View Full Version : no rain coats now!!!

corvette k225
07-14-05, 11:54 PM
For some reason with all the mods I have on now when it is raining
the crew does not wear any rain gear now.. :huh: :huh:

so is there a fix for this??? :oops: :oops:

07-15-05, 12:05 AM
Did you change the storm settings?

That's why. No storm - no coat. Dig it :|\

07-15-05, 02:03 AM
this same thing happened to me after installin RuB1.4.

I have a geForce 3 ti4400 if that helps.


KL Seestern
07-15-05, 03:01 AM
I think your watch crew retain whatever gear they're wearing at the moment when you put them on the bridge, according to the weather at that time. In a recent patrol, I cast off during fine weather, so the watch weren't wearing their rain gear; I then ran at high time compression for a few days, and when I slowed the game down again, the weather had changed, and I saw them idiotically standing there in their shirtsleeves in the midst of a heavy rainstorm. Then I had an idea: I cleared the bridge and immediately put them back on again, and hey presto, there they were, all present and correct in their oilskins for the current weather.

(P.S. I'm running with the 1.4 patch and RUB 1.42 ... do they affect these things?)

07-15-05, 05:15 AM
This is a long standing bug, since 1.0

The watch crew only change gear to suit the weather when they are first assigned to go watch, so drag them to the rest area, then back again, and it will change their gear.

It surely couldn't be too hard in a patch from the devs to fix up this little annoyence.

I'd also like to see the watch crew PLUS the watch officer automaticaly return to watch once you surface the ship, you have to manualy put him back or else the lazy bloke will stay in his rest area.

07-15-05, 06:41 AM
Changing the wind speed to accomodate for deck gun and flak gun use in heavy weather will also change the wind speed at which the crew puts on he storm jackets.

corvette k225
07-15-05, 07:51 AM
high winds rain and no rain gear, yes it is a BUG in 1.4b, I spend more
time fixing things than playing it!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :roll:

corvette k225
07-15-05, 09:34 AM
Yes Soviet Warlord, you are right it is the CFG. file I put it back
to the first setting and on goes the coats it is not the 1.4b patch!

what happens when you set the CFG. to 15,0.5?? what does the .01 do
for you??? :roll: :roll:

Capn Tucker
07-15-05, 06:18 PM
Changing the wind speed to accomodate for deck gun and flak gun use in heavy weather will also change the wind speed at which the crew puts on he storm jackets.

So there is no happy medium here. You either get foul weather gear in bad weather, or you can still shoot in bad weather. But not both. <sigh> :(

07-16-05, 08:43 AM
I had never seen this happen untill I installed the ''all weather deck gun mod''. As for my crew, they will just have to rough it without raingear , because this captain isn't getting rid of the ability to use the deck gun and flak in less than perfect weather.

Capn Tucker
07-16-05, 05:47 PM
I had never seen this happen untill I installed the ''all weather deck gun mod''. As for my crew, they will just have to rough it without raingear , because this captain isn't getting rid of the ability to use the deck gun and flak in less than perfect weather.

I'll say it's "all weather"! Encountered a freighter last night in heavy seas. Manned the deck gun, and the gun crew were completely underwater half the time. Maybe they should wear their Tauchretters.. :P

07-18-05, 11:37 AM
With the weather mod installed, I resist the temptation to cheat using the deck gun in heavy seas by running a test. I jump to the station, and imagine how I would fare in real life.

If I am not being drowned every 5 seconds, I will use the gun. A little water on my feet won't stop me.

The other thing is that when the boat is bobbing around like crazy the gun is pointing at the sky half the time, and the rest of the time the waves are so large you can't see the target.
