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Old 08-23-18, 06:30 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Thoth_already_in_use View Post
Concerning the Zeit calculator, it is on backside of attack disk screenshot in this tread.
Speed and time estimations are a headache for me, so I'm really interested in everything with zeit written on it.
Yeah, that is used to calculate Time,speed, distance and angle problems. The scales works for multiplying and dividing numbers. A full loop around the scale multiplies by 10 (clockwise) or divides by 10 (counterclockwise). You have to keep a mental note of how the decimal mark moves as you multiply or divide with larger and smaller orders of magnitude.

From the inside out you have the following scales:

Inner moving disk, Time: scale in seconds (small font on peach background) going over in minutes-seconds (large font, white background). Personally I customized mine physical Attackdisk with marks for an hour scale. The placement of 1 hour is equivalent to 6(0) minutes and 36(00) seconds). The pointer (thin red line) is located at 1 second and is equivalent to 10 seconds, 100 seconds (1m40s) and 1000 seconds (16m40s)

Middle moving disk: distance and speed
inner scale: distance in meters (or speed in meters per second)
middle scale: distance in nautical mile (or speed in knots)
outer scale: same as inner scale

Outer/base disk: angle
This is the angle according to a sine curve. It shows angle values from 90 to about 6 degrees. But they also represent the same sine values for the complement of the angle (180 degrees -angle). The 90 degrees mark is unity (1), as sin(90)=1.0. However the same mark is equivalent to 5.74 degrees (when approached counterclockwise from the right), as sin(5.74) = 0.1 And would also be equivalent to 0.573 degrees (as sin(0.573)= 0.01) Unfortunately due to space limitations the scale from 5.74 to 0.573 and smaller isn't drawn. It could be very useful for certain calculations like torpedo lead angle which can result in such small angles.

As you can see on the screenshot of the Magui mod-thread the time arrow is pointing to 1.95 nautical mile or 1.95 knots. You can immediately see on the adjacent linked scale that this is equivalent to just over 1(.000) meter per second). 1.95nm*1852m /3600s= 1.003m

Similarly when you look at the 10 and 1-00 mark on the time disk you can see that such a speed makes 60-ish meters in 1 minute, and 600 meters in 10 minutes. Here is where keeping mind of the decimal point shifting becomes important. It takes 1 full turn clockwise to indicate distance in 10 seconds. Another 3/4 turn to multiplies by 6 to indicate the distance in 60 seconds (1-00). Another subsequent full turn adds another zero if you wanted to know the distance in 10 minutes. Or just look across whichever time interval you want to know the distance for.

There are a whole bunch of calculation techniques using these scales, by aligning certain values to one another and looking across to other scales. There should be several threads about this device. In the download section there should also be a sort of manual describing these calculations. I personally made a physical wheel out of cardboard pizza boxes. And added a free pointer across all scales. Once you get the hang of the order of motions required you'll do them quicker than with a digital calculator. Just be aware of those decimal point mess-ups.

Last edited by Pisces; 08-23-18 at 06:51 AM.
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