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Old 06-16-14, 09:13 AM   #922
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@ Ligne Maginot:
since there was no denouement in the thread "Radars and Conning Towers (Turms)", I decided to ask what happened at the end: We will see the new code?
There was insufficient demand to provide the new code for the altered radar positions on the turms. With the new code, ALL the affected turms, released for SH3 by modders as well as the original SH3 turns, would have to be altered by their users.
It seems that most users would rather have fancy new turms, than the older ones working properly.
The code works properly; it is installed on my own version of SH3.exe and my set-up has the positions of the radars on the turms altered for the purpose.

I'm surprised you've left an option for players to boost a few knots past the accepted max speeds.
This is another example of what I once called "compensatory realism":

A U-boat should be able to out-run a corvette in any weather. However, in stock SH3, the speed of the U-boat was affected by bad weather, but the speed of the chasing corvette was not. Therefore, the NYGM team gave the U-boat a higher speed to compensate.
My hard-code fix (an addition to H.sie's hard-code fix) corrected this error finally, but many people do not use these hard-code fixes for many reasons. For example, the fixes are quite difficult to create from stock SH3.exe, and other files have to be modified too.
Therefore the IX U-boat remains with a higher speed than normal.

Anyway, I'm just curious as to how you intended the upgrades as far as historical game play is concerned.
I have nothing new planned, and Der Teddy Bar and Observer of NYGM left this forum a long time ago.
However, I shall add small fixes once a sufficient number have accumulated.

Sorry for the delay in the replies. I've been on holiday.
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