View Full Version : Sh3 Commander + Sh3 Weather Gen + SH3Gen

10-29-06, 08:47 PM
Sh3 Commander + Sh3 Weather Gen + SHGen

How do your run yours?

My Launching Method:
1) I launch my first game (before patrol) using sh3 commander which launches the weather generator automatically and applies all the sh3 commander files and randomization of weather, etc.
2) then after I exit home port away from traffic I save my game.
3) I then Exit sh3 and run Sh3 Generator and apply the intel and mission objects to the saved game I just created.
4) I then reload into sh3 using the default executable of SH3 (instead of launching from sh3 commander)

Is this correct way to use sh3 gen? or can I launch sh3 commander each time I want to enter my sh3 gen written saved game? I want to allow the randomization of sh3 commander that changes my pinup girls etc but, I also dont want sh3 commander overwriting the stuff sh3 gen wrote to the save game.

Does anyone know if sh3 commander writes over sh3 generated objects, etc? or should I continue using my above method by launching my sh3 generated missions with just the default game executable instead of sh3 commander.

10-29-06, 09:00 PM
I launch using SH3 Commander.
SH3 Commander launches Sh3 Weather
Exit Home Port and save game.
I only go back to the SH3 Main Menu and don't exit the game.
I alt-tab to Windows, run SH3 Gen go back to SH3 and then reload my game.

Works fine for me.

10-29-06, 09:07 PM
but, do you use sh3 commander everytime you enter your future games for that patrol? I know how to run sh3 gen......I just dont know if its ok to use sh3 commander after you run sh3 gen for the patrol you write to......say your intel is set and ships are placed for the saved game...does sh3 commander rewrite stuff sh3 gen just put in when I launch my game using sh3 commander?

10-29-06, 09:10 PM
but, do you use sh3 commander everytime you enter your future games for that patrol?

Yes, except for the time after running SH3 Gen I always start using SH3 Commander and the intel is always there.

10-29-06, 09:27 PM
but, do you use sh3 commander everytime you enter your future games for that patrol? I know how to run sh3 gen......I just dont know if its ok to use sh3 commander after you run sh3 gen for the patrol you write to......say your intel is set and ships are placed for the saved game...does sh3 commander rewrite stuff sh3 gen just put in when I launch my game using sh3 commander?

It's fine to relaunch through Commander after running SH3Gen. Nothing gets overwritten.


10-30-06, 12:15 AM
Just have to run SH3 Gen for every patrol though, it doesn't automatically do it for each new patrol. I refuse to do a patrol without SH3 Gen though, it's a great program.

11-18-06, 04:49 PM
maybe the next release of SH3 Gen can make it so that you don't have to go through the awful process each time and a joy to use as the program is great.

11-19-06, 08:00 AM
maybe the next release of SH3 Gen can make it so that you don't have to go through the awful process each time and a joy to use as the program is great.

I understand, but that's simply impossible. Sh3Gen writes new info into a savegame, which of course it can only do if the savegame exists. So the earliest point of time for using Sh3Gen is when you have written the first savegame (i.e. after the start of your patrol), and you have to repeat this for the next patrol, and the next, etc. Unfortunately ..

Jan Kyster
11-19-06, 08:07 AM
*cough*melt them together*cough*


__________________________________________________ ______

Since this leads to an upset headbanging.... What I ment, was just: "Wouldn't it be cool, if all three was one program?"

I was on my third (yes, I know) patrol through Kieler Kanal, had saved and escaped out of SHIII to use ShGen (like described in post 1), when I felt unsecure if it was the "correct" provedure. Went to the forum and lo and behold! Very first thread was this one! - and everything is answered, so I left my wish of having the 3 programs melted together in one.

Sorry, GE.

Note to self: enjoy the fantastic sim, the mindblowing mods, the invaluable utilities and this great board, but for freakin's sake: stop posting!

11-19-06, 08:17 AM
*cough*melt them together*cough*

