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Old 07-30-18, 01:15 PM   #4
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My answers in orange
Originally Posted by Evoken View Post
Finding info about that group is a bit hard , i will change the speed and make them zig zag but apperantly its all the escorts Yamato had traveling towards Truk. "Yamato departed Kure, Japan for Truk, Caroline Islands escorted by escort carrier Kasuga Maru (later renamed Taiyo), Akebono, Ushio, and Sazanami." And at 28th of August it was attacked "Near Truk, Caroline Islands, Yamato was attacked by USS Flying Fish. Flying Fish's Lieutenant Commander Glynn Donaho mis-identified Yamato as a Kongo-class battleship as US Navy was unaware of the existence of Yamato-class at the time. Two of the four Mark 14 steam torpedoes missed, while the other two detonated prematurely. " OK, going for the "historical" scenario, but with some "back-up" for you. - don't forget about this:
Name= CV-5 USS Yorktown
The game still won't "target" them as named, but as "Class"

Though we always have close calls we havent hit each other yet but i will change the angle a bit more for better crossfire

How close a unit has to be for it to detect the enemy ? and which one ends the mission , no enemy being detected or the wrong entry dates ?
I am not certain how close they have to be in MultiPlayer, but probably within sight, roughly 20nm anyway. That's why, if you do a plane group, such as:
[Group 9]
GroupName=US AirForce 0001
CommandUnitName= BOPS_US TB Torpedo#1

[Group 9.Unit 1]
Name= BOPS_US TB Torpedo#1
The plane group will "report" the German TaFee, and that should do it. I'm not so sure about the dates now, since it worked OK as a SingleMission, but it is better if you get all of your pieces of the puzzle on the same Entry date, unless you have special circumstances, such as an "early" spawn using the AvailStartDate and GameEntryDate lines with a Trigger. Nothing in particular "ends" the scenario, it just "times out" without a target being spotted. It's just an old network game that's actually kind of "dumb" (old computer term)...

I would like to see it added to FotRSU after i fix them and i am planning to make a lot more missions

Thanks for all the help , i will get back to work!
Let us know when you want to add it to the mod, and we'll update things if needed, put your name up in lights on Broadway - whuh? we can't do that? Costs too much??... OK, we'll put your name in the ReadMe file then...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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