Thread: Mission Editor
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Old 10-09-18, 12:34 PM   #4
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Even in Stock, yes, anything Type=8, Type=9, Type=18, and Type=19, which are all "aircraft carriers" (in v1.5), will spawn planes, even in stock. In stock, they just don't do it as soon, nor as often. I'm not sure how the airstrike.cfg is set in TMO, but it's definitely higher than in stock. The only "restriction" the game has is the location of where they spawn the planes. If there is a CV over the horizon, beyond the spawn limit (25km??), and a different asset where you are spots your submarine, you would eventually have the entire CV's roster of planes taking turns flying over your location. The AirGroups are defined in the Ships' "Sea" folder cfg file. If you are seen, and then enter the "spawn area" of that particular CV, it will still spawn planes to come against you, but on the "edge" of its spawn area, generally opposite of where you approach from. It takes a bit for those planes to get to you, having to fly in about 25km. If you are below periscope level and can't "see" the surface, they also have a tendency to spawn planes if you've been detected, but right by them - and you... In FotRSU, it can be a bit weird and "scary" to be coming up from 260 from below a thermal layer, having been seen earlier, and then have a dozen planes waiting on you ~prior~ to reaching PD... "Leader One to Crazy Cubs! Sub shadow spotted! Follow me down for the attack!"...

Edit: Now, here's something we've been toying with, wanting to put a "controller" on the animation:

Peabody was doing that with keltos01 for the Climb Mount Niitaka mod.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna

Last edited by propbeanie; 10-09-18 at 12:38 PM. Reason: linkie
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