Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 06-30-18, 11:50 AM   #6252
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That is one interesting set of videos you have there Immelmann! We had no idea that a midget would submerge like that to avoid torpedoes! We knew that the subs would speed up / slow down and / or turn to avoid, but dive?... "Hunt" for you, yes... definitely scary! It does look though, a little, that the vessel may have issues with sea-worthiness in slightly rough seas. We'll look into the "balance" on the unit and its apparent nose-down attitude. It did not show much in real life when surfaced though, either, so a view with just the conning tower and maybe a little of the "boat" itself, would be about all that would be seen.

That is one of those situations where you want to have the Event Camera turned on. The 3D image of the midget does not change as he shoots a torpedo (another of the game's short-comings), so you wouldn't be able to "see" the torpedo was launched, unless you were there when it did. You might be able to hear it on sonar yourself, but I'm not certain. I do know that the sonarman does not give you a warning. Here is a video of a test mission in a possible future "optional" add-on for FotRSU later:

Notice the "warning" received from the Event Camera? If you look closely, you'll notice that the submerged JyunsenB is shooting from its aft tubes only. That has since been corrected. His first shot misses to my rear. I have no idea where his 2nd shot went. You might also notice that both torps "broach" the surface as seen in the Event Viewer. This happens with quite a few of the shots from submerged subs, but I have not seen it from the surfaced vessels. But that is the "warning device"... such as it is...

On the subject of the burning corvette, there are two of them that patrol around the eastern island of the Midway Atoll. It could be either of the two that you saw, but most likely it's PC_053, which circles in close. It crosses the path of PC_051 in two places, and a collision between the two could well be the cause of the fire and sinking. Changes in the US_HarborTraffic layer forthcoming. Thanks for the reports.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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