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LuftWolf 02-10-07 07:12 PM

LuftWolf and Amizaur's Weapons and Sensors Database Mod v3.07---Now Available!!!
I want to thank you guys for bearing with me on all these versions, I really hope I've got a stable version now!

Thanks again to OS for making the installers!

Here is the LWAMI v3.07 update to the readme:


LuftWolf and Amizaur’s Weapons and Sensors Realism Mod v3.07
For DW 1.04 Build 378
SimHQ Reader’s Choice Award Winner
Readme by LuftWolf

Thank you to Amizaur for his partnership on this project.

Graphics updates imported by XabbaRus. Model credits are provided in an included file.

Thank you to OneShot for extensive logistical support.

Thank you to finiteless, Ludger, and jsteed for their contributions to modding DW. Thank you to Bill “Subguru” Nichols for hosting the work of so many talents modders and mission designers. Thank you to Molon Labe, TLAM Strike, and Bellman for extensive testing and multiplayer testing.

All database editing was done with DWEdit by Ludger, without whom this mod would not have been created.

The purpose of this mod is, straightforwardly, to address the aspects of DW game-play that most bother its authors, while improving the simulation experience and fixing bugs, without introducing any new ones. Thank you in advance for downloading this mod. Please send as much feedback as you can via the dedicated thread on the mod forum, .

Please see the included INSTALLATION file for installation instructions.

NOTE: Saved games created with one Database and Doctrine set are not compatible with any other versions of the database, however, you can restore a previous version of the Database and Doctrine folders at any time to load saved games associated with that database. Please note, the charts and graphs previously included with this mod are now out of date, and will be updated in a separate release.

xx-Changed for LWAMI 3.07-XX
Bug Fixes and Various Platform Changes-All SUBROC's will now function correctly (LWAMI 3.06 bug). The prop on the merchant ship will now rotate in the correct direction. Russian ships have been adjusted to provide better air defense and the ESSM has been added to the Burke DDG. The Kirov is also now harder to sink. The prop speeds and directions of torpedoes and surface ships has been adjusted across the board for some graphical enhancement.

AI Sonars-The sensitivity of all AI sonars has been increased significantly. This was necessary because the AI does not report any contacts until it has POSID on sonar, which is often at less than half the range a human can detect a contact given the same sonar parameters. The AI should perform much better now, but it may make some scenarios play out much differently than before.

CounterMeasures and Torpedoes-The Non-Exploding on CM's Torpedo Mod by Amizaur has been restored to LWAMI. This overrides the .ini setting. I have done this because 1) the SCS fix produces buggy torpedo behavior (flying to the surface) 2) the SCS fix doesn't differentiate between the NIXIE towed decoy and other decoys, which leaves the FFG and other Blue navy platforms quite vulnerable. My recommendation is to SET YOUR .ini FILE TO 100% TorpsExplodeonCM and use the TorpHoming doctrine created by Amizaur, however, if you want to retain control over your decoy explosion setting, you can restore the stock TorpHoming doctrine at any time and the .ini setting will function again. The stock TorpHoming doctrine works seamlessly with the rest of LWAMI, so it's your choice.

Mk60 CAPTOR-The CAPTOR now replaces the 2000lbs Mine on the P-3 and the 1000lbs mine has been restored to previous operation.

ASuW Safety and SUBROC/CAPTOR Torpedoes-Torpedoes fired from SUBROCS and the CAPTOR have the ASuW Safety feature permanently enabled so these weapons will never engage surface ships.
Enjoy! :up:

I hope I can too this time! :)


From OneShot:


Originally Posted by OneShot
Here they come ...

To unify the structure of the different packages and to make life easier for future possible patching (for small updates, bigger release of course will come as full versions) some minor things like folder names have been changed. This means that you cant install all three variations at the same time (but who does that anyway). Aside from that I recommend to uninstall the older LwAmi versions before installing any new version (this and subsequent ones), but then this is SOP for most Programs anyway. Make sure to deactivate the mod before uninstalling it!!

As a disclaimer, since this issue has been brought up - this installer does not change any stuff in the registry, to my knowledge it doesnt even add anything. It only reads the path to the DW install directory.

So far so good ... lets get down to the fun stuff now ...

The latest LwAmi Mod comes again in three different flavours (Take note : the Graphics Update isn't optional - the Small Package as well as the Bare Bones version will only work if you had the v3.05 Graphics installed since they reference the new modells! If you didn't then it is recommended to download and install the Full Package):

1.) Full package weighting about 11MB inside a nice and easy to use installer. Here you have it all ... the Mod, the new modells (from v3.05) and a shiny new splash screen so you know you actually have the Mod turned on. Unlike with the v3.05 Mod the Graphics Update is only active as long as the Mod is active. Once you deactivate or even deinstall the mod you will again see the old modells.

- Grab it here : LwAmi 3.07 - Full Package

2.) The smaller package without the modells but everything else in it - weighting around 4MB and of course inside an easy to use installer.

- Grab it here : LwAmi 3.07 - Small Package

3.) And for those who like just the bare stuff ... only the mod, no Splash Screen but for the first time in an installer (including the JSGME Tool).This is only 400kB ...

- Grab it here : LwAmi 3.07 - Bare Bones


Bill Nichols 02-10-07 09:22 PM

The 3.07 Upgrade package is on my site. As soon as I get a full install version I'll put it up, too. :cool:

Lane 02-10-07 11:26 PM

OH Heck,

Guess I am in trouble I Moved the LWAMI _V307_Final folder to Mods section JSGME added the line in JSGME to ini flile then I removed LWAMI
Ver305 and installed V307 Did not install ver 306:down:
Guess it's back to drawing Board I guess it can be fixed?
Lane :cry:

LuftWolf 02-11-07 12:36 AM

You're ok, no problem.

As long as you have the 3-d models in your graphics archive. To test it, enable v307 and see if you have the new Typhoon model in the USNI Reference, if you do, then you're fine.


PS Be sure you have the latest files. The "FINAL" files are actually out of date. The latest files are available at the top of this thread.

Lane 02-11-07 01:04 AM

Thank's for that info I ran DW with 307 and have I guess the new SSBN Typhoon It has a Black Hull with pointed Nose and Red on Bottom?
and removed 307 and checked and it a Grey Looking Hull with a stubby
nose. that would be the basic DW patch 104.
I may have to install those new files above I had the LWAMI_V307_Final
the one you wanted the guys to test guess that was a Beta?
Will download the files at top.
So You think I will be ok not installing 306 since I ran the graphics installer in ver 305.?
Question? Since I did not install 306 and just have 305 will I need to install 305 then 307 over the top? And is there a way to add the splash screen icon that came with Ver 306

Thank's LF

LuftWolf 02-11-07 05:11 AM

Lane, my suggestion to you at this time is to hold off until Oneshot makes the full 3.07 distributions and install from there to get the splash screen. It should be fairly soon and it will just take care of everything all at the same time. :)


Lane 02-11-07 05:39 AM

Thank's David,
That's what I will do:D
Thank's for your help
Lane :D

LuftWolf 02-11-07 01:23 PM

As of the writing of this post, the above files have been updated due to an error on our part.

The files above are now the correct files. Please uninstall your previous 3.07 and reinstall if this post was not written at the time of your download.

We'll get this right the first time, sometime soon. :)


GrayOwl 02-11-07 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by LuftWolf

The files above are now the correct files.
We'll get this right the first time, sometime soon. :)


-+=Gray:Owl=+- :arrgh!: :

Kara Launcher #271: 72 Missiles x 35 Reloads=2520 Pics SA-N-1 Goa....
"Nursery Of The Bugs"...
Chinese "Kuznetzov" - Still Without Weapons:hmm: .

Similar Mistakes - Hundred.
See Closely Your DBase :o :o :o .

Cheers :p !

OneShot 02-11-07 04:18 PM

@GrayOwl : Just being curious but did you check the Stock DW database for those numbers and entries on those issues ... I'm guessing here, but I would say those errors are in that db as well. If I'm right then SCS is to blame for getting it wrong in the first place and certainly not Lw for not fixing one of many errors being prevalent in the Stock Db.

Aside from that ... seems that LwAmi has come really far given that the only issues are very very minor in the big scheme of things.

Great Job Lw ... I definitly have to take the P3 out for a whirl to check out the new toys :up:


Bellman 02-11-07 04:46 PM

Well done LW & Co and thanks. :|\\

Those Captors are pretty cool - I might take to the skies more often now. ;):up::rock:

GrayOwl 02-11-07 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by OneShot
@GrayOwl : Just being curious but did you check the Stock DW database for those numbers and entries on those issues ... I'm guessing here, but I would say those errors are in that db as well. If I'm right then SCS is to blame for getting it wrong in the first place and certainly not Lw for not fixing one of many errors being prevalent in the Stock Db.

Aside from that ... seems that LwAmi has come really far given that the only issues are very very minor in the big scheme of things.

Great Job Lw ... I definitly have to take the P3 out for a whirl to check out the new toys :up:


The correction of a database is displaced only to one aspect - improvement of the American platforms - if you blind I have shown where you to look in a database. Or you do not have eyes?

If this product [Lwami] wants to be worldwide employments, it is necessary to have the correct relation [Not interested ] to platforms only concerning to USA.

Fearless 02-11-07 06:27 PM

Great Job LWAMI Team :up:

Bill Nichols 02-11-07 08:03 PM

Agreed. Great job!


Bill Nichols 02-11-07 08:13 PM

On the other hand...
When I run the 'Full' install, I get the following:

Had the same problem with 3.06, as I recall. :-?

I had to manually copy the 3d.ndx and 3d.grp files from DW's Graphics folder into the LwAmi_mod/Graphics folder and re-run the installer.

Molon Labe 02-11-07 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by GrayOwl

Originally Posted by OneShot
@GrayOwl : Just being curious but did you check the Stock DW database for those numbers and entries on those issues ... I'm guessing here, but I would say those errors are in that db as well. If I'm right then SCS is to blame for getting it wrong in the first place and certainly not Lw for not fixing one of many errors being prevalent in the Stock Db.

Aside from that ... seems that LwAmi has come really far given that the only issues are very very minor in the big scheme of things.

Great Job Lw ... I definitly have to take the P3 out for a whirl to check out the new toys :up:


The correction of a database is displaced only to one aspect - improvement of the American platforms - if you blind I have shown where you to look in a database. Or you do not have eyes?

If this product [Lwami] wants to be worldwide employments, it is necessary to have the correct relation [Not interested ] to platforms only concerning to USA.

LW/Ami has never focused exclusively on American platforms. Early improvements included upgrading the SS-N-27ASM into a two stage weapon and adding the UGST and 65-76 torpedoes to the Akula loadout. AI sensor parameters for platforms of all nations were adjusted. More recently, the Stallion has been improved, the Helix, May, and Bear have had their loadouts upgraded, and the Russian air defense systems have received a major overhaul.

Lane 02-12-07 12:12 AM

Installed LWAMI ver 307 Full Version Download from CADC this afternoon.
Got looking at Ver307 folder and saw Graphics Folder and remmber from
Ver305 install that I had to run the InstallGFX So I did again I think it just overwrite the files I had from the Ver305 Install. I guess you don't have to do anything to Graphics folder Said something removing files if you like:D
No thank's I will leave them installed the LWAMI mod with JSGME
Got the nice splash screen and took off on the Sicilian Wedding mission
To see if I can pick that umpire from the Helo:D east of Tango.
If not :arrgh!: I may grab that SAM Launcher and the umpire can swim to the SSN760 :cool:
Later, Lane SSN760

LuftWolf 02-12-07 01:02 AM

Bill, I concur. I've corrected some of the links and posted the separate model pack. We're still working out the details of the installer.

It works on OS's machines, and also on some other's but apparently not on yours or mine and a few others.

For now, I think the safest bet is just to take down the "Full" package and link the model pack separately. I've included instructions on how to install them. Here is the direct link to download the model pack: .


LuftWolf 02-12-07 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by GrayOwl

Originally Posted by LuftWolf

The files above are now the correct files.
We'll get this right the first time, sometime soon. :)


-+=Gray:Owl=+- :arrgh!: :

Kara Launcher #271: 72 Missiles x 35 Reloads=2520 Pics SA-N-1 Goa....
"Nursery Of The Bugs"...
Chinese "Kuznetzov" - Still Without Weapons:hmm: .

Similar Mistakes - Hundred.
See Closely Your DBase :o :o :o .

Cheers :p !

You know, I've never actually closely looked at my database. At least not the vast majority of the platforms, launchers, sensors, etc. The vast majority of things in the database are exactly the same as in DW 1.04.

Adding numbers and changing parameters is very uninteresting work, and also very easy.

Beyond that, it's pretty silly to invest that sort of time into a catalogue of information accessed by something with basic flaws that make it largely irrelevant what the object parameters are.

So I've chosen to invest my time so far in improving DW in substantial ways, which has meant making changes in the most necessary places first, rather than entering a catalogue of information and calling it "realism modding" or whatever.

Ideally, someone who actually is familiar with modern navies would have been working with me at the same time to make changes to the database that aren't necessarily related to the project I was working on. However, such a person did not and still does not exist.

When there is no more work to do on the game, I'll start to polish the database, which is going to be sooner than you might think. Perhaps I've saved it for last because it really does mean the end of interesting work and the beginning of data entry, which has it's own rewards but isn't the reason I started modding DW.

BTW, the Chinese Kuz. CVG is a rusting hulk, with no weapons, in real life, owned by a Chinese holding company.


Originally Posted by GrayOwl
The correction of a database is displaced only to one aspect - improvement of the American platforms - if you blind I have shown where you to look in a database. Or you do not have eyes?

If this product [Lwami] wants to be worldwide employments, it is necessary to have the correct relation [Not interested ] to platforms only concerning to USA.

Of all the platforms changed by the mod, the Akula is by far the most improved. So I don't understand what you are saying. If I need to list: 1)added 65-76 2)added UGST 3) modelled two stage SS-N-27 ASW 4) added stealth launch to Shkval 5) added APR-3 to Stallion 6) increased the maximum speed of the P971U to 35kts 7) I gave the Gepard class P971A's a 10kts tactical speed, which is a 3kts advantage over Vepr' or P971U AND added three playable Modified hull designations. None of these are mere cosmetic changes, all of them add significant capabilities to the Akula.

On top of that I have "russified" the Russian and Chinese platform designations and added many Russian and Chinese playable hulls in addition to the game.

There are literally hundreds of places you could point to in the database and pull out whatever degree of ineptitude and bias you want from me, but if those same places are in the stock database, then it means I haven't gotten to it yet not that I've made any conscious effort to set things that way.

If you have some suggestions that do not fall into the catagory of something I OBVIOUSLY have to change when I have the time, please let me know.

I depend on feedback for this project to be successful.


LuftWolf 02-12-07 03:40 AM

@Bill, I've checked again with OneShot and the Full installer is performing as it should for both of us.

I can't think of anything that would be causing problems for you, unless you are not running a Windows XP machine (the 3d.grp files are copied over by the batch file using the "xcopy" command).


PS Oneshot uploaded another version that uses the copy command instead, perhaps you can try that one? (the files have been swapped out at the same link)

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