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Old 10-05-18, 07:55 AM   #8
CTD - it's not just a job
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I'm not sure how much of the original FotRS sensors have been dealt with by CapnScurvy, but the stock game itself will spawn planes on the player and have them seemingly come right at you, radar or not. Same with the DD. You could be 5nm away from them, already on Silent Running below the thermal layer, and it's almost like you've kept your periscope up with shears awash while on Ahead Flank, where the DD will change course and drive right to your location, drop a half-dozen cans, then move on for a while, then all of a sudden come right back on top of you, and drop 100 depth charges on you... clairvoyant even - finding a 'balance' with the sensors is the target, but also in relation to other aspects, such as "CrewRating" settings in the Campaign. Planes are somewhat "special", in the regard that the irritating part of their configuration is that they do NOT fly very well unless set to Veteran at a minimum, and preferably Elite. However, they then become a horde of "Superman" pilots, capable of dropping a 500 lb bomb down your conn hatch while flying nap of the earth, 15 foot off the wave peaks, coming out of the morning sun... Luke Skywalker skills even...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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