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Old 09-23-23, 06:55 PM   #136
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I can just highly recommend and urge to read this story and take note of it. It affects you whether you want it or not, and effects us all. To our worse. It should frighten you becaue it tells a story about powerpoltics of the most malicous sort I have ever seen or heard of. Alone that the Adventist church and the Coca Cola, despite their very different interests, become allies in a crusade to submit all world to veganism and now hjave decisive influence on the medical and food regiments aroudn the world, should make you feel frightened.

Vested Interests and Religious Ideology have created our dietary Rule-Books

Religious Ideology, with an anti-meat agenda, and the Corporate Food Industry have formed an alliance over the last 80 years to create our low-fat/high-carb 'Plant-based' dietary and health guidelines.
This unlikely partnership is becoming stronger than ever and manipulating health education on every level to the tune of 'Exercise is Medicine™' and 'Lifestyle Medicine' with a cereal/grain/soy bias and an anti-meat, anti-dairy agenda.
The introduction of the terms 'Exercise is Medicine™', 'Lifestyle Medicine' and a 'Plant-based diet' have not evolved. They have been deliberately inserted into our health vocabulary, allowing 'prescriptions' to be written by health professionals encouraging people to 'move more' and 'eat less... meat'.

The Corporate Food Industry has been health-washing the 'Exercise is Medicine™' and 'Lifestyle Medicine' mantra to allow discretionary foods and sugary drinks to be part of an active and balanced lifestyle, placing the blame for poor health outcomes on an energy imbalance - too many ‘Calories In’ and not enough exercise for ‘Calories Out’.

'Lifestyle Medicine' on the other hand, is based on the Ideology of the Seventh-day Adventist Church including the 1863 Health Reform visions of their Prophetess and the subsequent Church doctrine around the (vegan) Garden of Eden diet for Salvation.
It is important to clarify right at the beginning of this article that the 19th Century Adventist 'anti-meat' message was never about saving animals from harm, nor was it about climate change. Meat was considered a toxic stimulant that corrupted moral values and led not only men, but women and children to the act of 'Self-Vice'. Meat was considered a stimulant equally, if not more harmful, than alcohol and tobacco ... but more on that later.
If you do not know the Adventist history, and perhaps even if you do, I recommend you make a cup of tea/coffee and settle in for a long read as I explain how Religious Ideology created the processed cereal and soy industry's and the Temperance Movement​ created the perfect environment for the sugar industry to become the solution to alcohol.
Have Aussie GP's become Medical Evangelists for the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
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Old 09-23-23, 07:17 PM   #137
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Biden-Harris Administration endorses Adventist dietary beliefs for ALL Americans

Ellen G White taught it was the duty of “God’s Chosen ‘remnant’ Church” to actively engage in public-health education to warn others of the physical dangers of eating flesh meat and violating the Laws of Nature, authored by God himself.
Medical Evangelism is considered the Right Arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and their Health Reform message ‘The Entering Wedge’ to open hearts and minds to their version of the Gospel, and to hasten the return of Christ.
The belief that 'fruit, nuts, and seeds' are the ‘sinless’ God-Appointed diet for man to attain 'character perfection' disregards Genesis 9:3, where God made a Covenant with Noah: -“Everything that lives and moves will be food for you; just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you all things.” It disregards the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy from the First Testament, which describe the slaughter process of animals, listing 'clean' and 'unclean' foods. It completely disregards the entire Second Testament of the Bible, where Mark, Chapter 7, Verses 18-20 explains that "what goes into a man cannot defile him; because it goes to the stomach, not the heart".

The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s 'Health Reform' beliefs also disregard ancestral diets which included animal proteins and fats, and evolutionary hunter-gathering.
Dietary teachings that allow the Church to profit from the sales of 'health food' made in their 20+ Global Food Industries - to take the place of 'flesh-meat, eggs, milk, and butter'.

ACLM - Medical Evangelism

The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM), founded in 2003 on the Loma Linda University campus as the Christian Association of Lifestyle Medicine (CALM), has become the perfect vehicle toreach the cities’ and share the Seventh-day Adventist version of the Gospel using ‘Medical Evangelism’.
Is this what will be taught as “healthy” for everyone… ‘a whole-food, plant-predominant eating pattern’devoid of animal proteins and fats? A one-size-fits-all?

Where is the transparency for those who do not ascribe to the dietary teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church?

Georgia Ede MD makes the point; - "A vegan diet is nutritionally deficient in the following nutrients; -Vitamin B12, Retinol, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, and Omega-3 essential fatty acids. The consequences are likely to be lifelong and cause poorer health outcomes, especially for children and adolescent girls, who have begun menarche."
"An important consideration is that grains, beans, nuts, and seeds - the staple foods of plant-based diets - contain phytate; a mineral magnet that substantially interferes with the absorption of essential minerals like zinc, calcium, iron, and magnesium, and oxalates; mineral-binding compounds found in a wide variety of plant foods that interfere with iron absorption."
Is this what will be taught as “healthy” for children… ACLM's 'whole-food, plant-predominant eating pattern’ devoid of animal proteins and fats?
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Old 09-24-23, 11:54 AM   #138
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Alaaaarm! Panic...! Read Meat causes inflammations - NOT! Drama! Madness! Doomsday tomorrow!

I believe by now that scientifc standards have been deliberately destroyed so much that one should not call it science anymore, but opportunistically driven hear-say. This true for medicine as well, and here especailly for ecotrophology, the carricature of "science" of food and nutrition. I think half of the work done is not worth to be flushed down with your poo in the loo, your garbage simply is to good for that.

I stumbled over that meta-analysis before, but never found it again. Its worth to be taken note of. The only idiots who react with inflammation to red meat are missionsing vegans and militant vegetarian. Beyond this group, there is no evidence whatever for a link between red meat and inflammations.

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Old 09-25-23, 09:11 AM   #139
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The Uphill Battle

Its always the same few names of the same few people showing up - globally - when investigating who is propagating toxic food and wants to block research and clarification and tries to intimdate critics, character-assassinating them, economically ruining them, corrupting free science and corrupting policy-making processes, and pushing a toxic food regime on people. Since a hundred years.

Their victims count by the millions and millions.
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Last edited by Skybird; 09-25-23 at 09:56 AM.
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Old 09-26-23, 03:14 PM   #140
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LDL Cholesterol, Statins and then some more

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Old 09-27-23, 04:01 PM   #141
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A nrando find, a list with oxalate content of various food. Quite extensively. From the UCI Kidneystone Centre.

You want to keep oxalates in you food low.
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Old 09-28-23, 02:06 PM   #142
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Nebulising hydrogene peroxide:
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Old 09-28-23, 03:12 PM   #143
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Red light reducing glocuse levels and improving mitochondrial health

One of the most relevant single topics in health that I learned about in recent years: mitochondria.
I support them with 2x200mg of Ubiquinol (reduced Q10) per day. Bad news here: its expensive. I occasionally took red light baths, though not due to knwingthsi stuff so well, but simply it feels very well. The lamp sits on my office desk, and when I do some PC stuff, it sometimes on for a while, lighting my face and hands and lower arms.

Try it! It really gives a nice, good feeling additional to the medical benefits described in the video.

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Old 09-29-23, 07:09 PM   #144
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Even earlier than I feared, it starts, the EU has started to issue the list of future banned supplements and herbal remedies and the Germans are once again enthusiastically the first to start implementing it. I thoght it woudl take another 3-5 years, so it was written somewhere. To my surprise, the first to be hit are the alternative practitioners, who complain that some plant-based remedies, some of which are very important in daily practice, are no longer available. Suspiciously, however, Big Pharma is already providing substitute drugs that are not herbal but artificial, partly addictive and, like all medical drugs, more or less strongly side-effect-ridden. Its so good to have these bastards taking care of that we do not harm ourselves. Getting harmed by a professional is always better, since he has the expertise to do so.

Of course, the EU says that this is only for our protection. Who believes it is a complete idiot. The crime syndicate of the pharmaceutical-political complex seems to have prevailed all-embracing. I fear the very worst in the coming weeks and months.

For those supplements that are important to me, I have already done some research on the British Amazon site. The container sizes often are much smaller, and more expensive, and the dosages are usually lower. The situation in Germany is better (still, as long as it still lasts). This is going to be laborious, more expensive, and the question is how closely customs will look.

Thanks dirty EU, now I have one more personal reason to hate your guts. Not that I would have needed another reason for that.


I have completed day 19 of my carnivore experiment, which was initially scheduled for 30 days. I feel great about it, and eat every evening with an appetite and enthusiasm I haven't felt in many, many years. I now LOVE my meals, and fully focus on them - no TV, no music, just me and my meat. No trace of weariness. The morning scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese is now mostly not done, at most the bacon I fry, as a candy snack without candy, just the pot of coffee with cream, unsweetened, is obligatory, I need no coffeine kick (and do nto feel it), but I like the smell and taste. No problems during the day. Surprisingly, no craving at all after the weaned tastes of nougat, bread, pasta, etc. This is very different now than about two years ago when I did a just under year of relaxed, not too fanatical keto. I think that is because you eat more different things with Keto than with Carnivore diet: although daily also about meat, but not so much, but mainly vegetables. This may be a reason for remembering blocked out pleasures and then to starve, also I always experienced vegetables meals since all my life as extremely unsatisfying and have afterwards the need to reward me - so: craving for what is forbidden but one would like to eat. My evening carnage leaves me completely satisfied, I don't need or want anything else, and this feeling lasts the whole night and the following day. No craving for anything. Fat layers on the face and limbs have decreased significantly, unfortunately not yet so much on the belly, but a little bit already.

I enjoy that my shopping has become so incredibly easy, that's great! I also spend much less time in doing kitchen work.

And to make this clear, I am not really "fat", just very mildly overweighted, currently 82 kg at 177cm, BMI 26. Over two years ago I was at 92 kg, and then dropped in 6 months to 77, keto-style. If in one year I end up in the low 70s, I would be satisfied. I have no urgent health needs, I have time.

Subjective self-perception is: I feel real great. I have already decided to extend this experiment to 90 days at least. But honestly said: I think I stay with this new way, and make it not a diet, by a lifestyle. It just ticks all my boxes. And if I have not mentioned it : I do not like vegetables anyway, generally speaking. Never did.
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Last edited by Skybird; 09-29-23 at 07:26 PM.
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Old 09-30-23, 09:29 AM   #145
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Very threatening, sinister, fascist.

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Old 09-30-23, 02:50 PM   #146
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Is sugar addictive?

(in a nutshell if you do not want to watch the video, the answer is Yes. )

The sugar industry in the US makes up for just 2% of the agricultural and food industry in the US - but pays a third of all the donations from that sector to polticians.

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Last edited by Skybird; 09-30-23 at 03:04 PM.
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Old 09-30-23, 04:31 PM   #147
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It's interesting to read about your Meat diet and reading about the battle between Illustrated Science and our Vegan organisation.

I.S had an article where it said that meat was important for our health and this Vegan organisation is saying the article is sooo wrong.


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Old 09-30-23, 05:58 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
It's interesting to read about your Meat diet and reading about the battle between Illustrated Science and our Vegan organisation.

I.S had an article where it said that meat was important for our health and this Vegan organisation is saying the article is sooo wrong.

If you eat only meat, you get all nutrients your body needs, if you only eat plants and grains, you stay deficient, there are nutrients that you need but plants and fungi do not give you. If you eat only meat (fish), you may get some of these nutrients like Vitamine C or A in small amounts only (yes, meat gives you both), but the fans of Carnivore diet argue that the whole metabolism of a pure carnivore changes (by self observation I can confirm that by tendency at least) and then needs less of these nutrients than an omnivore, which makes sense since an omnivore/herbivore eats plenty of botanic toxins his body then must try to cope with, for which much of these nutrients are consumed, and still our "adaptation" to this unwise food is inadequate. Also, anti-nutirents in plants serve like a magnet for the body's stored nutrients and minerals, and deplete the body of these. This effect is not present if you avoid plants. This is what it is about: plants are poisonous for us, in many different ways. They contain

- 1 million of plant-made pesticides,
- a three digit range of active carcinogens,
- anti nutrients as described,
- fibre (which not for no reason in German are called "Ballaststoffe": ballast stuff),
- phytines,
- phytates,
- oxalates,
- tannins,
- hormone dispruptors,
- goitrogens,
- light-sensitivity enhancing toxins,
- general toxins,
- nightshades,
- lectines.

None of that is good for us, none of that we have the anatomical, metabolical, digestion-related means to deal with. Its species-inadequate food. Our body from head to toe identifies us as a non-herbivore, and as a carnivore. We eat this nature's wonderful and admirable huge arsenal of chemical weapons day in day out, and then wonder why we get immense autoimmune problems? Nutrient defiencies? Inflammations? Bowel troubles? And the rat tail of follow-up health problems from these?

Dont be angry at the plants. They want to get eaten as much as you or I.

On fibre, some plant eaters considering themselves ahead of the veg-crowd argue the fibre is not eaten for us, our metabolism, but is the food needed for the microbiom in the guts, because that feast on fibre. However, that microbiome changes dramatically when you stop eating pants and only eat meat and fish, it is then made of bacteria that do not need and cannot make use of fibre. In other words and hear the message: YOU DO NOT NEED FIBRE if you eat a species-adequate diet that reflects our carnivore nature. In fact, fibre does damage to our guts, exhaust it due to the overtime work it must do, and then you wonder why you have pain and cramps and form diverticles and inflammations in the intestines. Really...?

This was day 20 of my experiment . Preparation of the meal in the kitchen has become a routine that now runs automatic. Shopping has become so comfortable, and easy, and I save so much time. I still have work to do, however: I must lower my beer consumption, however, it feels great, but is too high. No, I am not an alcoholic, and I am NEVER drunk, but in summer it can get 4 icecold bottles (0.5l, both alc-free white bear and alcoholic beer), its not about the "dangers of alcohol" for me - its about the carbs in it. I hope with falling temperature my appetite for it wanes, and I can stick more easily to water. Or my body plays tricks on me, it cant get the sweets (absolutely no sweetness from chcolate and sugar since three weeks, zero, rien, nada, not even in my coffee) , so it takes the alcohol and the carbs from the beer as compensation, and makes me craving for these .

While I think of that last statement, it acually makes an awesome lot of sense, I realise. In the brain, the neural structures rewarding us with pleasure if we take sweetnees, salt and heavy drugs - are one and the same structure, not three different ones. Thats why it is dangerous if a baby gets born with the Mum not having taken in enough salt : the baby starts into life with a very sensitve salt sensor then, and that can also make it more prone for becoming diabetic from taking too much sweet stuff, and even can become addicted to heavy drugs. They showed some years ago in a statistical metaanalysis that this indeed is the case, salt-deficient babies have a higher probability later in life to crave for sweet taste and drugs and thus getting problems with that. Thats why in Germany doctors are called by law for mandatorily telling expecting women that they must raise their salt intake. But almost no doc does it, they are intimidated by the salt-blood-pressure thesis (which is totally wrong).

On a sidenote, like with salt: same with iodine, moms give all the few iodine reserves of theirs to the baby short before delivery and afterwards are "empty", and literally totally empty of iodine. Cases of sudden death short after delivery might be related to this. Expecting women should drastically increase their intake of salt and iodine, for these reasons. In some Asian places, after giving birth they immediately get a soup that is loaded with plenty of salt and seafruits and kelp with fantastic doses of iodine.
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Last edited by Skybird; 09-30-23 at 06:34 PM.
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Old 10-01-23, 07:00 AM   #149
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Published Research on Carnivore, Ketogenic and Carbohydrate-restricted Diets

The hard science of your metabolism in keto, carnivore and carbs

Very different to the garden-of-eden diet propagators and missionising vegans and vegetarians (and not few of them indeed do not leave others alone but want to missionise them), I do not want to take CHOICE away from anybody, vegan or low carb or carnivore. Do what pleases you. But I want people to gain a bit of education on what they opt for, and what it means and what it does.The choice they make I will leave to them. Really, very different to what "they" want to do to people like me: we should be depleted of choices, and should be enforced to do like "they" want it. Mostly by systematically eliminating alternative options to their views and ways, and make it impossible to go an alternative route to their decisions on what is best for us, in their limited view. Thats what religous sects do: they allow only their own wordview and recipe for salvation, and they suppress any other.

Leaving people the choice - that is what it is about. And the medical establishment, the industry, the governments, the adventist sectarian background lobby want to take choice away from us, and make alternatives unaffordable for everybody.
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Last edited by Skybird; 10-01-23 at 07:10 AM.
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Old 10-01-23, 07:26 AM   #150
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What happens when Vitamin-D gets overdosed by a factor of 4000 (!) ?

Not much, and nothign that was irreversible. This has happened in Tukrey 2013/14, a manufacturer had an error in his production and babies in hopsital got overdosed with ill-made vitamine D preperations that overdosed the wanted dose by factor 4000.

Sorry, this video is in GERMAN only. You can use translator subtitles, the man speaks slow. Raimund von Heldern is a medical doctor and the most profound Vitamin D expert of German tongue. He released studies together with Prof. Grant from the US who is an academic heavyweight for this matter, and he was the first author worldwide who many years ago described a consistent, comprehensive vitamin-D deficit syndrome and it specific symptoms. He knows his stuff, I mean.

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