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Old 09-15-15, 10:58 AM   #351
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Originally Posted by Barkerov View Post
A 2500ft release is going to have serious accuracy issues
That was supposed to be 1500, sorry edited above. Still, I don't know how close you think bombers actually got to their targets. Fuses typically wouldn't let the bomb even arm if released under a thousand feet to prevent destruction of the aircraft. Dive bombers of all nations typically released between 1000 and 3000 feet depending on payload and the aircrafts specific characteristics (i.e. it's ability to pull out of the dive). 1,000 is really point blank range, 1,500 and even 2,500 are not uncommon release altitudes at all.

Originally Posted by Barkerov View Post
I recall an episode of mythbusters where they tested if water was bulletproof. Indeed this was plausible but I was especially surprised to learn that the faster the projectile hit the water, the less it penetrated. Furthermore the larger the projectile the less it penetrated the surface tension of the water. So what this means for a 500 pounder doing 0.46 to 0.67 mach is unclear.
Doesn't mean anything. If you recall, the impact had a tendency to shatter the bullets. If memory serves the correlation between size and effect on the bullet didn't really exist either. Basically every time they went up in size, they where using bigger guns with better muzzle velocities. I'm sure the effect is there to some degree, but their "study" didn't really show it out. General purpose aircraft bombs routinely survived falls of 25,000 feet, smashing through and into concrete and steel, successfully detonating after impact as designed. There where bombing missions with release altitudes of over 30,000 feet as well and again, the bombs functioned fine. At those release altitudes, the bombs where actually going at supersonic speeds on impact. Water is comparatively not that tough. Not even close.

Originally Posted by Barkerov View Post
In any case whatever the AI slants are dropping on me is from well under that height.
That's purely because the game designers knew something about submarines, but not aircraft. Alternatively, they decided to do it the way they did in the name of game balance to give you good odds of shooting down aircraft with the AA guns. The way the aircraft operate in the game is completely and totally unrealistic.

Last edited by ColonelSandersLite; 09-15-15 at 11:04 AM.
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