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Old 10-04-18, 12:38 PM   #2
CTD - it's not just a job
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v0.71 has "extra" planes, that have been toned down in this next release. However, none of the Japanese planes are scripted. They originate from bases, from aircraft carriers and from BB, CA & CL vessels that have scout planes. Their "attacks" or "patrols" are all based upon the AI intel they "receive" from the first plane that spots you. If you happen to ID one of those planes (careful though, they can end your career early), let us know if it happens to be a Jake or similar float plane (BB, CA, CL). If it's a Zero or Kate, it probably came from a carrier. If you are starting at Manila, you will be blanketed by planes early, especially from Lingayen Gulf on North - remember, there's an invasion going on. Same way when you get down around Java, or later, the Solomon's. Either way though, there are too many in v0.71.

The trick with planes - even if you are between two task forces with multiple CV off the coast of Japan and within range of 3 air bases - the trick is not to be seen. See if you have SD radar on your boat. If you do (you can't "see" a console for it on the boat), turn it on with a <T> key press and use it to be forewarned of a plane's approach. Dive before they see you. Once a plane sees your sub, they tell all their little AI buddies, and then you've got all sorts of UltraAI-piloted planes dogging your every move, even if we do turn the planes down... Be sure and look at the "SH4_Q-Ref_Card_Front.jpg" and "SH4_Q-Ref_Card_Back.jpg" files in the 'root' of the Game directory for keyboard shortcuts.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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