame you if my Computer explodes :rotfl: