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Old 04-06-17, 12:49 PM   #1197
CTD - it's not just a job
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OK, bear with me here, I'm experimenting with Canon's "irista", Google Photos, and Imgur web sites for foto sharing, and these are the first attempts. It looks like Imgur has "won" the war, since the other two do not allow a "foto link" that will display here... but Photobucket just will not co-operate anymore, and I can't even get into my account anymore.... so sad, so glad... - Anyway, adding more to Climb Mount Niitaka, and stil having issues with a couple of the subs not wanting to let me see them, but I'll get the correct settings for them shortly...

Leaving Maizuru - watch the "channel", the Nav Map isn't very accurate! That is actually kind of cool, not having an accurate chart... like someone sneezed while they were drawing the chart, and drew water where there's actually land... However, it's a Japanese boat in Japanese waters...

Early morning life in Kure...

I can't remember, but might be Sasebo, getting ready to leave...

One of the few daylight shots I've gotten so far... I've mostly been checking the Career Starts, which mostly seem to hit 0600 hours...

... and a boat not too many have seen probably...

This is Kure also, maybe... I'm getting confused too much by CTDs as I add to the list of boats... - it's a short drive, btw.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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