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Old 07-01-10, 07:00 PM   #93
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Yellow Three - 32 Squadron - RAF Biggin Hill

After flying a low-very high-medium profile to the target area we immediately mixed with the 109s. Spits for fighters and Hurris for bombers sure, only if there were Spits around! The 109s liked me for some reason, and the only way to the bombers was over their burning wrecks. I tangled with a few of them without getting a proper shot, then spotted another one below me. I quickly rolled the Hurri over into a steep dive on the unsuspecting Jerry, and the reward was one burning 109 drawing a nice line of fire across the sky. I was unable to see if to pilot ejected or not as more 109s screamed on me. After a few failed "drive-bys" on another 109 I followed one up in a climb, which you should technically never do in a Hurri, and was rewarded with a nice deflection shot as he started stalling but the Hurri just kept going. Bullet strikes were observed all over the e/a and he started a shallow dive while pouring out thick black smoke. Unfortunately I ran out of ammo and was also a bit concerned by the tracers streaking past my cockpit, so it was time to point the nose down and get the hell out of there. This move shook off the pursuers for a while, but quickly they were on my tail again. Each time they got close enough to fire I pulled the Hurri into a tight turn, either scissoring with them or doing a full 360, and after doing this several times and being almost halfway to Biggin they finally gave up. Rote licht no doubt. On arrival at Biggin I spotted at least two Jerries circling the airfield, certainly almost out of fuel by now, but luckily they didn't care much about me.

One 109 confirmed and one possible
(In Olegworld both were confirmed)

"Landed safely", aka game ended just as I was landing.
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