Thread: Stop Code
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Old 09-04-17, 09:22 AM   #15
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All sorts of stuff go through that... it's sort of like a "catch-all". In programming, when you get an error message that doesn't seem to make sense, you look at the instruction that came just before what the error points to, so if you're not looking in an error / warning file only, but in the regular log file, look at what shows as loaded just before that "Warning:" message. I do not recall if that has anything to do with the Data Execution Protection, or power management, but it usually has to do with hard drives, whether you are using a USB external drive that is 2 Gig or larger, or an interface issue with an external drive, or maybe a USB stick with issues, but you might get a clue from what driver tried to load just just before that warning...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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