View Full Version : [BUG] 2nd damage fixes previous damage.

06-24-17, 08:44 PM
1 torp hit results in 2 compartment flooding and 55% hull, I have to keep alternating the damage control between the 2 to keep the boat dry although I can stay afloat with one compartment flooded and one dry. During egressI took another torp hit. Thinking that although I'm not killed outright. I'll probably sink as there's no way I can stay afloat with 3 compartment leaking. To my surprise, when I select the damage screen. I was no longer flooding in the previous 2 compartment and there's no new damage or flooding although hull is now at 5%. The May manage to keep track of me 150ft of water depth and kept dropping sonobuoy from time to time but no more torp (so they do have a fix number of torps) and I eventually manage to lose him once I reach deeper water with a layer.