View Full Version : Bug [?] in GWX [?]

01-23-07, 08:52 AM
In my TC settings (by SH3 Commander) I have '0' when:
- ship spotted,
- plane spotted
so that when I come back from kitchen I find my boat still alive and kicking if they come across any enemy.

When they spot a plain and the weather is good, a window with 3 option appears and the game pauses. If I choose 'Dive to periscope depth' option, and then unpause the game (+[keypad]) the boat doesn't dive.

I think the reason is that the gae doesn't allow to give any orders when paused.

This post is just informative for the guys who could possibly fix the thing. If it's not possible, I'll live with it. :)

01-23-07, 09:25 AM
you can choose what you want via the JSCommmander
(or how that man is named i never remember)
and can adjust other compression limits as well, always served me well:D

01-23-07, 10:45 AM
SH3Commander :up: