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Old 04-07-19, 06:43 PM   #5
CTD - it's not just a job
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One of the great things about SH4 is Monday morning quarterbacking, something the guys at Cavite and Pearl never had the luxury of. Take a Single Mission you are now familiar with (Samar??) and play it like you always do. When you are finished, don't exit the scenario. "Save Game" it, naming it something memorable (NO SPACES IN THE NAME), but also tick the "Save Replay", then exit the scenario back to the menu. Now "Load Game" and from there, select your Save, but tick that "Load Replay" instead of "Load", and you'll be on the outside of your sub, looking over your right shoulder, like an umpire over the catcher... you can click in the time line below to advance, but there is no rewind. You'd have to reload to do that... but you can follow your torpedoes around and see what happened. There are little marks on there, like green vertical lines are torpedoes shot, and brown ones are ships sunk?? Been too long since I did it... This is also a good way to "record" a video of what happened, going through the scenario a few times, moving the camera about as appropriate for different camera angles. Very nice feature. Do some editing and post it on ToobYu or some such... Just be aware that some effects look different from various angles. Also, do not do this in a Career, because your save file would be ~huge~.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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