View Full Version : Presets end use toepedoes

04-12-06, 03:50 PM
Sorry for my very bad english language!
In vary manual I have found opposite reason about the use non conventional of torpedoes. The questions are: a torpedoes or a mine, can be used like a countermeasure ? It is as big to become a target for an incoming torpedoes?
In "Blue Book" manual, Tomhawks also are used for asw operations: after they enter in the water, they give to enemy much reflecton sound end confuse them, so the own boat can hide its attack.
That's all true ? The manual of Timmyg 00, if i've right understanding, say esactly the opposite. Who have the reason?

Tanks, Schaitan

Molon Labe
04-12-06, 05:48 PM
The Blue Book was written for 688I, and the TACMAN for SC.

In 688I, missiles fired when the sub was too deep or too fast remain in water for a significant amount of time; perhaps for the rest of the game.

In SC, those same missiles would be deleted a few seconds after they failed. So, even if they did produce an active sonar return, they wouldn't last long enough for this to be a useful exploit.

04-13-06, 11:21 AM
Tanks for the answer! However, i would know what happen in real-warld, independently by the modelling of 688(I) and Sub Command.
Another question who interest is te following. In Bue Book is wraited that a torpedoes, slow speed launched, when acquire the target increase automatically its speed until a maximum. Even more, this happen in the real-warld? This situation is good simulated in 688 end Sub Command for your opinion?

Very Tanks, i'm too novice... Schaitan

P.S However, yesterday i've destroyed the Kutznetzov battle group, whitout demages reported!!!!! My greater victory until a now!!!!!