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Old 01-26-19, 12:30 PM   #4
CTD - it's not just a job
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Early in the war, there are not too many places that a boat gets assigned to, other than Empire Waters and the Marshalls. The Marshalls are usually 'dead' as far as traffic goes, but in real life, the USN thought that the Japanese had based their Pearl Harbor attack from the Marshalls, when in actuality, only some of the submarines came from there. But once you get to mid-42, the game should use a more-varied set of choices. Look in a combination of the Flotillas file for the missions assigned, particularly to the "ObjectiveCode=" line in each assigned Objective - that will match corresponding "AllMatch=" lines in the PatrolObjectives.cfg file, which will have the path and file for that particular coded mission file. You can also tell from the dates of the assignment in Flotillas.upc as to when that particular sub will have the chance to be assigned that mission. Another thing about it is the listings go top to bottom of the assignment list, by date, hence with some of the boats, even though East China Sea is listed first, it doesn't "start" getting assigned until after January 1st, 1942, so the next assignment in line goes first, and that is for the Marshalls...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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