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Old 06-27-18, 11:20 AM   #5
CTD - it's not just a job
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RSRDC = Run Silent Run Deep Campaign, and Lurker did get the Battle sequences to pull off rather well. You just can't be in certain places, else the groups won't spawn correctly. But for the most part, he does spawn them far enough away to not have that a factor. The Stock game has the battles, but the groups involved may or may not show up on time, and Stock doesn't have the choice of ships that TMO / RSRDC does. Another good choice along those lines though is Bleiente's mix of those two in Ralles RealModPack for TMO_RSRDC_OTC. He has some tweaks in the mix that he likes, and a few extra mini-mods for some variety.

As for the ships of other nations, you'll find the Russian ships up above the Kurile Island chain, and also sometimes West of Japan, over by Vladivostok. The Russians and Japanese had a neutrality agreement for a good portion of the war, and the Russians would use Tsuragu Strait during the winter months when their northern route was frozen over. Dutch ships of course, would be seen down around the Dutch East Indies until early 1942. Some of their ships helped the Allies over around Guadalcanal and West. The French were in what was then known as French Indochina, which was basically what is now Vietnam. Some of the Vichy French bases were used (ie: Camranh Bay) by the Japanese as jumping off points for the start of hostilities and further invasions of DEI and other areas. There were a few German ships that would be in the area, mostly attempting to exchange war materials, tools and medicine with the Japanese, and then they have the Gruppe Monsun Uboats that operated out of Penang Malaysia, and some of their support vessels... Stock doesn't try to "model" that too much either, but that's what the V1.5 Uboat missions is about...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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