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File Name: 100_FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v0.90_RC3_PublicBe (1.31 GB) Download
Author: The Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate Edition Mod Team (Uploaded by Rockin Robbins)
Date Added: 12-20-16
Downloads: 7436
Grade: A+
New version as of 6/24,2019
100_FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v0.90_RC3_PublicBe ta_EN. Mostly bugfixes, but some very tasty CapnScurvy and s7rikeback additions as shown in the readme files. We're still loading up with more s7rikeback goodies and Propbeanie missions for the next release, already being worked on! Sorry for the time period where the link was broken. Enjoy!

We are back up after fixing weird stuff in the sound folder. Enjoy!

New version as of 3/20/2019 100_FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v0.81_RC1_PublicBe ta_EN. Lotsa changes and I want to do justice to describing them. I'm just out of time tonight and will write it tomorrow, but I wanted you to have the new version!

New version as of 12/30/2018, 100_FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v0.80_RC2_EN. Plenty of refinements.

RC2 has modifications to engine sounds only.

New! Insertion Rescue Training and SpecOp training missions to give you more confidence in these difficult missions. CapnScurvy has done extensive enemy AI tuning and you might want to take a look around Pearl Harbor.

This mod has retextured just about all the ships, has its own environmental mod, sound system completely reworked including different sounds for primary and secondary guns on capital ships. 3D sound is amazing.
Smoke and particle effects are reworked.

We've more than doubled the ships in the game from any previous mod in SH4. We have added some planes, but most remarkably have changed their armament to be more realistic, including giving planes torpedoes.

We have the optics fixed even better than OTC. Thanks CapnScurvy. However we have elected not to go with the superhuman perfect identification manual. The real submariners had crap for a manual and so will our players with the core game. CapnScurvy will be producing an approved plugin mod to give the perfect recognition manual to those wishing to play that way.

Installation pointers. Use JSGME to install, but first install Large Address Aware.exe. Files and instructions are in the mod. JSGME and MultiSH4 are also included with instructions. Put Large Address Aware, JSGME and MultiSH4 into your Silent Hunter Wolves of the Pacific directory. Run Large Address Aware, choosing SH4.exe as the file you want to be aware. Run JSGME and quit, then copy 100_FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v0.80_RC1_EN.7z into your MODS directory and decompress it there with 7zip.exe, available online for free. Then run JSGME again and use it to install FOTRSU. Enjoy!

New version as of 5/27/2018. FOTRSU v0.71 PublicBeta EN. Lotsa changes!

1. "Ultimatev0.63 Carrier_Plane Fix v0.7 Akitsu Gunz" from s7rikeback (see his README).

2. "Sb's_Cumulative_update_17May" from s7rikeback (see his README).

3. "Shinshu Maru Class Japan Transport Ship Mod" and the Daihatsu Landing Craft boats from ZUIKAKU1944. Also his NCL_Katori, and AFS_E13A_Jake Floatplane.

4. The NCL_Isuzu (Nagara) from noshiro.

5. AI Subs with Torpedoes, 9 Japanese subs whose original models came from keltos, one American Fleetboat, one German U-boat. All are considered to be “Surface Craft”, they will not submerge. More on the AI Torpedoes in #9.

6. Added two new American subs for "static" display (no visible crew/no guns to fire) for use in Harbor setups. The "AI_Fleetboat_Static" a Tambor class; and the "AI_Pigboat_Static" an S-Class boat.

7. Made new Recognition Manual pictures for the AI_Subs, and a few of the other ship units.

8. The changes made to the ship "Type" to allow for plane spawning from specific ships (see the following list), over 41 in all.

9. Changes made to the AirStrike and Sim .cfg files to have better plane activity, and to control the AA/Cannon "Range" of fire. The AA Gun "Range" change is necessary to have the AI Sub Torpedo fire correctly.

10. Correction to the Flotillas.upc file in section [Flotilla 2.Base 3], changed "AvailabilityInterval=1942-02-29" to "AvailabilityInterval=1942-02-28".

11. Updated the Data/Roster/Names.cfg file to include the newly added ship units, and renamed the following:
* Type17=Submarine
* Type18=Light Warship with Scout Planes
* Type19=Heavy Warship with Scout Planes

These new "descriptions" will be displayed in the RM under "Class:".

12. Added AI Torpedoes to 82 of the warships of different nationalities that had them as weapons. They will fire at various intervals once a target has reached the range of 1400 yards. Each ship “class” will have varying numbers of torpedoes:

* Japanese Submarines will have a total of 24 torpedoes Bow facing
* Japanese Midget Sub will have a total of 4 Bow facing
* American and German subs will have 24 torpedoes per Bow; the same to the Stern.
* PT Boat and Schnellboat will have 8 total; 4 firing to Port, 4 firing to Starboard
* Specific Heavy Cruisers, Light Cruisers, Destroyers will have a total of 17 torpedoes per side

Due to the fact that the torpedo is unable to “lead” a target, a higher number of torpedoes were required to provide a better sense of accuracy in some situations.

13. The Hatsuharu DD has been changed to be more accurately displayed, following a Shiratsuyu class model. The Shiratsuyu has been modified to use only one "Loadout" model, to appear slightly different than the Hatsuharu.

14. Changes made to the "Air" folder include the addition of the Aichi E13A Jake Floatplane. Reworked the equipment files for the IL2 Sturmovik Fighter Bomber, B24 Model H Heavy Bomber, B24 Model C Liberator to better have these planes carry well as the Jake Floatplane.

15. The Sensor file (.sns) was reworked for many of the units (Ship/Plane) per s7rikeback's corrections.

16. Changed the floating behavior of the Survivor Rafts/Boats to have them appear more natural in mild to heavy seas. No more "heavy bobbing", leading to capsizing while the sea state is moderate. The Special Opps Raft was modified as well.

17. Speech was reworked in the specific area of “Yes Sir” to eliminate it repeating, plus reworking the length of its duration that prevented other phrases to be heard. Also eliminated most of the "shouting" of sub crewmen when circumstances arise.

18. Many new images were added/reworked to accompany the new added models, or personnel that inhabit these models.

19. Revisions to the Roster/Names.cfg to include the newly added units; plus changes made for spelling/different descriptions of units.

20. Many other tweaks were made to the units regarding “Dates” primarily to make sure the dates conform to the correct time the game expects changes to take place. Also, changes made to gun placements, traverse bearings, elevations too numerous to count were made throughout the file.

21. Changed the Captains Room "Options" Radio to have a greater highlighted image when mousing over it.

22. Corrections to the Kent and Sirtori torpedo spawn gun's where they were not hidden from view.

23. Changes made to the player subs Hydrophone/Sonar equipment and upgrades, to better have the equipment show as expected when on the sub or when offered when in-port.

24. Revisions to the "Help" and "Mouse over" text messages to better reflect information for the player.

25. Attempted to change the player subs overall performance in duration of mileage. and battery use and recharge capabilities.

26. Added the Moon to the night sky which had been eliminated by FOTRS....made it 100% smaller in size than stock.

27. Changed the color of the Crewmen "picture" that are killed on the Crew Management page to blue.

28. Added a "Watch Crew's Lounge" compartment to the players sub for keeping the Watch crew from unnecessary harm when receiving damage from depth charges. A player will need to manually move each crewman to the "Lounge" for them to stay safe. Make sure you move them back into the Watch Crew Compartment to perform their duties when surfaced.

29. The "Repair Team" compartment has been expanded to keep the Deck Gun crewmen (both main Deck Gun and AA/Flak crewmen) safe when submerged (much the same as the Watch Crew Lounge). You will be required to move the crewmen to the specific gun stations in order for the guns to fire when surfaced.

30. Units added by S7rikeback:
DDSmith=Destroyer Robert H. Smith Class
FBP40Kittyhawk=Curtiss P-40N Kittyhawk (!!!)
FBP40Tomahawk=Curtiss P-40 Tomahawk (!!!)
FBP40Flyingtiger=Curtiss P-40 Flying Tiger (!!!!)
CHGunBoat01=Gunboat Luzon Class
CHGunBoat02=Gunboat Panay Class


The following units have been added or changed:


LAA_AAPlatform (Allied Anti-Aircraft Bunker with 40mm Quad Bofors)
LAA_AAPlatformJP (Japanese Anti-Aircraft Bunker with 25mm Triple Turret)
LAB_NormalAirBaseCH.....both Chinese Air Base's
LAB_SmallAirBaseRU.....Russian Air Base

AI_Fleetboat_Static; Type=17
AI_Pigboat_Static; Type=17
AFS_E13A_Jake Floatplane
AI_Fleetboat; American; Type=17
AI_Uboat9d2; German; Type=17
JP_ShinshuMaru; Japan; Type=103
NA25Daihatsu; Japan; Type=0
NCA_SaltLakeCity, Type=19.....has Planes
NADaihatsu; Japan; Type=0
NCDaihatsu; Japan; Type=104
NCL_Isuzu (Nagara); Type=6
NCL_Katori; Type=18....has Planes
NKLMS_Ada; Type=102
NKMSS_Aden; Type=102
NKMSS_Ansyu; Type=102
NLCVA; Type=103...Higgins Landing Craft
NPT_Schnellboat, Type=0....3D model change
NSS_A1; Japan; Type=18....has Planes
NSS_AM; Japan; Type=18....has Planes
NSS_C3: Japan; Type=17
NSS_Jyunsen1; Japan; Type=17
NSS_JyunsenB; Japan; Type=18....has Planes
NSS_Kaidai4; Japan; Type=17
NSS_Ko; Japan; Type=17
NSS_Sen_Taka; Japan; Type=17
NSS_Sen_Toku_I; Japan; Type=18....has Planes
USS Robert H. Smith....DD, American
CHGunBoat01=Gunboat Luzon Class.....Chinese Nationality
CHGunBoat02=Gunboat Panay Class.....Chinese Nationality



NAuxCru; Japan; Type=18....has Planes
NBB_Alabama; American; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_Fuso; Japan; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_Ise2; Japan; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_KGeorgeV; British; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_Kongo; Japan; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_Montana; American; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_Nevada; American; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_New_Mexico; American; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_North_Carolina; American; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_Pennsylvania; American; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_Queen_Elisabeth; British; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_Tennessee; American; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_TennesseeEarly; American; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_Tirpitz; German; Type=19....has Planes
NBB_West_Virginia; American; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Aoba; Japan; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Baltimore; American; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Deutschland; German; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Lutzow; German; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Maya; Japan; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Myoko; Japan; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Northampton; American; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Pensacola; American; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Pensacola_II; American; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Portland; American; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Quincy; American; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Takao; Japan; Type=19....has Planes
NCA_Tone; Japan; Type=19....has Planes
NCL_Agano; Japan; Type=18....has Planes
NCL_Brooklyn; American; Type=18....has Planes
NCL_Cleveland; American; Type=18....has Planes
NCL_Fiji; British; Canadian; New Zealand; Type=18....has Planes
NCL_Katori; Japan; Type=18....has Planes
NCL_Kuma; Japan; Type=18....has Planes
NCL_Naka; Japan; Type=18....has Planes
NDD_Hatsuharu; Type=4....3D model change
NDD_MomiII; Type=109.....3D model change from the Momi DD
NDD_Shiratsuyu; Type=4....3D model change
NDE_PB102; Japan; Type=0....Changed this from a Type=17
NKSS_CAT; Japan; Type=18....has Planes
NL_B; Japan; Changed Dates
NL_C; Japan; Changed Dates
NLUS_Bremen; German; Type=18....has Planes

The CV's And CVE's are corrected per s7rikeback text document.

Plus, the following mods have been added/merged:

200_Ultimate Cumulative Fix for v0.6xxx
07.02.2018 - SH Validator v2.0.6 Fixes
CrewFix for Tenders
10_Cumulative Fix
Ultimatev0.63 Carrier_Plane Fix v0.7 Akitsu Gunz

And we hold for planned AI changes. CapnScurvy hit us with the unexpected news that FOTRSU was way too tough to reflect the real situation in the war. We were all shocked (not) and listened long enough to see that he can take this mod in a direction that only Real Fleet Boat tried before, but without great success. The sensors are mocking us, so stand by.

Also, propbeanie is working on campaign changes that you'll really like. See all those ships above that have torpedoes and planes? Brace for action!

When you install v0.71 unfortunately the only safe way to proceed is to not use previous savegames. Please ensure that your base SH4 files are absolutely stock. Reinstalling from scratch is the gold standard here. Uninstall and reinstall SH4. As always, documentation is available in the root and Date folders.

Whew! That's all for now folks!

************************************************** **************

NOTICE: FOTRSU v0.63 is back up, corrected on 7/21/2017, 18:25 EDT. If you are using FOTRSU downloaded before that date, you will have to unistall your mods, restore your stock game files by either reinstalling or copying files from a pristine game files directory. We apologize for the error.

New version, 7/18/2017. FOTRSU v0.63 PublicBeta EN. CapnScurvy fixes: Texture fix on Old Tanker, fixed 2 impossible dates in the Gar campaign files. S7rikeback fixes: NDE_Parker had a blank epq file, no weapons - fixed. NOM_Paula Wake no bow wake - now fixed.

New version, as of 6/29/2017. FOTRSU v0.62 PublicBeta EN. Lots of fixes, especially to enemy subs, a couple of missing textures, some invisible ship type fixes. Plenty of bugs to work on, especially bugs introduced by the game devs who did a lousy job on the best submarine simulator on the planet.

New version, as of 6/12/2017. V0.61 Bugfix. The Kongo no longer crashes your game upon detection.

From v0.60 Enemy submarines! Two new team members! Radar refinements! Sonar stuff! New sounds! What's not to like. There are more changes between .60 and .56 than between any two previous versions.

Enjoy! And please comment in the mod main thread.

Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate Edition Mod Team is:
  • cdrsubron7 (tambor198 at Ubi SH4--mission guru)
  • propbeanie (campaign genie)
  • s7rikeback (game surgeon extrodinaire)
  • xtbilly (worked out importing FOTRS 2.0 into FOTRS 1.3)
  • max-peck (ship architect and camouflageur master)
  • Jeff-Groves (Privateer of GWX Team--master of much)
  • Florida Sailor (dgrayson at Ubi SH4--author of TMO with Training Wheels)
  • CapnScurvy (supermodder extreme thanks for the optics!)
  • ETR(3)SS (enemy submarine evil genius)
  • Keltos01 (enemy submarine evil genius too)
  • Rockin Robbins (wielder of the HAMMER!)
Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate Project thread

For years the cry has been "Why doesn't Silent Hunter 4 have a mod comparable to the great mods of SH3? Where's the GWX of Silent Hunter 4?" As unfair as that question is, with TMO, RFB, RSRDC, SH4 has been well served with memorable mods, skillfully written.

But my favorite has always been Fall of the Rising Sun 1.3, even though it was plagued by bugs and ultimately was not very playable. Only in FOTRS did I see echoes of GWX in Silent Hunter 4. Only there did I see beautiful ships and a great atmosphere. But because of the bugs, I laid it aside and played TMO--king of gameplay!

Then I saw AOTD_MadMax' video on FOTRS 2.0. I was absolutely astounded. The sound, the graphics were magnitudes better than anything I had seen from the Silent Hunter series. But then the comedown: FOTRS 2.0 was for SH4 v1.4 only. Wouldn't work for U-Boat missions, and it was balanced for multiplayer. That means single player might be pretty daunting. It was.

I found FOTRS vanishing from the Internet, site by site gone. Soon there would be no FOTRS of any version for anyone. Neal Stevens encouraged me to bring those versions home to Subsim so they could live for everyone here. Then fitzcarraldo and xtbilly contacted me about a crazy idea......

The result, well, it's right here. I didn't have to find the fine people on the Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate Edition team. They found me and volunteered so I can take no credit. But time after time the perfect person for the problem at hand just appeared.

A special shoutout to CapnScurvy who brought his exquisite optics from OTC and Jeff-Groves who showed us how far in the woods we were when we thought we were on the home stretch two months ago. His help has been invaluable in helping us root out the errors and bad translations in the ships, planes, missions and files. He didn't give us many fish. He taught us to fish.

We also thank our closed beta testers:
  • AVGWarhawk
  • BarracudaUAK
  • Gray Lensman
  • Jeffg
  • Lt commander lare
  • Moonlight
  • Navigator857
  • Newinger
  • Platypus65
  • Rabid Wolverine
  • Wizz

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A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

03-21-18 at 08:28 PM
Just me,

Seems that my sonar can't pick up multiple contacts (I only hear one) and my bridge crew can't estimate range to save their lives. (They report "71,380 ft!...or 23k yds) while sonar reports 4100 yds.

just me,

12-22-16 at 05:58 AM
Can't get it to work?
Rockin Robbins
12-27-16 at 04:50 PM
We are back up. Some glitches from Christmas past were haunting us.
01-01-17 at 01:51 AM
01-02-17 at 08:20 PM
where are the installation instructions, already looked in the support folder
01-08-17 at 09:36 AM
I've noticed that firing torpedoes in the American subs nothing happens yet when playing as the Germans there's no issues firing. Does anyone know the path on the files used from the command console when selecting the firing button? If someone knows the path the files involved in the game used to launch the torpedoes, I could copy those files over from a backup that I have stored.
01-09-17 at 09:36 PM

Does it fix bugs with original radar systems?
The Old Gringo
01-25-17 at 08:22 PM
Hey RR & team,
C’mon guys shake a leg, I'm all hyped up to play a stable version of ROTFSU. So where is it, is Oinkel Neal the only hold up? I read somewhere the complete download is around 3.5Gb, much too large for the SubSim site. Normally I’m a patient sort of guy, but not this time. You’ve played up this MOD until I'm near to wetting myself with anticipation. I see you have an up and running nightly at just under 1Gb. Is it possible to split the whole thing into four pieces?
Seriously guys, wish I could help, I'm totally computer literate. As an example; I still hold the high school typing class record from the mid-60’s, of six words a minute with seven mistakes.
Currently I'm playing TMO w/OCT with a couple of Webster's thrown in for good measure at 100%. Can't compute a firing solution worth spit, miss 99.9% of the time. Thank God for saves! Perhaps after this MOD is complete someone can help me with the “Offset Angle” thing (hint hint). I think most of my trouble lies there.
Anyway, I thought I would drop a line of encouragement and advanced thanks for all the, what must be (and impossible for me to fathom), hard work.
With great admiration for all your efforts,

02-15-17 at 03:42 PM
Hello folks,

I have tried a number of different ways to get this mod to work on m SH4 v1.4. I actually have the original DVD for a clean install. I have tried at v1.3 and v1.4 with the same non result.

The intro works like a charm and the game tries to load. The re, lod bar may or may not make it to the end. Everything hangs.

The error I consistently receive is:

"Can't find data/menu/data/black80.tga"

I have searched for the offending file in a clean extraction of the mod and so far I have yet to find it lurking somewhere.

Thought you might like to know.
03-22-17 at 03:57 AM
I have now played the mod and i like it very much ..
i got 1 big problem.

When im in the control Room , on the looks of the current angle of the camera when crusing on the surface it looks as if the sub is sinking tail first???

Can u please look into the camera position cause its destroying the game.
02-26-17 at 10:14 AM
Hello everyone !

I make a clean install of SH4 v1.4 but it's loading the program but it does not come to an end!

Thank you
02-26-17 at 12:55 PM

Sometimes I am just not the sharpest pencil in the box. I realized I was trying to apply the FOTRS mod to my 1.04 version of SH4, not my 1.05 version.

Everything seems happy now except the external camera view.

Gotta luv old people especially when you are one!
02-26-17 at 06:37 PM
Details of error:

"file not found: data/menu/black80.tga"

Thank you
02-26-17 at 10:38 PM
My my mistake !
This addon only works with SH v.1.5 !
03-08-17 at 02:04 PM
One tiny detail I hope is included in the future updates to FOTRS. The external camera, like is available on SH4 1.5. The reason I like this is fairly simple, it looks great.

My other reasoning for all of you purists is simple again. The sailors who sailed and continue to sail our submarines developed incredible abilities in hearing who, what and where things were around them. I like to use the external camera as a visual representation of those abilities.

The event camera is nice, I just like seeing the great renditions of the ships. Of course it could just be something in my setup that is not working. After a number of re installs and checking settings I just can't get that small external camera to work like it is in SH4.

Other than my little SNAFU the FOTRS mega mod is simply amazing!
03-12-17 at 05:39 PM
This is great

Keep up the good work guys!
love playing silent hunter !
06-12-17 at 08:08 AM
I'm putting my recently revived GWX3 back on the shelf and downloading this now. Can't wait!

Thanks so much to the team for all the hours and work. I'd buy you all a beer if I could.


05-12-17 at 11:07 PM
It seems that every mega mod I've used for SHIV ends up with the museum crashing to desktop before it loads. Anyone know the cause or a fix for this?
10-31-18 at 09:25 AM
Mod looks good - but i can´t find any ships?! In contrary a million planes everytime i come back to the surface. Installed over clean 1.5 - mod activated with jsgme....
The Old Gringo
06-23-17 at 06:50 PM
Avast me hardies and offer a hand,

I've downloaded v0.61 twice, neither will install. First time out I decided perhaps my security played with the download. Turned off said security and got the same un-installable v0.61. I'm also using an up to date version of JSGME.

Gandering through v0.61 I see several 7z’s, do I need to open these? Also read many README’s do I need to install these changes individually?

Really could use some help and guidance, for this old addled brain, I guess I'm at an age where I need to be lead like a child. SORRY and most regrettable for getting old.

Great work guys, I anxiously await each installment/upgrade.

The Old Gringo
The Old Gringo
06-23-17 at 11:38 PM
Hi guys,

If my last message wasn't deleted (as I attempted to do) please disregard. I figured it out, JSGME would "not respond" for more than 10 minutes. I discovered this when I tried to reinstall v0.56. JSGME does not respond for a few minutes when installing v0.56 too. After installing v0.56, I removed it and installed v0.61, took about 15 minutes.

Now to the purpose of this mess. I discovered a problem in v0.56, I had never tried this, I spent 500 of my renown for the fore DD Gun. Looks great, problem is there is no crew to operate it! On the crew screen, it's just a big blank hole. I even lost my old rear DD Gun crew.

Just a heads up, if that is something you'll can correct.

Great MOD and work.

The Old Gringo
Capt Dave J. Harper
07-01-17 at 12:57 AM
soo i enable the mod.. i get in the sub.. i have white boxes for my engine telegrph and compas along the bottem hotbar and my command room is either a black screen or a blue color.. and going to exterior viewcauses a please
07-01-17 at 06:57 PM
Hey Folkes,
I run SH4 on a WIN10 PC. SH4 (with U-boat missions, so its v1.5) is installed with Steam.
this latest FOTRS Mod is the only one installed (using JSGME) and its running nicely .... except I cant fire torpedos! The clean v1.5 Version of SH4 DOES fire torpedos, but as soon as FOTRS is installed i cant fire anymore.

Any suggestions, how to make FOTRS fireing torpedos???

I did some research and it seems this happened before - and the solution was a new installation from CD. But I cant do that, because I used Steam. So, what do I do???

THX in advance, Capt. Rich
07-03-17 at 01:27 PM
Thank you for the update, working nicely with one early notice problem. After updating from version 0.56 to version 0.62, it appears I cannot end a mission by docking at home base.

Scenario: Home base = Brisbane. Mission was to conduct a photo recon of a harbor on the west coast of Borneo but I find these missions unrealistic and suicidal. Instead of completing this mission, I attacked shipping in the area around it, expending my torpedoes, then returned to Brisbane. Upon entering Brisbane, I am not given the option to end mission, only re-arm/re-fuel or postpone.

Has there been a change requiring us to complete the given mission before we are allowed to continue?

thank you
07-17-17 at 11:05 AM
Hello guys,

Can someone point me to the guide on how to install the mega mod? I just downloaded the 100_FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v0.62_PublicBeta_ file, and I'm trying to make it work with JGSME but I'm really thickheaded today due to some personal problem that has me very distracted and for the love of me I just can't find the way to make it work.

I have the file and the FOTS mod files seem to be in the "data" folder? Do I create a new "FOTS" folder or something, please help....
07-29-17 at 07:47 AM
Hello everyone,

I have installed FOTRS Ultimate 0.63 over SH4 1.05.
It seems to be working fine except that when i go to the U-boat side, the menus (school, campaign, mission etc.) are blank so I can't proceed.
Anyone else have this problem? - and if so, is there a remedy?

08-30-17 at 12:21 PM
Hi, the mod's great but when I start a patrol I only get one mission, then "no new objectives" until i start a new patrol. Any fix for this? Thanks.
09-15-17 at 12:59 PM
This is fantastic, great work. I've not played any SH since SH2 in years and this MOD makes this the best game I've played in a while.
07-07-17 at 05:05 PM
Hello, all

I have a SH4+SH4 U Boat Missions from Steam (therefore v.1.5).
My platform is a Windows10 (64bits) laptop with Intel i7, 24 Gb DDR4 and a GeForce 1060 with 16 Gb.

To make the original game to work fullscreen, I had to use the option of "deactivating redimensioning in high monitor DPI", otherwise it would only run in a windowed mode.

I played some missions in "vanilla" mode and decided to install a mod.

I installed the mod enabler JSGME and this mega mod (100_FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v0.62_PublicBeta_ E).

The issue I would ask the community help solving is that I experience crashes. The game crashes when:
1. after loading a mission played in vanilla, after being in the boat, while in command room, or while in conning tower.
2. after starting a new campaign (US and German), after a few seconds in the boat, the game will crash.
3. It crashed also during a training mission, which, when trying a second time, I was able to complete.

Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
04-28-19 at 06:12 PM

I cannot seem to locate this file anywhere.

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