View Full Version : [TEC] Questions on U.S. Navy ratings

03-28-07, 01:40 AM
As part of my updating of the menu.text file, I am changing the "Specialization" section of the crew profile to "Rating," which will reduce confusion and reflect the use of the rating system by the Navy. So far I've made the following changes:

-Guns > Gunner's Mate
-Torpedoes > Torpedoman's Mate
-Engines > Machinist's Mate
-Sensors > Sonar Technician (Not totally sure about this one)
-Watch > Seaman (or possibly Signalman?)

That leaves the Command speciality. Quartermaster, perhaps?

Opinions and insight would be much appreciated. Thanks!

03-28-07, 02:16 AM
Machinist's Mate - probably more MM's aboard than Enginemen.
Electrician's Mate

Quartermaster - helm and navigation
Yeoman - administration
Boatswain's Mate - deck, boats and rigging - not so much on a sub.
Fire Controlman - weapons controls
Sonarman - WW2 rate

There was a rate of Specialist's Mate U (Supervisor of WAVE quarters) but I fear that rate was not needed on subs.

03-28-07, 02:10 PM
Sonar Tech changed to Sonarman - thanks!

Thus remains the question about the Watch rating - which rating was most typical among watch crewmen?

03-28-07, 09:25 PM
Your really just specking of the lookouts, I believe. The lookouts would have been drawn from the most reliable topside junior ratings. The most common would be Gunners, then Quartemasters or rated Seamen.

03-28-07, 11:21 PM
Your really just specking of the lookouts, I believe. The lookouts would have been drawn from the most reliable topside junior ratings. The most common would be Gunners, then Quartemasters or rated Seamen.
