View Full Version : Help wirh 2nd Mission

01-05-06, 05:06 PM
I can't seem to finish this one:(
I have kept to within 3 miles of the sub, hitting it with active sonar for about 4 hrs.
I must be doing something wrong.
Any advice?

01-05-06, 06:04 PM
Edited - note to myself : don't post when half asleep :damn:

Bill Nichols
01-05-06, 06:16 PM
I can't seem to finish this one:(
I have kept to within 3 miles of the sub, hitting it with active sonar for about 4 hrs.
I must be doing something wrong.
Any advice?

You must get closer, practically right on top of him! :arrgh!:

01-05-06, 06:30 PM
Thank you Bill!
Will give it a try:)

01-08-06, 07:24 AM
What I've found to pass that mission is you MUST as soon as you hear the alarm about General Quarters, you should immediately turn towards the sub and go to flank to get within 3 miles of it. Dont wait for a accurate solution.

01-15-06, 12:44 PM
Now I've stayed on top of that sub for a long time now. How long does it take before it surfaces?

01-16-06, 02:14 AM
Looking in my Players' Log it took 1 hour 46 minutes to complete the entire mission.

01-16-06, 04:36 AM
Been playing for 2 hours now...

Right on top of him. I even went to play with show truth after a bit due to rubbish ATT on active sonar.

Still hasn't surfaced :(

Also mission 1, could some of the harbour traffic be removed.

Although I have a 3.2 Ghz P4 and 512MB RAM and an ATI X300 card that mission was really quite choppy.

Apart from that good.

01-17-06, 02:35 AM
I went in real close to him in the mission. I had my active sonar pinging with the shortest range scale (= shortest ping interval), on him with auto track activated. I never let the range get greater than 1500 yards, and had the helo up, and my torps ready to fire on a snapshot just in case Bill had included any "surprises" in his mission :-j

Molon Labe
01-17-06, 09:28 AM
The wieird thing for me when I played this in 1.03 was that "surfacing" was completed when he poked that "mast" up that's part of the 3D model. In 1.01, he surfaced completely.

01-26-06, 03:12 PM
Ok, I don't know what Im doing wrong!!!
I've been chasing that sub since about 10 minutes after start, I've been <1000 yards for hours. My mission clock is at 23:00, and I think it starts at 17:00. That seems like a long time. I'm currently 368 yards behind him and have been for the last hour.
I've been following with active sonar, watching him on HF sonar, using Dicass, everything.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks, Swims

01-26-06, 03:17 PM
If you are using stock DW and are directly behind him pinging, he won't hear your pings and depending on the sub he won't hear you on passive sonar either. :-?

TLAM Strike
01-26-06, 03:17 PM
I think they have all suffocated and died because you held them down too long. They are heroes; they died doing their duty to the motherland! O>

Or they tried to surrender and the commissar shot them all. In that case they are traitors... :stare:

01-26-06, 04:26 PM
but even if he cant hear me, he's been under water an aweful long time?
Do I have to do circles around him?

01-27-06, 01:49 AM
OK guys, this is getting old.
I started my track at 1500 yards at 17:25 using active sonar.
I stayed within 1k yards for another 2hours 20minutes.
I did circles around him.
I came head on at him.
I pinged him from all angles.
Still never surfaced.
what the hell? I want to do the campaign, please help.

01-27-06, 10:28 PM
cmon guys, gimme a bone here.
I'm not a 'tard, but I'm missing something in this mission.
Please help a guy out.

Bill Nichols
01-27-06, 11:57 PM

Okay, here's how this scenario works.

At the start of the scenario, one of three possible diesel subs are created. One of these is a Kilo-class, the other two are Foxtrots.

Each of these subs has a "Relative Position" trigger attached with the following parameters needed to fire the trigger:

For the Kilo, the player's FFG must approach to within 3 miles of the sub and remain there for at least 15 minutes. This trigger will not fire before time 19:00.

For the first Foxtrot, the player's FFG must approach to within 3 miles of the sub and remain there for at least 15 minutes. This trigger will not fire before time 19:00.

For the second Foxtrot, the player's FFG must approach to within 3 miles of the sub and remain there for at least 15 minutes. This trigger will not fire before time 18:30.

When the sub's Relative Position trigger fires, a script is run. The script tells the sub to surface and sets a course and speed to leave the area.

In order to get a successful 'mission complete', the FFG's "lookout" sensor must detect the surfaced sub.

I've checked and double-checked the above and everything seems to be in order. I can think of two possibilities for why the mission isn't working correctly for some players:

1) There might be something screwy with how DW implements the "relative position" trigger. For example, if the FFG approaches to within 3 nm of the sub, but leaves before the 15 minites are over, will this prevent the trigger from ever firing in the future? :hmm:

2) The sub's AI routines might be interfering with or superceding the 'surface sub' script. If the sub doesn't get to the surface, then the lookout sensor won't be able to detect it and the mission will fail. :x

Either of the above would be a fault of the game program. :damn: Further investigation is needed to understand what the game program is doing. I can think of some possible work-arounds by changing how the scenario's triggers are set up.

Finally, this mission has some additional trigger logic for the case where the player opens fire on the sub. Start the war and see what happens! :arrgh!:

01-29-06, 12:58 PM
Thank you very much Sir, I really appreciate it.
So if I understand correctly, I must locate and close to within 3nm of sub, and remain there for minimum of 15 minutes, and the sub will not surface until 19:00 or 18:30, depending on type.
I did sink the Foxtrot once, it gave me a mission incomplete :(
I will run it again, following your guidelines.
Again, thanks very much, this is what the forums are really for in my opinion- helping others with less experience to enjoy the sim!

Bill Nichols
01-29-06, 01:51 PM
To be more precise, the 'Relative Position' triggers won't be 'active' before those times. Thus, the earliest that the sub will surface is 15 minutes after the times stated.

01-29-06, 05:14 PM
ahhh, so the MINIMUM mission times would be 1.5 hrs or 2.0 hrs, correct?

01-30-06, 01:19 AM
What Bill said sounds familiar; I've had similar problems. A couple of comments:

Are you using event triggers? I've found them to have some problems, at least with "use doctrine language" option. I recently had to replace event triggers with goal triggers in order to make some missions work.

It also seems that subs don't always follow scripts. In a mission I'm currently working with I finally ended up using 3 scripts simultaneously forcing a sub to surface, one repeating itself every minute. The sub, however, still dives all the time. :damn: I guess there is some hard-coding that makes the subs avoid "hostiles".'


01-30-06, 03:10 PM
Depending on the priority set by the sim engine for all the scripts and doctrines running for a single AI controlled platform (and there can be MANY running at once for each platform, a tribute to the programmers) the platform may or may not respond to certain scripts or even doctrine level commands.

There is a variable entered by the sim in the doctrines called SetPriority, and this is largely what is used to resolve conflicting doctrine/script commands, and although I believe it can be defined, for every doctrine/script cycle for the platform it gets shifted on the fly by the sim.

Amizaur, knows much more about this than me, but we have had the same problem figuring out why certain doctrine level commands didn't work in certain situations and it is very much the same problem that mission designers seem to have with certain scripts not working correctly or at all, and we have narrowed down some to the way multiple command paths are run and handled by the sim, which is ultimately a strength of the game because of the flexibility it allows.

For example, the straight running torpedo bug (which has been fixed in the doctrine update for LWAMI 3.00b) was a result of multiple copies of the Torpedo doctrine opening for each contact and throwing off a variable counter that reset the torpedo to search again each time the sim shifted priority between them based on the contact environment.

Fortunately, this counter was unnecessary, most likely a holdover from Sub Command, so removing it solved the problem and now the torpedoes seem to work great. :)

01-30-06, 03:50 PM
Thanks guys.
I'm still stuck.
I stayed within 1nm of sub from 17:20 until 21:30.
I used all types of active sonar, while doing circles around the sub to make sure he heard the pings. My average range was <1k yards!
Is there any way to "bypass" this mission and continue the campaign?
It appears that something is not right here.
Appreciate the help.

Bill Nichols
01-30-06, 05:19 PM
Thanks guys.
I'm still stuck.
I stayed within 1nm of sub from 17:20 until 21:30.
I used all types of active sonar, while doing circles around the sub to make sure he heard the pings. My average range was <1k yards!
Is there any way to "bypass" this mission and continue the campaign?
It appears that something is not right here.
Appreciate the help.

I'll re-work the triggers on this scenario to make it work more reliably. In the meanwhile, you can play the single-mission versions included with my zip file. Just play them in order and you'll get most of what's in the campaign.

Bill Nichols
01-31-06, 06:53 AM
Thanks guys.
I'm still stuck.
I stayed within 1nm of sub from 17:20 until 21:30.
I used all types of active sonar, while doing circles around the sub to make sure he heard the pings. My average range was <1k yards!
Is there any way to "bypass" this mission and continue the campaign?
It appears that something is not right here.
Appreciate the help.

Here's a new version that, I believe, fixes the problem. I've replaced the 'relative position' triggers with 'approach' triggers (in case there's something strange happening with the relative position logic), and added a check so that, if the sub hasn't surfaced within 5 minutes of the surface-sub script running, you get credit for the mission anyway. Let me know if this works better for you. :|\


02-01-06, 11:36 AM
Excellent customer service Sir, I'll run it today.

02-23-06, 01:01 AM
I'm in the middle of this mission and mission time is 0227L and I figured something must be wrong because I've been tracking this guy within 2Kyds since 1845L and stayed with him through all his turns. he's been running at 17 kts and 800ft for friggin 4 hours now! :stare: I guess his battery has to die sometime right? :x Does he have the energizer rabbit on wheel in that thing :o
BTW I just d/l RSR today.
Edit - I'l' sav this mission and run it tommorow to see if he'll run aground somewhere near Cape Hatteras! :damn:

10-23-06, 12:36 AM
Well, I hate to bump an old topic but...

I was playing this campaign again after recently coming back to DW, and I had not seen that there was a fix for mission 2. (Furthermore, I didn't recall having any trouble with it the first time around)

Anyway, I had the same problem as everybody else, and naturally, I came running to the forums to see what's what. But before I installed the fix, I thought I'd give it one last try. So I loaded my saved game, stayed where I was on top of the Foxtrot, and fifteen or so minutes later, up he came.

So, though it's hardly relevant now, it seems that whatever the problem was can be fixed with a simple save and re-load.

Oh, and by the way, FANTASTIC campaign Bill, just fantastic. :up:

05-23-11, 04:55 PM
I've been put on this thread from another - I had the same (stock Steam version) and I chased him off the side of the map. I varied between 300yds and 500yds distance, even criss-crossing over the top of the sub, constant pinging by me and sonar bouys. Also, I didn't know that sub could drive for that long amount of time at a constant 15kts...

Anyhoo, I scrapped that one and restarted the mission completely. In a very short space of time of doing the same stuff the sub "surfaced" (actually it looked more like snorkel depth). I have no idea what I did differently.

04-22-12, 11:41 PM
Here's a new version that, I believe, fixes the problem. I've replaced the 'relative position' triggers with 'approach' triggers (in case there's something strange happening with the relative position logic), and added a check so that, if the sub hasn't surfaced within 5 minutes of the surface-sub script running, you get credit for the mission anyway. Let me know if this works better for you. :|\


This is an old thread but since I just played DW and replaying RSR campaign I also experience the same problem with mission 2 (DW v1.04 & LwAmi 3.11)
I already install mission 2 fix, but the problem get worse because that "Energizer Bunny Powered" Kilo class doesn't even surface and continue running at 15kts at 800ft deep although there is "Mission Accomplished" message, the mission critical objective remain Incomplete so that make the campaign stuck at mission 2 and most of the time CTD whenever I attempt to save (1 out of 3)
I can email you the saved game if you need it.