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Old 07-23-07, 05:37 AM   #976
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Originally Posted by Sulikate
These are some of my latest screens (edited in Ps)

Great shot
Looks very realistic..

This forum is not the same without you Dave.. we'll miss you buddy
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Old 07-23-07, 08:00 AM   #977
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Mid '43...

During an attack on a small convoy with four escorting DDs off New Britain, I got a quite a few good shots off from periscope depth - took out one Shiratsuyu DD with a "down the throat" shot as it charged through the convoy at me after I killed two merchies and killed another two other DDs as they stopped to avoid collisions amongst the fleeing Marus! Diving to avoid the last DD, my boat took a DC pounding and suffered flooding casualty in the forward Torpedo Room and the Control Room and nearly went to the bottom...

The Damage Control team fought like hell to stop the flooding and save the boat...

...but it still looked like the flooding was going to win so I gave the order for an Emergency Surface near what appeared to be the edge of the convoy...prepared to man all guns to fight it out on the surface with the last DD and the armed Marus!

Came up 200 yards ahead and 25 degrees off the starboard bow of the last Shiratsuyu DD and with our boat's stern pointing straight at the Jap DD. The 4" forward was masked by the conning towerso it was up to the twin 20mm aft. I personally manned the light AA gun and as the forward Jap 5" fired (high!) and the one of the starboard 25mm mounts (the one forward of the bridge but behind the bow 5" turret) opened up, I let fly with a torrent of 20mm AP. A few 25mm rounds smacked into the aft deck of the boat so as the range was closing rapidly and the 25's fire a lot faster than the 5", I let the starboard 25mm mount have a good long burst...and it vapourised! Thinking the port 25mm mount was now unmasked, I gave it a serve...same result. Feeling pretty good but with the threat of the main armament still hanging over us (literally), I aimed straight at the bow 5" mount and just kept firing. Flame began to pour out of the top of the turret, then a small secondary explosion and a few seconds later the whole DD blew up! Still had around 30 rounds in the 20mm mag too...

Having taken some damage and with the flooding still being dealt, we headed away from the convoy to do some repairs but came back after nightfall (by jingo, radar's a handy thing!) and finished off 4 of the remaining 5 merchies...

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Old 07-23-07, 09:29 AM   #978
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Se flutua e não fala quack, afunde-o!

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Old 07-23-07, 09:37 AM   #979
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Copied from my post over on the Ubisoft forums;

Well, I had one heck of a mission last night!

We got assigned to patrol the Celebes Sea (again) and after repair and refit, the USS Salmon headed out.

Ran across two solitary merchants on the way up the Borneo straight, sank both with gunfire.

Got intel on a large task force moving through the straight, and a despite best efforts, bad weather and positioning kept me from an intercept. That task force was really hauling!

Ran across one small coastal merchant (literally) at night in heavy fog. Merchie was armed with 20mm, boat submerged and went for a torpedo attack. Sank the merchie with a single torpedo hit.

With plenty of fish, I arrived at the patrol zone and motored around for the better part of two days. Nothing. Not a single ship sighting.
Headed north for a bit. Ditto. Not a single ship nor sonar contact.

Getting kind of disgusted, I headed back twoards the Borneo straight, since I KNEW there was shipping there. Set course for the straight, and just as we were clearing the ring of islands around the Celebes, ran smack into a HUGE convoy!

Apparently my watch crew were busy taking a snooze, because I literally drove into the side of the convoy before we saw it! Once crash dive later, and we snuck back up to scope depth to take a peek. There were at least a dozen or more merchant contacts and only a few warship contacts in sonar. Visibility was VERY poor, it was early evening and there were rain squalls rolling through, but even with that, I could see eight merchants and a Kuma class CL right smack in front of me, dead center in the convoy. No destroyers or other escorts in sight. Seas were fairly flat.

The convoy was doing about 4knts, so after juggling some numbers, I started lining up targets. Two fish fired at the Kuma, slow speed, two fish into a large old tanker, also slow speed, and then I ordered rudder hard over and started trying to line up shots with the stern tubes.

Kuma took both fish, solid hits. One right under the number two turret, one dead amidships. Several secondary explosions and the Kuma sank like a rock.

Both fish connected with the tanker HUGE explosion! Massive fires all over the tanker, but she stayed afloat, but rapidly taking on water.

Unlike 1.2, post 1.3, the effect of the two ships being hit was like kicking over an ant hill! Merchants scattered everywhere, and I gave up trying to get the stern tubes to bear. The merchants direction coupled with the poor visibility was making targeting impossible.

I dove deep and headed right into the convoy. I stayed deep and ran about 4 knots trying to keep up with the convoy while reloading. At 250ft, I had no sonar pings or any other indication that the escorts knew where I was.

Looking at the plot, it seemed I was getting ahead of the convoy, so I killed the engines and drifted, listening for escorts and trying to get an idea where the convoy was heading. Seems like it was a mess upstairs, ships were going in all directions, according to sonar.

After the bow tubes finished reloading, I rigged for silent and crept back up to the surface. Visibility was still garbage, and the seas were picking up, but I could see two composite freighters north of me, along with an escort, and six merchants to the north east, all jumbled together. Nothing to the south or west.

Apparently, in all the running around, a couple of ships had collided, and there was a snarl of three smaller ships all in one clump, and three others maneuvering around them. All six of the merchants to the NE were all stop or making 2 knots, so I figured this was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

All four bow tubes were fired at a range of 2400 yards, all slow. Two at 10 feet depth, two for keel shots. Had one torp detonate premature about 500 yards out, other three fish ran to target. One solid contact hit on a small split merchant, which immediately caught fire and began to list badly. 1st keel torp ran deep and failed to detonate. 2nd keel torp ran straight and true and detonated under a composite merchant. Two large secondary explosions were seen, and the ship broke in two.

Then I got stupid!

Instead of shooting and scooting, I got greedy. I still had four merchants sitting right in front of me, and I went to line up stern tubes and go for broke.

Really bad idea!

This time, someone spotted my scope, and four VERY irate escorts came charging in at flank speed. I figured this out when one of them obligingly whanged a shell off of the scope! Crash dive time!

Went deep, turned into the two coming at me from the north (the closest ones) to minimize my profile and went deep. Didnt help. These guys had me cold apparently and they depth charged the hell out of me on the way down.

Major damage to the scopes, hydrophones, batteries, and flooding in the diesel engines and stern torpedo room. Started trying to level out the boat, no go, she is sinking like a rock. All ahead flank, and emergency blow! Damage control jumps on the flooding.

200.... 250... 300...350...375...

Slowly the boat starts crawling back up.

Takes almost 30 minutes, but with the engines going all out, the boat hits the surface! Success!

Except were are dead smack in the middle of the convoy!

The crew tumbles topside, and I can hear alarms going off like crazy in the convoy. Visibility is still garbage, but almost immediately I hear shots bouncing off our hull. There is a small coastal almost dead ahead of us, and he is armed with a 20mm and he is doing his dead level best to sweep our decks.

Two of the watch crew are hit and wounded, and our deck gun is to the rear and cant bear on him. I order a course change and swing the deck gun all the way around. As soon as the gun comes to bear, I start slamming rounds into the coastal. This gunfight is definitely not going his way, with his one 20mm coming up short against our 4". Four shots later and he is burning amidships and to the stern, and the 20mm falls slient.

The destroyers are reversing course and making a beeline for my position, so we turn sharply to keep a large composite between us and the destroyers, but we are in big trouble! As we pull alongside the composite, another freighter opens up on us with a naval gun. He nails us good, and another watch crew goes down, along with damage to the conning tower.

The deck gun swings back into action. I can barely make out the offending ship, but he is far enough away that I can get a good drop on his hull. We slammed several shots into his stern deck to suppress or kill the deck gun, and follow up with five shots along the waterline. She starts going down noticeably at the bow and listing.

In the meantime, I can see splashes to our bow and stern and it sounds like the freighter I am hiding behind is getting the hell beat out of it by the converging destroyers. Sure enough, 30 seconds later and the composite starts smoking and small fires start to break out on deck, caused by friendly fire from her own escorts!

Time for us to go!

Hard to port and running at flank, we break for the listing composite I shot up earlier. I can see another coastal, and a small tanker trying to make their way around the listing larger ship. Figuring I wasnt going to get a better opportunity, I jump to the torpedo surface mount and line up a quick shot for each of them. First shot on the coastal is a dud, first shot on the tanker is a solid hit and she bursts into flame and smoke. Follow up shot on the coastal is a clean miss, and I hold the last bow tube just in case.

Spinning around, I can see one of the destroyers trying to come around the big composite they have been shooting up. I finally get to fire the stern tubes and put two fish into the DD. She goes up in a fireball, but not before she slams a couple of rounds into the sub, knocking out the electric engines and damaging the dive planes.

Roaring past the listing freighter from earlier, I send a fish into the friendly fire merchie, and one into the listing one. The big composite takes a solid hit, and I get an "Enemy Destroyed" message almost immediately, but I cant see any real effect on the ship, and she continues to sit dead level and moving slowly. O_o

We turn to North East and start to run back along the path of the convoy. Shots start slamming into the sub, and more messages about flooding and damage. Hydrophones are out, AA gun is damaged, bow planes damaged, more flooding and I cant see who the hell is shooting me!

We run past another merchant, who gallantly takes a couple of rounds for us, and I use the opportunity to slam a few more shells from the deck gun into the listing composite.

Then I see the destroyer who has been shooting me up swing past the clump of ships behind me. Switching to AP rounds, I start trading shots with the destroyer, NOT a position I care to be in!

The destroyer slams shots into the sub, and my bow planes are gone, more damage to the batteries and several crew are injured. There are a whole lot of big nasty holes in the sub!

Our shots are a lot more accurate, and the bow of the DD gets peppered repeatedly. I get solid hits to the bow, the front turret, and the bridge. Gunfire from the front turret stops, but the DD continues to close, and I slam more shots into her.

After a good solid twenty rounds of AP, the destroyer heaves to port, starts smoking and goes dead in the water. The USS Salmon isnt in much better shape!

Visibility is getting worse as night falls, but we run flat out away from the convoy. I can hear depth charges going off and I can see flashes from behind me. Once again, as I clear the rear of the convoy, one of the merchants opens up on me with a stern mounted gun. I am getting rather sick of armed merchantmen an this point!

Yet another gun duel breaks out and the merchant manages to nail the diesel engines and the deck gun, damaging the former and knocking out the latter. I line up and fire the one stern tube the crew has managed to reload, and the merchant takes a solid hit and starts to burn. She continues to shoot, and I take more hits, but no more systems are knocked out.

I have no idea what the other two DD's are up to, but I am not complaining. I manage to limp the boat away from the convoy, and in the darkness and bad visibility, we slip away.

After a few hours, most of the damage is repaired, but the hull is swiss cheese, my dive planes are gone, the electric engines are gone, the periscopes are gone, as is the hydrophone. I have a few dead crew (I think) and several injured. I have never seen any boat this shotup before, and I am making REALLY poor speed due to all the damage. Diving is right out of the question, and since it looks like its going to take a while to crawl home, I saved the game and called it a night!
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Old 07-23-07, 12:51 PM   #980
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Great screens all!

FooFighters: great skins ... as I said in the "S Class Skin" thread - OUTSTANDING! I really like the decking and con tower textures. Keep up the good work. I know how hard it is ... and how easy it is to get burned out after time.
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Old 07-23-07, 12:53 PM   #981
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Originally Posted by clayman
Great screens all!

FooFighters: great skins ... as I said in the "S Class Skin" thread - OUTSTANDING! I really like the decking and con tower textures. Keep up the good work. I know how hard it is ... and how easy it is to get burned out after time.
Thanks mate.. I am still trying to do them all..
I'm still on track. Tambor/Gar is next.
Then only Porpoise and Sargo.

This forum is not the same without you Dave.. we'll miss you buddy
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Old 07-23-07, 06:07 PM   #982
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USS Balao meeting with the resupply ship near Johnston Atoll


First Patrol Of U-21 Part 1:
First Patrol Of U-21 Part 2:
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Old 07-23-07, 06:52 PM   #983
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The dreaded Akikaze explodes in a fireball and settles by the stern.

Bungo pete's Akikaze slides stern first beneath the waves.
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Old 07-23-07, 06:59 PM   #984
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Ducimus, I know it's your own creation, but how on earth did you get that MFSOB in the first place.

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Old 07-23-07, 07:15 PM   #985
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Stay out of his active sonar cone, and be very quiet. Or in game terms, i made a 3800 yard shot fan shot of 4 fish on a 90 degree track.. 2 misses, and 2 hits. The single mission is EASY because he travels in a straight line and isnt patrollling. Could i take him out in a campaign game? I'd have to roll the dice on that one. A down the throat shot on him once he's aware of you is damn near impossible. You have to chatch him unaware.
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Old 07-23-07, 08:06 PM   #986
Sir Big Jugs
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Ducimus, do you use mods, and if so, what???
That water is tasty!!! I've never seen anything like it!
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Old 07-23-07, 09:23 PM   #987
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Originally Posted by Sir Big Jugs
Ducimus, do you use mods, and if so, what???
Do i use mods? What are mods? How do you use mods? who can use mods? errrr I have no idea what your talking about.
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Old 07-23-07, 09:27 PM   #988
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Originally Posted by Ducimus
Originally Posted by Sir Big Jugs
Ducimus, do you use mods, and if so, what???
Do i use mods? What are mods? How do you use mods? who can use mods? errrr I have no idea what your talking about.
Got it and installed with JSGME, still not like that though.
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Old 07-23-07, 10:21 PM   #989
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In some of the pics on this thread I see people seem to be moving around the interior of the sub seeing things I have never seen.Also pics of the crew in places and things I have never seen.How is this done?

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Old 07-23-07, 10:23 PM   #990
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Originally Posted by clayp
In some of the pics on this thread I see people seem to be moving around the interior of the sub seeing things I have never seen.Also pics of the crew in places and things I have never seen.How is this done?
While inside the sub, press Shift+F2.
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