View Full Version : [REQ] Brighter nights

04-06-07, 10:10 AM
I am having great difficulty seeing ANYTHING at nighttimes, even with a full moon above the horizon.

If you modguys can make something that makes nights a little bit brighter than the pitch black darkness im experiencing now i would love that!

Or, if it is actually a quite easy solution (havent the faintest idea about how to mod), somebody please point me out .(tried gamma on my monitor already to no avail)


04-06-07, 11:03 AM
Try gamma ingame , you can almost make it daytime if you want.


04-06-07, 12:11 PM
Try gamma ingame , you can almost make it daytime if you want.

Yes, gamma setting helps, but make clear all the scren.

It think so the better way is the same done into SH III, you must to change the sea surface and sky surface for night into the top left corner of the texture containing the sea and sky surfaces.

This makes more clear only the night sky and sea.

Look into :


For :


Those are the files containing the sea and sky night surfaces at the top left corner.

I didnt tryed it yet...

04-06-07, 12:12 PM
Welcome:up:, gamma should do it for you as Mun mentioned:yep:

04-06-07, 12:40 PM
Welcome:up:, gamma should do it for you as Mun mentioned:yep:

hehe I guess everyone missed the "already tried gamma" comment.

04-06-07, 12:41 PM
Welcome:up:, gamma should do it for you as Mun mentioned:yep:
hehe I guess everyone missed the "already tried gamma" comment.


04-06-07, 12:49 PM
Sorry to push a point but have you tried in-game gamma as apposed to monitor? monitor gamma on mine does squat but the game gamma is effective enoungh.

04-06-07, 12:54 PM
I posted one saying I thought the nights to bright, I was told to use the graphic "post" something and that did it, but as it was a hit on FR I took it back out.. But the to bright was on clear moonless nights, cloudy nights I could only just make out the tops of the masts and funnels of a Large Liner that was only 305meter off my bow.

But at least that was more like it ..

04-06-07, 04:01 PM
Here you have...


I realy feel bad Rizzo after gives you instructions to make the mod... i done it, as many other, the same for SH III, and it take to me much more time to make the readme than the mod... specially here into SH IV where those textures are uncompressed.

Enjoy... Red. :up:

04-06-07, 05:30 PM
hehe I guess everyone missed the "already tried gamma" comment.

Nope I've read the post several times and made out of it Monitor gamma , not ingame gamma ;)


04-07-07, 02:35 AM
Well, the monitor gamma didn't work too good for me aswell:hmm: as the in game gamma (bit better, but like somebody pointed out earlier: that brightens up everything)

Will try the other solution mentioned about the files to be adjusted

Thanks for all of your help guys!:up:

04-07-07, 06:36 AM
A word of thanks to Redwine here. Your file did the trick very nicely indeed!

It's a real must have! (if you are reading this because you want to have the nights a bit brighter) people!:up:

04-07-07, 08:19 AM
A word of thanks to Redwine here. Your file did the trick very nicely indeed!

It's a real must have! (if you are reading this because you want to have the nights a bit brighter) people!:up:

Nice to know you like it !! :up:

Any way you can edit it at your pleasure... if you manage some program like Photoshop, you can edit the top left corner square, to change the sky and sea surface at night.

This really do not make the night more clear, it depending of clouds, but make the sea and sky surface more clear so you can easy watch the enemy silouettes over that more clear background.


04-07-07, 08:29 AM
I think the more accurate would probably be to make the sky lighter and leave the sea darker (Like in early twilight moments). From what I've seen when at sea, the water can be darker even if the sky is not completely dark:hmm:

04-07-07, 09:17 AM
I think the more accurate would probably be to make the sky lighter and leave the sea darker (Like in early twilight moments). From what I've seen when at sea, the water can be darker even if the sky is not completely dark:hmm:
It can made and modified at pleasure Hitman... :up:

Blend the files then...

Use the modified Sky_pac.tga and use the NON modified (ORIGINAL) reflex_pac.tga ....


You can use the modified Sky_pac.tga from Level 2, and the modified reflex_pac.tga from Level 1.

Personally i like how looks the modified sea... after all it is a game, and enjoy graphics is an important point here... :up:

Saludos !

04-12-07, 08:51 AM
:) I use a program called 'Powerstrip' which allows you to change any of your video card display settings by using 'hot keys' while in the game. Works well with adjusting gamma settings in any increment you like.