Thread: [WIP] Type IX for sh5
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Old 10-27-17, 10:00 AM   #8
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by mkiii View Post
been looking at the files involved in putting the IX in game, as a uboat under its own name, apart from everything in the sub folder, I have

Roster....easy enough
Flotilla....should be easy enough
upcdatage....not to sure about this one

those are the obvious ones, are there any not so obvious ones that I have missed (highly likely)
There shouldn't be so much work with UPCGE files after all, few ID designations here and there but that should be it. You'll get a good idea what is going on if you merge VIIC/41 and U-Flak's (NSS_Uboat7c41F) upcge files from TWoS in Winmerge or some other text editor with compare function... In this case, you can ignore entries differences which are dedicated for radar upgrades but torpedo differences will be important since type IX carries much more torpedoes on board.

It will be also necessary to rename main 3D models names inside gr2 files it self because the game will confuse if you get awarded and upgrade from VIIC41 to type IX in the same playing session.
For example, your new IX hull should not be named NSS_Uboat7c41 anymore, conning tower should be renamed from Conning_7c41_01 to Conning_9D_01 ect...

We shouldn't forged all necessary adjustments in sim, zon and other controllers files as well...

In short, day or two of modding work but since we actually know what and how it should be done, this shouldn't be much of the problem...

Once you have fully working version of type IX replacement for VIIC41 it will be honor for me to do all the performances, campaign and file adjustments...

Last edited by vdr1981; 10-27-17 at 11:08 AM.
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