Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 04-27-18, 03:32 PM   #5918
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Originally Posted by Koinonos View Post
June, 1942 I detect a single Japanese merchant that is 8nm away, as I begin to maneuver towards him to with plans to submerge at 5nm I suddenly come under accurate fire *way* out of range for a simple Japanese merchant with a deck gun. In face while surfaced I decided to raise my periscope just to see if I could see the merchant and I could not.

So here we have a scenario where a US warship cannot spot and shoot at a simple merchant, but it can spot a submarine and shoot it accurately from 8nm away. Once I realized how ridiculous that was I decided to put a crew on the deck gun to see if they could see them and shoot back.. Nope. A bit overpowered when a merchant can out detect, and outgun a U.S. Warship on full alert during a wartime patrol.

In SH3 GWX and SH5 you can regularly submerge at 5nm away from merchants and 6-8nm away from enemy warships to sneak up on them at that point.

Is this an overzealous Sim.cfg setting I can tune down, or is this a setting somewhere else? Senors.sim?
You are better off not comparing SH3 to SH4 to SH5. There are differences, even if they do have the same "base" code. Look up some after-action reports from some of the WW2 US sub skippers, and see what they encountered. Ignore what SH3 and 5 do when you are in the Pacific. The skies and water are much clearer on this side of the world, and often glassy-smooth. Again though, this superman detection is another thing we will turn down. I've been shot at and hit on the 2nd barrage from approximately 9200 yards by a set of shore emplacements - at 2am on a dark, moonless night. Put a hole right in front of the conn... We didn't sink, not that I didn't try to, because I had just started a turn and a crash-dive when we got hit. Had a bit of trouble controlling the dive, and then had a wonderful time limping back home, without having shot a single torpedo yet... - now, this would be possible with a radar-guided shore gun, but it was late 1942, not 1944. But you cannot get withing 15nm sometimes of enemy ships, no matter if they are merchants or capital ships. The big guns can shoot at like 12.5k, 8.5k for the medium guns, and 1.5 for the AA stuff. Generally speaking, 6-8nm and you are seen, no matter your speed. Planes will do you similar, and will have to be adjusted also. Of course, to make things interesting - not all ships or planes will see you. The higher the CrewRating of an enemy vessel, the quicker they will see you. Any setting of Competent or above, and you'll generally be seen, unless there are wave troughs to hide you in for a bit. Remember too, your periscope is maybe 15 feet out of the water, while a ship may have look-outs up in a crow's nest 60 foot above the ship. If not for their stack smoke, they might actually see you before you see them... The plan for the mod is to have vary levels of various AI "intelligence" for a player to choose from, maybe even to the point of having choices for Campaign ships' abilities, but that portion would be a stretch to implement...

Originally Posted by avers View Post
hello everyone. Im excited to see this mod when its out of beta. Just out of curiosity, what are the plans for the campaign in the game?
All we have done with the FotRS Campaign up to this point is to change some spawn and cycle percentages, along with changing ship calls to match what is available in the game, and expand the Dutch Harbor, Territory of Alaska missions. We've done more research over the last year, and with recent events are trying to work-out early boat upgrades and other things of that ilk - and not re-create the old "Early Retirement" bug of yesteryear. But it is basically the FotRS v2.0 Campaign with corrections. We are currently in the process of cleaning dates for several aspects of the Campaign. The plans call for a modified TMO 2.5 Campaign, and a modified RSRDC Campaign. Those will most likely not be available anytime soon, until we iron-out what is going on in the current set of files. If you want to see something in particular, post your wishes!...

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