View Full Version : Warships encounters

Regio Sommergibile
07-11-05, 05:29 AM
Maybe it's already been asked but is there a way to see more warships during patrols ? I know it was a rare encounter for a U-boot at least in the atlantic but i'm in june 1943, and i've never seen anyone...

The Avon Lady
07-11-05, 05:41 AM
May I recommend you first read Red Devil's detection tutorial (http://hometown.aol.co.uk/dominicobaggio/hydrophone.html), put your hydrophone to the test and then get back to us with the results?

Also, look at the convoy route map that came with the game. It is your friend. :yep:

Regio Sommergibile
07-11-05, 08:17 AM
Avon my problem is that i never found a King George BB or others warship groups. Detecting enemy convoys is not a problem for me...

07-11-05, 08:23 AM
There have been several threads here and on the UBI forums regarding this. Two answers:

1) Real-life answer. You search and pray. No guarantees. I encountered one Fiji on the high seas in 3 careers, nothing bigger than that. You can hang out near major naval bases like Scapa, Loch Ewe, Gibraltar, but that's it.

2) Cheat answer. Look in the files to see what warships show up where. I think the Community Manual (see Avon Lady's sig blcok) has a topic which addressed this request. It tells you the dates each warship spawns and the locations. I've haven't used that info for targetting though. I like to be surprised.

Regio Sommergibile
07-11-05, 11:39 AM
thx shadow

07-11-05, 12:04 PM
If you want to be cheap, for SH3 v1.2 I have a list of all warships at anchor. I updated it for 1.4b. I think it's mostly complete for warships. I didn't bother with merchants as in v1.4b there are a half dozen merchants in every port at various times of the year.

I also have the v1.2 TFs listed along with choke points. Patrol the choke points with hydrophones for about a week, game time, and you'll get a bunch of high speed screw contacts eventually. Head for them quickly and you'll probably make surface contact.

Good luck.


On that note, I was thinking about modifying task force encounters in ImprovedConvoys. I haven't decided what to do, yet, since I'm still involved in convoy rewrites and tuning.

I might bump up the report probability slightly, since I am fairly certain they are presently never reported. I find it hard to believe you'd _never_ get a task force report. I also think the composition needs to be altered some what. None of the TFs presently have any cruisers if they have BBs or CVs. I think there ought to be a few CLs with a BB and a large destroyer screen, for example. Coming across three BBs in a row with a weak escort of maybe 5 destroyers is just, well, weak.