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JScones 01-23-09 02:26 AM

SH3 Commander-The Complete Super Deluxe Thallium Commander's Special Ultimate Edition
Iambecomelife and Sailor Steve have managed to coerce me out of retirement for one more enhancement to SH3 Commander, which quickly turned into two, then three...

Anyway, here is SH3 Commander R3.2...

"The Complete Super Deluxe Thallium Commander's Special Ultimate Edition"

or "ComSupDelThalCommSpecUltEd" for short. :up:

Key features:
  • ONE INSTALL FILE including the complete SH3 Commander 3.2 plus the latest SH3 Patrol Log Editor plug-in. No more need to download three separate files!
  • No more MIA officers! Simply open the Crew Manager and any displaced officers (like the one you always leave in the Repair compartment ;)) will automatically be found and returned snugly to where they belong.
  • You can now dismiss or replace crewmen through the Crew Manager. It will cost you renown just like it does in SH3, but your replaced crew may come with previous experience. Just a warning though, don't annoy BdU too much. ;)
  • If you have the "Use real ship names" option selected you may notice a number of changes when you generate Personnel Files:
    • details now exist of the cargo carried, crew onboard and crew lost for each ship sunk. This simulates data gathered from survivors, radio intercepts and post patrol briefings. Thanks to Sailor Steve, bigboywooly and iambecomelife for the data.
    • better matching of a ship name to the ship class sunk. Sailor Steve has spent every waking minute mapping real merchant ship names to their corresponding ship classes. So now, for example, if you sink a C3 Cargo you will get a real C3 Cargo name rather than a name that may have belonged to a T2 Tanker.
  • Personnel Files now display as intended in non-IE browsers.
  • A tip screen that randomly displays over forty SH3 Commander usage tips. And by God you will read every one of them.
Example of a patrol log with cargo and crew details - in Mozilla Firefox! Other entries added via the SH3 Patrol Log Editor, now included in the SH3Cmdr package.

Installation instructions:
  1. Click here (BTS-mods), here (my server) or use SH3 Commander's "Updates" feature (these are the only "official" links).
  2. Select a folder into which to save the installation file. Remember this folder!
  3. Once downloaded, open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder selected above.
  4. Find the file called "SH3Cmdr32.exe" and double-click on it.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions and install SH3 Commander. If you are using MS Vista then pls pay particular attention to the Information screen!
  6. Once installed, select "Start->All Programs->SH3 Commander->SH3 Commander User Guide" and at least skim through all 30 pages. It is imperative that you do this IMMEDIATELY after you install SH3 Commander, otherwise SH3 Commander has been known to demagnatise your fridge magnets, kill your guppies and otherwise make your life hell.
  7. IF YOU RUN NYGM then after SH3 Commander is installed you will need to reinstall the specific SH3 Commander cfg files that ship with NYGM. Pls follow the NYGM instructions that you would have followed previously to (re)install those files.
  8. IF YOU RUN GWX 3 then after SH3 Commander is installed you will need to follow the steps outlined in THIS THREAD
  9. IF YOU RUN GWX 2.1 or earlier then after SH3 Commander is installed you will need to follow the BELOW instructions, as they are different to what is written in the GWX manual. IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS YOU WILL LOSE SOME OF SH3 COMMANDER'S NEW FUNCTIONALITY! In addition, your computer will likely turn itself off and refuse to let you use it again.
    1. Either re-download or use Windows Explorer to find your copy of "".
    2. Using your favourite compression tool, unzip the contents of "" to a TEMPORARY folder - it does not matter where as long as it is NOT your SH3 Commander folder.
    3. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to where you just installed the files.
    4. DELETE "..\Cfg\Ship names.cfg".
    5. Move the remaining files from "\<your temp folder>\Cfg" to "\SH3 Commander\Cfg", overwriting the existing files.
    6. Pray to Jesus, Allah and/or Buddha that all has worked.
If these instructions sound condescending to you, then they are not meant for you. ;) Indeed, you have prolly already successfully installed SH3 Commander.

If these instructions leave you confused, then perhaps it's best not to download. You wouldn't like it anyway.

Pls note that I DO NOT provide support for individual mods; any questions regarding compatibility or use with individual mods need to be raised with the respective modders. I also DO NOT provide technical support on how to download a file, use a mouse, open Windows Explorer, fix MS Vista etc.

Those of you who have been running the pre-release should redownload as this release has a few further enhancements.

Anyone hosting previous versions of either SH3 Commander or the SH3 Patrol Log Editor plug-in are asked to remove them to avoid inevitable confusion.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________

SH3 Commander

Weiss Pinguin 01-23-09 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by JScones
  • A tip screen that randomly displays over forty SH3 Commander usage tips. And by God you will read every one of them.


Downloading now. I'm assuming I'll need to uninstall my current version of SH3C?

JScones 01-23-09 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Weiß Pinguin
Downloading now. I'm assuming I'll need to uninstall my current version of SH3C?

Step 5 answers your question. ;)

From the installer:


If you are running SH3 Commander 3.x then you can install this release straight over the top. If you are running an earlier release, then you must uninstall it before installing this release. You do not need to remove any residual files or folders.

Prior to uninstalling your previous release, make sure that you have:

1. removed the SH3 Commander-based mods from Silent Hunter III by pressing the 'Rollback SH3' button in SH3 Commander;

2. backed up any SH3 Commander files that you may have modified, including SH3Cmdr.ini.

If you are running Microsoft Vista it is strongly recommended that you do NOT install SH3 Commander (or Silent Hunter III) to your \Program Files folder, for doing so will invoke Vista's UAC feature which may cause file conflicts or other instabilities.

If you are ready, or if you have no previous release of SH3 Commander installed on your computer, press 'Next' now.
Again, if users follow these steps explicitly, they will have no problems. I provide no such guarantee though to users who add their own element of creativity to the instructions.

Weiss Pinguin 01-23-09 02:39 AM

Ah, okay, hadn't gotten quite that far yet. :lol: Thanks for all your work, mate :up:

h.sie 01-23-09 02:57 AM

thank you very much. will test it soon, but I already know that it will be good

urfisch 01-23-09 04:07 AM

great! will give it a a try...the logbook is a really nice feature. hope you can add entries by yourself, during patrol.

Graf Paper 01-23-09 05:03 AM

Jaesen, thank you so very much for polishing this gem to an even more dazzling sparkle. You are indeed the grand master! :rock:

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times... I refuse to play SH3 without SH3 Commander! It is, above all others, the one "mod" I can't live without when sailing the North Atlantic.

I say we all owe Iambecomelife and Sailor Steve a heartfelt thanks for persuading JScones out of retirement...and a few rounds at the nearest watering hole to boot! :()1:

Bless you, Jaesen! :D

May your compiler never segfault and your generosity always be the remembered.

evan82 01-23-09 05:55 AM

I will use this very good stuff today:up:
Thanks JScones:rock:

Awful Smutje 01-23-09 06:01 AM

Thank you! :up:

This mod gives the game so much life. One of the greatest mods I knew. This "Pre SH3 Start" concept is really great!:yep:

Thanks again and again!

Now I'll just have to check all bars in the harbour, to get my crew in the U-Boat... :ahoy:

rowi58 01-23-09 06:41 AM

Thanks a lot :up:

The best version of one of the best MODs for SH3.


Wolfehunter 01-23-09 06:46 AM

Thanks Jaesen, Happy hunting dude. :up:

jaxa 01-23-09 06:48 AM

Many thanks JScones!

iambecomelife 01-23-09 07:02 AM

Thanks again Jscones!

And to everyone else - Sailor Steve and I are still working on different features for the ship names.cfg file. Expect even more additions to the names, cargo details, and so on in the future. :D

mengle 01-23-09 07:22 AM

splendid, thanks for jour great work :rock:

Hitman 01-23-09 08:02 AM

The best got even better :up:

Thanks a lot for this :yep:

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