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Old 03-23-17, 07:49 AM   #5
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Default Other issues with NYGM_2017A

Concerning other issues raised above by users of NYGM, specifically new release NYGM_2017A.

In no particular order:
1. PO1B ship - the ship.tga appears to be blank. In PaintShopPro, the ship tga differs from most of the other ship tga files from IABL in that it has a vertical white stripe (whereas the others have a vertical black stripe). I have no idea what this signifies, but the PO1B ship looks fine in the Museum of SH3 (small transport).
2. 3rd Flotilla mod. I checked these before release and could see no real reason to change them. The en_menu.txt should be fine for the basic NYGM set-up, but will need to have further entries added if you are using the H.sie (and perhaps also the Stiebler4c) hard-code addons - see the documentation of the hard-code mods.
3. FuMB37XXIIINYGM mod for 1944-45. I've already checked this in tests, before anyone mentions it - it seems to be OK. No important files altered.
4. Someone writing recently in this thread - I forget whom - is using the Stiebler4C hard-code mod without first installing the H.sie hard-code mod! This will cause all kinds of strange results!
5. Kendras' new screen menu. It looks pretty good to me, although personally I prefer the original. No reason it shouldn't be an optional extra for NYGM - and there should be no copyright issues about this screen with Ubisoft, unlike alterations to the initial loading screen with its Ubisoft copyright logos.

I think that's about it for now.

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