View Full Version : DW 1.04 patch on STEM

01-30-07, 09:51 AM
Just FYI, this is the answer I´ve just received from Steam tech support regarding the release date of the patch...



When the patch becomes available on STEAM the game will automatically update itself with the newest patch. Currently I do not have an exact date but it should not be too long in the future.
You cannot apply the box version's patch to the STEAM version.

Frying Tiger
02-06-07, 10:38 AM
I just posted this on the Sonalysts message boards, so I'm cross-posting it here too.

Update: We're working now with Valve to get 1.04 to Steam users. Valve is going to have to modify Steam, and that work is in progress with our help. I'll give you another update when I've got more info.
Thanks for your patience on this

We're working on it! (grin)