View Full Version : Destroyer fix mod??

07-10-05, 07:14 PM
Is there a mod out there that can reduce all the enemies destroyers/corvettes to veteran status, or better yet keep their status random and just cut out the elite ones? I'm pretty new and I swear there's an elite destroyer captain out there with my name on his depth charges every time i go out. (Still practicing on single missions) I'll do everything except have the men take their shoes off, and by the 6th pass he's running right down my throat! Knuckle left, knuckle right, 180 knuckle, deploy decoys, max depth, 1-2 knot speed, it doesn't matter. Very frustrating...

I know...I know...welcome to what U-boat skippers went through....

07-10-05, 09:25 PM
Try the SonarDC Mod that adresses that issue. Just do a search for the download link.