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Old 09-21-23, 07:53 AM   #121
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One of my favorite salads is wilted lettuce. A head of lettuce, chopped bacon, onion, and a little heavy cream, vinegar, and bacon grease. After watching the last video I don’t feel guilty now for enjoying it so much.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

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Old 09-21-23, 08:56 AM   #122
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
One of my favorite salads is wilted lettuce. A head of lettuce, chopped bacon, onion, and a little heavy cream, vinegar, and bacon grease. After watching the last video I don’t feel guilty now for enjoying it so much.
Leave out the lettuce and it becomes really healthy!

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Old 09-21-23, 09:10 AM   #123
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What, no lettuce? I gotta have my rabbit food.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

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Old 09-21-23, 09:10 AM   #124
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However, if going carnivore or Keto, of course you can exaggerate the total ammount of fats you consume. You tend to eat more fat in the conversion phase at the begining when you teach your body to remember what ketosis is or that fat actually can be used as a source of energy - most organs and tissues in the body DO NOT need carbs for energy production, only a very few, a very very few need glucose indeed (and its not the brain). That little glucose needed then can be provided by the liver, it must not be eaten, so: still no carbs needed.

After this phase, you gotta cut down on the fat bombs a bit, else - you gain in weight while believing you eat healthy and all that fat is good for you. It is, but evertyhing can be exaggerated. You then can for example start to cut back on the additional fat you maybe put on top of that fatty piece of juicy fish or steak, and maybe you do not want anymore to put that extra large dose of cream into your coffee, and add that extra slice of fatty cheese. However, I would always make sure the meat I buy is fatty, not lean (thats why I do not buy filet). Eat when you have appetite and are slightly hungry, the hunger is what is to be avoided, and when the feeling is good again nd the food does not taste as delicous anymore as at the beginning of your eating, this is probably a good opportunity to simply stop eating. Natural, eh?

Keep things simple, dont overdo the clever food managment. Have some simple prinicples reflecting the idea of it all, and these rules then follow. Just cut extremely short the carbs, always, and avoid industry oils and fats. Nobody needs carbs, really nobody. We lived for most of our species' existence without carbs. We are made for not needing carbs. They damage us. That simple.

The more urgent your doc insists you should eat carbs a bit and fruits and veggies and cereals, the more urgent it is that you leave him behind and find a better one. Dont try to convince him or her or try to fight, just do not come back once you have left on your last visit. He either cannot know it better since he did not grow beyond what the industry-lobbied curriculum at university told him, or the industry has him in its pockets.

Day 11 of my Carnivore experiment. I love it! I must acept longer ways to get the meat I need and want, some supermarkets do not even offer meat in pieces anymore, only ground beef and pork.

Yesterday, I got a little weak and made rum in the fidge by - eating a Turkish flatbread. I roated it. I put my beloved nougatcreme on it, piece by piece I bit it off and enjoyed the atste and chew on it - and then spit it out. Serious. The chemical taste signals of sweetness may have triggered an insuline reaction nevertheless, but I expect it to be lower and also the bad fliur and carbs do not end up in my stocmach. What is not there, cannot be metabolized.

I do not plan to repeat this, I wanted to clear some room and did not want to throw it away "unenjoyed".

However, in egenerla ma sweet tooth has become smaller. When it calls for sugar, it gets some salt instead. The appetite for other things I like, pasta, pizza, is surprisngly low now, is declining. I observed that already two years ago when I was on keto for the better part of that year. I must, however, really cut back on that new beer, Grevensteiner. Its a heavier, naturally cloudy, very delicous landbeer, dark and "full". I am still too scared to check for the carbs content, but I am certain even one bottle is off limits. That summer is over and temps drop a bit will help me.

BTW, my weight is in free fall. And I suffered just one day from what could have been "keto flu".

Dammit, this is a Borg weapon! Resistence is futile.
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Old 09-21-23, 09:34 AM   #125
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
What, no lettuce? I gotta have my rabbit food.
Sure, go ahead, eat your rabbit.
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Last edited by Skybird; 09-21-23 at 02:54 PM.
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Old 09-22-23, 05:12 AM   #126
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^ ^ Reminds me of this caféteria feeding experiment

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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Old 09-22-23, 06:00 AM   #127
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Vitamin C, the elephant in the room

On this topic, corrupt politicians and industry lobbyists have been united in eternal coitus for many decades. There would be so much to report, maybe I will write a longer essay just about it, but that would be a full-length task. Everything that proves the effectiveness of vitamin C, in literally thousands and tens of thousands of studies and many individual case reports, is mercilessly suppressed, hushed up and ignored by pharmaindustry and politics and conventional medicine. We know many, many cases, in which a hospital preferred to let a patient die, although his relatives demanded a high-dose vitamin C therapy, and it was refused, while elsewhere patients with comparable symptoms received just that vitamin C intravenously in high dose and practically within hours, sometimes within a few days completely healed. After two such demonstrations in New Zealand in 2010 or 2012, the FDA in the USA banned the use of the corresponding Vitamin C preparation, and shortly thereafter the ban on even producing it followed. The pharmaceutical lobby obtained a ban on the sale of vitamin C in the USA (i.e. what the EU is now planning for ALL vitamin and mineral supplements, and especially for vitamin C and D), I believe sometime in the early 1980s, but there was so much resistance to this that the ban was overturned and instead a federal law was established which prohibits such bans and incentives. Since then, three dozen or more lawsuits have been filed by the pharmaceutical industry, and with the help of corrupt Congressmen and corrupt Senators, initiatives have been introduced to overturn this law and instead ban vitamin sales in the U.S. (as well as Australia banning the sale of boron shortly after a doctor demonstrated that this dirt-cheap commonplace remedy massively improved patients' bone health in conjunction with calcium metabolism, vitamin D and K2).

It is an inhuman crime, which goes not metaphorically but literally over corpses. These machinations kill tens and hundreds of thousands every year and plunge millions into illness, suffering, pain and financial ruin, not to mention the shortening of life spans.

A crime against mankind. A crime against humanity. Murderous profit greed. And a huge conspiracy to hide it from the people. Brainwashed doctors (university curriculae), hospitals (business interests), politicians (cluelessness and corruption) and pharma lobbyists (corruption), they all sleep in the same bed together.

Studies are available, as with vitamin D. Tens of thousands of them. This is all known for decades - and it is mercilessly held under seal and lock, is concealed. The profit interests of the pharmaceutical industry are above everything, above everything in the world. And above everyone.

Introducing two videos with Thomas E. Levy, one of the world's most prominent vitamin C researchers (who was sanctioned by the government during Covid for curing Covid patients with a successful vitamin C-based treatment approach and foregoing the expensive drugs of the industry - that's just not right!) Two of his books are entitled "Primal Panacea" and "Curing the Uncurable", and are both available in German. Reading them is hard to bear, because you get a hint of the true extent of the crime that corrupt governments and the pharmaceutical industry are committing against all of us. Levy paid the orice for his convictions, has been massively attacked and ridiculed. He refused to fall silent.

This gives a deep insight into the biochemistry behind the function of vitamin C and why it is so omnipotential. Considering that this is quite theoretical and , well, biochemistry, it does a good job to explain all this in an accessible format that the layman can understand. And boy, is that awesome stuff. Incredible!

The guts has a limited tolerance for Vitamin C in most of its formats, we have lost to make vitamin C in our bodies, but we ionc ehad this aibliy, like many mammals and boirds still can. They use to spike their production in case of illness or injury by two digit factors and produce up to 20, 30 grams (!) per day then. Humans should have minimum 6 grams (!) on a day in their blood, but achievign that with food or supplements is practically impossible, thats why in case of emergency interventions injection is the method of choice (but almost abnned in many hposital and Er rooms, and if not then the vitamin C is not available there). Humans suffered form a genetic accident there that depleted them of the ability to form it in our bodies liek so many other mammals can.

I used to have one knife-tip of ascorbin acid rhwn I studied and later on, that was the dose I could tolerate without needing to hurry to the restroom, however, when i got the flu, a virus infection or something, that toolerate dose wen tup to up to a third of the usual cans they sell ascorbinacid in and that contain susally 100gr ! Means where I usually tolarted maybe 2gr or so, I suddenly tolerated up to 30 gr or so. Now does this tell a message...?!

However,m we canhelp our intestines by using liospmal vitmain C. This is Vitmain C "packed" into a lipid that helps it to freely travel throuzgh the gut'S walls and the bloodvessels and the into the cells. It reduces tolerance obstacles by factors and drmataivc laly raises the amount of vitamin C available to the body. Levy writes in Primnal Panacea this: that 1000 mgr of liposomal Vitamine C translates into 3000-4000 mgr usual ascorbinacid powder, 2000 mgr liposomal Vit C is like 8000 to 10000 mgr of powder, and 3000 mgr liposomal vit C is like 12000 to 18000 mgr of powder.

I have three such capsules per day. Like Linus Pauling, who by now is fully rehabilitated after they they tried to destroy his reputation, he also took 18000, but that wa snot my orientation. Its best to distribute any consumption of Vit C in any form over severla small doses over the day.

I word of respect and praise and thanks to every doctor out there who resists to all this!

You want to eat healthy regarding Vit C ? Forget it, you cannot, you only get a tiny tiny fraction of what the optimal dose for you per day would be. Mind you, we lost the ability to make Vit C in our bodies, but that is describe dot have been a geneticla "accident", no evolutinary design. It should not be like it is now. Now we have to live with this loss.

In my experience, all doctors I ever were to in all my life and to whom I mentioned Vitamin C were completely ignorrant to Vitamin C and just mildy smiled. Condescension pure. I'm very angry about this arrogance. Even my dentist who is Vitamin-D friendly - does not want to hear anything about Vitmain C. Its hilarious - and at the people's (dramatic) health cost.

When the doc tells you we need studies first and we do not know - he either is lying, or he is uneducated. We have the studies. Thousands and thousands. Since decades. We do know. Its just that he does not know - or pretends to not know. Get another doctor. We do not need to wait for further evidence, its all there, since a very long time.

I really fear what the EU together with pharma lobby and the Greens wants to do in bans on all these vitamine supplements. I fear the worst. We will know in 3-5 years. The Greens are in it becasue their ideological bias, health shall only come from eating green leaves and being vegan, and using homeopathics. They claim to fight against the hiuge profit interests of the supplement pricuers, but what huhge profits in Europoe at least, Germany? If there were huge profits in it, the pharma industry already would have hijacked the market completely. But you cannot - yet - establish copyrights on nutrients, there are no price fixings and thus no huge profit margins possible.
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Old 09-22-23, 03:54 PM   #128
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The Health Industry lies to you

10 Minutes.

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Old 09-22-23, 04:12 PM   #129
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My Motto:

"It's not the question about how long you have lived, but how you have lived"


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Old 09-22-23, 04:21 PM   #130
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Mine too, somewhat. However, genetically we are hardwired to have a life expectancy of - 120 - one two zero - years.



Day 12 of my carniovore experiment. More and more I no longer want a breakfast of eggs and cheese and bacon anymore, just coffee and some cream. I use to have that at 11 or 12 a.m. The warm meal of the day is around 7 p.m. Always a steak, and then some changing addings like patties, chicken breast, today it was a pan of ground beef with gyros seasoning. Carnivore is becoming a habit, and I truly enjoy it this way. Its a subjective statement so you must not believe it, but it seems to me that this new diet regiment also feeds back on my mental state, I seem to get calmer, more grounded, my blood pressure drops a bit further. Former playful interests moved into the backgroudn, I feel more desire and the energy for learning new stuff. I read books all day long if I do not go out and kwiggle like a crazy. Strangely, absolutely no interest in my beloved nougat. I also stopped sweetening yogurt and coffee (mildy). Weight drops, slowly, but apparently constantly, I try to count out simple days-to-day changes in the water metabolism.

And the taste of beef does not get boring. But I want to start experimenting with more - compliant - toppings to add some variety there. My beloved Ketjap Manis unfortunately is a No Go due to its high sugar content. The gyros spice was a good idea. Will mix that with cream next time.

I feel stronger, though I am certain that physically I am not, I feel (even ore) self-relient, I think its more a changed attitude of mine. This all may transform from a diet into a lifestyle. And maybe that is good. I'll see.

At next full moon I plan to test the new wings that grow on my back, and I am increasingly attracted by night activities. I also noticed that my teeth and nails are growing. I feel they want to be brought to adequate use.
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Old 09-22-23, 04:31 PM   #131
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It would be an equation no one can solve

Does a person live longer, if this person is happy and eat what s/he like most ?
Does a person live longer, if this person eat healthy food ?

Of course if a person live on fast food every day-Their life would be very short.

I say it is a balance of what you eat. I eat fast food-Mostly Pommers every 3-4 month apart.


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Old 09-22-23, 05:00 PM   #132
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The only questions are two:
does one live an enjoyable life while one lives; and

does one have the cognitive and physical fitness to care for oneself, still.

And in the end, that again is just one question. My goal is to live autonomous and more enjoyably than sad or angry, that is what that health trip of mine is about. I am not about extending life, but extending life quality and health.

That is also due to past serious and mysterious, never correctly diagnosed health issues I once had with my neural system that caused severe pain attacks and apparent neural degeneration for which they had no answer and idea. I usually do not talk about this. I never got a fitting diagnosis. I lived for many years with the expectancy that I would not reach statistical average life expectancy of white males, and they told me that at the time and day I now write this I maybe already would not even be here anymore.

Maybe I will die earlier than others, nobody knows what happens next. Point is I have none of this neurological problems anymore, and I do not think about it anymore. Maybe 100% happiness is more than just the absence of pain and misery, but the absence of these two in itself nevertheless is a big Go-go!

This is also part of the explanation for why my trust in doctors is so limited.
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Old 09-23-23, 05:15 AM   #133
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
WHO censorship more and more gets enforced, deviating, well founded arguments get increasingly suppressed. Since some months already I got the impression that videos on the health and diet topics I am interested in, disappear, go amiss. John Campbell got warned and censored by YouTube already, and now this guy shares his fate.
The industrial political profit complex has started to carry out its threats against the health and wellbeing of people. And the EU and the US currently work on the legal groundwork to ban all alternatives to pharmaceutical heavy drugs to prevent people from escaping from the profit grindig of the pharmaceutical industry that has obviously many many decision makers in its pockets. At all our cost in health and life expectancy.

In this context listen in again what the man tells about this BS scoring system done at Taft University where he graduated. It's oscene. They put the nutritional value of kellogs fruit loops over eggs and meat. At 00:01:30. I mentiion this exmaple becasue ti shows especially obviously where the jopurney is going. When people's health is up agaunst priofiut itnerests, people loose, when it is up to the profiteers to decide. I also remind of the piece in the March edition 2022 of the BMJ which I have linked several times since then in the Wuhan thread, "The illusion of evidence based medicine."

They want you sick to buy their crap drugs and dirt as food. All this is intentional, the lies on "healthy" carbs and harmless drugs and censorship of internet to prevent people getting the information and the banning of real food and real cures. They want you sick, weak, helpless and servile - and then throw you into the grinder to make as much coins of you as they can.
When you poison people, push them inti desease and illness by the many millions, cause costs for the common wealth in the range of three digit billions, counting all secondary and follow on costs as well, and bring people to a drastic shortening of their life expectancy, then this simply is mass poisoning and mass murder, plain and simple.
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Old 09-23-23, 06:55 AM   #134
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Einkorn, an old wheat strain: 14 chromosomes. Modern wheat: 42 chromosomes, plus artifically increased loads of plant-inherent pesticides an d phytines. Go figure why people react with bowel problems, autoimmune and chronic desease to it. Our guts simply is not made to digest this, and it still has not figuredout how todo it. Will take us some more tens if not hundreds of thousands of years.

The to-go-to book on grain and wheat deseases is this. The author teached in Mainz and Harvard, runs wordwide uniqpe special ambulance for just these in both places, and is seen as one of the globally leding top experts on the matter. For laymen the book is a bit demanding at times, but it can be done, also, it does not compare to a Tolstoi novel in size. I read it two times in a row, however, to complete my understanding of it.
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Last edited by Skybird; 09-23-23 at 07:07 AM.
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Old 09-23-23, 02:40 PM   #135
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I did not know that Kellogs was memeber of the adventist church, promoted the garden-of-eden diet and from that fundament had veganism starting into the world. Religion was not on my mind when thinking about food problems today. I should have known it better, hostile that I am to rligion anyway.

They tried to silence this guy, they investigated and tried to persecute him. Thankfully he is a damn bloody stubborn guy. We need desperately more fighters of his stubborness.
About the hidden underhanded influences that are brought upon us by the Industrie. And only because Mr. Kellogs was member of a fricking relgious cult. [strahlkotzen ein, unbegrenzt]
From 00:15:30 on, its a crime story, and if you think of it, its frightening.

if not to say: terifying. This cult practically ownsa the cereal and soy industry of the world, and thinks that if all man has becom vegan this will then cause Christ' return.

We are in a very deep heap of global poo. Religous crusaders joining arms with proft -greedy predators. I did not know this background of all this, and who does anyway. I am in shock. Kellogs, you freaking idiot shall be cursed for all times to come.

Whenever I run into cultist religion, it ends ugly, just every single damn time.

Day 13, the Steak with normal cream plus Dill and Gyros spice. It was all melting on my tongue - A revelation!
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Last edited by Skybird; 09-23-23 at 04:01 PM.
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