Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 05-15-19, 02:33 PM   #8160
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Originally Posted by torpedobait View Post
Props, Please clarify "fresh install". Do we have to uninstall the current version (v1.5) from Windows and then reinstall from CD? Or can we just back out the v0.81 and install the newest release of FOTRSU?

I get the deleting the SH4 folder from My Documents (Win7) but have never been sure about having to do the uninstall-reinstall of SH4 itself. I have done it both ways with previous FOTRSU releases, and have not noticed anything detrimental. For this last one I did the full Monty, which is really quite tedious and time consuming.

Thanks for any clarification you can offer.
Technically, yes you should use a "fresh" install. I put the word "fresh" in quotes, because I do like cdrsubron7, and have myself a zip file of "FreshSH4", which is a copy of the interior of the "Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific" folder on my hard drive, so it's not really a true, fresh install. I create my new folder (such as "FotRSUv81"), and copy the FreshSH4 zip file into it. Unzip that, which has a MODS folder, but no JSGME ini or backup files, but does have JSGME itself, as well as LAA and MultiSH4. I then do all the set-up for the game and the mod, and I'm up and running inside of 30 minutes (never have officially timed that though)...

The reason behind the "fresh" install is that we don't trust ourselves or our modding to leave a "clean" game install after JSGME de-activates the mod (witness what happens with TMO - not forgetting that all sorts of mayhem can happen with a computer). Although, in theory anyway, if you use the JSGME "Generate snapshot of game files", you can check the result when you de-activate the old mod version... but the "fresh" install is just as fast, and more "sure"... The most important part is emptying the Save folder.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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