View Full Version : *** 2009 SUBSIM Werewolf Hunt - Story and Game thread ***

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Onkel Neal
02-08-09, 01:39 PM
This will be the story and game thread. Questions about the game, how it works, what you should do?
Post questions and ideas in this thread. (http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=147914)

Here is the list of players and their public identities as of 2/15 10:00 AM CST

Kamp Letzte Jagd personnel
Chad -Oberst (Colonel) [DEAD]
Hitman - Hauptmann (Captain) [LYNCHED]
UnderseaLcpl - Oberfeldwebel (Sergeant Major) [DEAD]
Oberon - Gefreiter (Corporal) [DEAD]
stabiz - Gefreiter (Corporal) [DEAD]
A Very Super Market - Gemeiner (Private)
Letum - Gemeiner (Private) [LYNCHED]
Laufen zum Ziel - Gemeiner (Private) [DEAD]
JCWolf - Gemeiner (Private) [DEAD]

Jimbuna - Kapitänleutnant
Raptor1 - Chief Engineer [DEAD]
Nisgeis - Leutnant zur See
Fincuan - Oberfähnrich zur See [DEAD]
Weiß Pinguin - Wachoffizier
Gorduz - Funker [LYNCHED]
Task Force - Seaman [DEAD]
Firewall - Seaman [DEAD]
Aramike - Seaman [LYNCHED]

Village of Vanvikan
Contact - Mayor [LYNCHED]
mookiemookie - Postman, acting mayor
Nokia - Innskeeper [DEAD]
Penelope_Grey - Barmaid, new owner of Mercy's Inn
XabbaRus - Sailor [SUICIDE]
SandyCaesar - Fisherman [DEAD]
NealT - Fisherman [DEAD]
lesrae - Shepperd [DEAD]
Gus - constable [DEAD]


Onkel Neal
02-08-09, 01:41 PM
Map of Norway

Map of Trondhiem U-boat base and area of operations

Kamp Letze Jagd and the wooded village of Vanvikan

Onkel Neal
02-08-09, 05:29 PM
SUBSIM Werewolf Hunt

The Backstory

Darkness, shadows, stretching from the medieval tower known as Nightwatch all the way to the small village, Vanvikan. A nearly full moon rose over the highest spire of the tower, casting its eerily fateful light onto the village below.

And this is where we begin. You, each of the players, are members of a U-boat resupply station in wintery Norway, just across 9 miles of fjord north of Trondheim. You are guarding a secret fuel depot, resupplying U-boats, and some of you are U-boat crews resting after an arduous patrol. There were rumors of a disease spreading through the nearby village of Vanvikan. A plague. Some said it was the disease of the wolves: that at night, when the moon was full, a man would be turned into something else - an abomination, neither man nor wolf, but a terrifying creature of death. And they said it was the tower, Nightwatch, from where the plague came.

So here you are. The madness has begun - there is no way to leave the base until the nightmare ends. No one who ventures into the woods surrounding the base ever returns. And so you are trapped. No one knows who to trust, anyone could be infected with the disease. Your goal now is simply to survive.


The Land of Long Shadows

Feb. 8, 1945 0420
It was a hollow night at Mercy's Inn in Vanvikan. Outside under a soulless moon a fog blanketed the tiny, wooded Norwegian village that sat on a bluff overlooking Kamp Letzte Jagd, a supply depot for the 13th Flotilla U-boats. Trondheim was a mere 23 kilometers across the fjord, but in this dark and claustrophobic night, it may as well have been on another planet. Atmospheric conditions this close to the Arctic Circle played hell with radio communications and between the gloomy fog, the endless acres of woods, and frigid fjord, Kamp Letzte Jagd was about as isolated as any place Kapitänleutnant Jimbuna had ever been. The lovely young Penelope Grey came over and topped off his stein of ale.

“I hear Oberst Chad is looking for you, Kapitan,” she said with a charming smile. There were a few lasses in Vanvikan’s meager population of 130 fishermen, woodsman, and tillers, fewer still who could match Penelope’s smile.

“Ja, ja, I know. He will be asking for my patience, which is all I have left since he cannot get my torpedoes back from the machine shop in a reasonable amount of time.”

As Jimbuna began to think he would be more comfortable back in his bunk on U-13, the tavern door swung open and in walked Oberst Chad and the Mayor of Vanvikan, the Hon. Mr. Contact.

“Guten abend, Kapitan,” said Mayor Contact, with a worried look.

“Your honor. Oberst. How are you men tonight?” replied Jimbuna.

They sat at the small table and motioned to Nokia to send Penelope over with more ale and some fritters.

“Herr Keluen, your provisions should arrive in a few days,” began Oberst Chad. “I understand you wish to be back at sea, but the locals have become less cooperative as this war goes on,” he said, with a look at the Mayor Contact.

Contact leaned back and gestured with open hands, “As the war winds down, perhaps you mean. I wish you would not put it that way, Oberst Chad. You must understand, we are your friends and allies. Most Norwegian men support the Reich, and not simply because we have no choice. But there are some who will not be sad to see the Germans leave. They present difficulties, and my small village can only do so much to assist the great German Navy.”

Kapitänleutnant Jimbuna eyed the Mayor with suspicion, and saw that Oberst Chad was casting the same look at him. “What? What is it?”

“I read your report, Kapitänleutnant, and something concerns me. You stated that you brought your U-boat to the shore at the entrance to the fjord to let your men do some hunting in the woods. That’s a very serious security matter. My men have shot several saboteurs and spies in that area of Norway.”

“Ja, the same men of yours who are out in the woods tonight, hunting for deer and getting drunk. That’s a pretty serious matter, as well, wouldn’t you say?”
Oberst Chad said nothing.

“My men were on patrol for five weeks, Oberst,” continued Jimbuna. “I made the command decision that a little rest and small arms practice was in order. We saw no saboteurs, I assure you.” He turned to the Mayor. “If we had, we would have shot them.”

For a brief moment, Jimbuna thought he saw a flash of emotion on Mayor Contact’s face. Maybe it was the uncertain light of the candle. But the Mayor’s face held no clues to his thoughts.

Jimbuna got to his feet. “Gentlemen, I would like to stay but I have to check on my men. I have stationed Seamen Firewall and Aramike as port watches and I want to see if they are up to the task.”

“Gute, I also will want to make the rounds,” said Oberst Chad. “Tonight Gemeiner Letum and Laufen zum Ziel have guard duty and I know young Letum likes the ladies, so I must be sure they are not guarding some fraulein’s chambers.”

They parted. Jimbuna walked to the pier as the dawn’s early light crept across the sandy beach. Before he reached the quay, he heard shots and shouting in the area of the fuel tanks. He ran to the pumping station, as fast as his sealegs would take him. There he found Leutnant zur See Nisgeis, Oberfähnrich zur See Fincuan, and Oberfeldwebel UnderseaLcpl with several villagers.

“What is the meaning of all this shooting around the fuel tanks? Don’t you know…”

A ghastly specter brought him up short. There on the frozen ground was a corpse, shredded and ripped and ringed with a mantle of bloody snow.

“Her Keleun, I was returning from…a friend’s house and heard a scream,” said Leutnant zur See Nisgeis.

“Ja,” said Oberfähnrich zur See Fincuan, “I was looking for a spanner in the toolbox and I saw two men struggling…at least, it looked like two men. Here is one, as you can see, but the other…got away into the darkness.”

“I say he was injured,” said Oberfeldwebel UnderseaLcpl, “he was running very strangely, almost loping, you might say.” He was breathing heavily. “I came from the east guard tower, it’s a long run, let me tell you.”

“Damn it, these drunken U-boatsmenn, they are always causing trouble…” started XabbaRus, a bearded sailor with a bottle of schnapps in his hands.

Mookiemookie, the postman, laid a hand on his arm. “Come on, Xabba, back to the pub with you.” They turned and disappeared in the growing light of dawn.

“Do ye know who he may have been?” asked one old fisherman.

“Hard to say, not much left. I think he was Gus, the old constable.”

The tiny knot of people stared at the bloody ruins that was once a man.



02-08-09, 05:39 PM
Can I just say now... that is the sickest thing I have ever seen! And the U-boat crews that have passed through here... have been pretty sick....

in fact... I feel sick now too! OMG I need a drink myself!

02-08-09, 05:41 PM
Verdammt! That does look quite nasty indeed... I sure as hell also feel pity for the "lucky one" who's going to be the prison wife of that guy who ran away. He was hairy as hell!

02-08-09, 05:43 PM
*wakes up after a restless night, strolls over to the village*

What's all this commotion about?

02-08-09, 05:51 PM
**wakes up at the bar table** Damn the Germans and their Shcnapps...tastes too good.

Damnded germans always getting into a fight after a few too many. Never seen them try to kill each other though...not in that way, took him half apart....

02-08-09, 05:57 PM
*pours Xabba another schnapps* Maybe it wasn't a German who did this. I've heard things...people are saying there's beasts roaming the woods. Not like normal beasts, but wolves. Werewolves.

02-08-09, 06:00 PM
*Is woken up by the commotion*

What is all this noise?

Verdamnt it, can't Letum keep his trousers up for five minutes?!

*He clambers out of bed and dons his jacket and trousers and grabs his K98 before venturing outside. He spies Chad in the ring of people by the corpse and salutes.*

"Herr Oberst!"

02-08-09, 06:12 PM
*brings over some beer to Xabbarus, and mookie the postman*

You know what guys, I tell you that UnderseaLcpl is a funny sort... struting about here like he owns the place! Nose in the air and all that. He also doens't mind laying down the damn law when it suits him, he has a bit of a temper you know! I wouldn't be surpised if...

Yes Nokia? Barrel needs changing. I'm on it!

02-08-09, 06:51 PM
<pulls Gefreiter Oberon aisde>

"Gefreiter, see if you can't find a couple of those dawdling Gemeiners to come clean this mess up. After that, get some of the men together and question the locals.
I want to have enough information to give the officers a full report by tomorrow morning.

Oh, and Oberon...... try not to spend too much time questioning the beersteins. "

<Kneels to examine the body more closely>

Odd, it looks more like a wild animal did this than anything else. Parallel lacerations, bite wounds...

A Very Super Market
02-08-09, 06:55 PM
Ugh, I hope I don't get guard duty tonight. I wasn't even mentioned in that story, I'm just a nameless Gemeiner. Spare me from the danger great superiors!

Task Force
02-08-09, 07:06 PM
"Wonder how long till this tub can leave" I say to myself. This place is creeping me out.

02-08-09, 07:07 PM
Baaaahhh! Guard duty?
Can't Laufen zum Ziel do it alone?

There nothing about to guard our selves from anyway. It's a secret base. As in no one
knows it's here so no one can attack it. Even if we where under attack no one would
notice in this fog.
There is no way Ob. Chad is gonna be about in this weather either. I wonder if I can
get into town without anyone noticing. It's not like the locals are going to complain about sloppy German guard duty...

Eh? Whats all that noise from the village? I better stay put for now.

Task Force
02-08-09, 07:19 PM
I wish that the sun would come up. This place gets creepy at night. (cant even go to the pub...)

02-08-09, 07:20 PM
*SandyC's trawler pulls up against the dockside*

"Argh, another U-boat. I'd better offload this lot at the inn, good Swedish brandy ain't easy to get, and who knows if they've got another damned Gestapo here."

*He wheels a load of fish to Penelope Grey's inn, passing through the Kamp, noticing the particular absence of guards. As he goes, the rising sun momentarily glints off green glass and tarp under the fish.*

"Hey, where's everyone gone? Don't tell me they're all at the inn. Ah, I hate it when this happens...Herr Kommandant! Oberst? Hauptmann? Oberfelweber... Obelferdwe...Obwel...Hey, you lazy...would you mind unlocking the damned gate so I can get to the inn? Helllooo?"

Task Force
02-08-09, 07:23 PM
TF: (Yelling from the bridge of U 13.) Hey sandyCeasar Locked out... I wouldnt just be standing around outside if I was you...

A Very Super Market
02-08-09, 07:30 PM
(Yells from an unknown position)
Run! Go to your boat and get to Trondheim!

02-08-09, 07:30 PM
<to Letum>

Good morning, Gemeiner. Report.

Task Force
02-08-09, 07:32 PM
Its morening.

02-08-09, 07:35 PM
"Yeah? What, did someone just die? Lissen, mate, I just spent the last week pretendin' to trawl for fish, getting bothered by corvettes and submarines, soaked by that storm, and dodgin' those damned border patrols, all so that you guys can get roaring drunk on something better than that homebrew beer. So if someone don't let me unload these here drinks at Penelope's tavern, I'm dumping them right back in the fjord!" The fisherman was obviously not in a good mood that the last leg of his run was so unceremoniously interrupted by a deserted locked gate.

02-08-09, 07:40 PM
Stands in corner of pub half smashed with ,a silver Luger loaded with silver bullets in one hand and a silver bowie type knife in the other and yells... " COME ON, WHICH WAY DO YOU WANT IT, YOU M%*$@R F#@%&R !!!

A Very Super Market
02-08-09, 07:42 PM
Why yes, someone did die and no one is safe! If you really care so much, I'l open that gate with these keys I swiped from the Colonel. Can I use your boat to get out of here?!

02-08-09, 07:44 PM
Excuse me sir... I don't know your name, but I do know that your commanding officer Kapitanleutnant Jimbuna was in here earlier and I am sure he would be interested to hear how one of his crew was behaving, and if you are going to use language like that and brandish those weapons so blatantly in this bar... I am afraid you are going to have to leave. I know there is a crisis on, but we do have other customers here too.

02-08-09, 07:44 PM
<to UnderseaLcpl>

Oberfeldwebel Sir , I humbly report fog and odd noises from the locals.

Nothing out of the ordinary here.

...are you here to relieve me Sir?
Is there much happening in the village?

02-08-09, 07:50 PM
<to UnderseaLcpl>

Oberfeldwebel Sir , I humbly report fog and odd noises from the locals.

Nothing out of the ordinary here.

...are you here to relieve me Sir?

Well, I suppose we could use your assistance in settling the little matter we had here this morning. A body was found near the fuel dump and a man fled the scene. Could be a saboteur, or a spy. I sent Gefreiter Oberon to town to question the locals earlier, haven't heard back yet.

You might assist him, if you're rested enough.

02-08-09, 07:53 PM
<to UnderseaLcpl>

A body? Is it German or local?

Task Force
02-08-09, 07:53 PM
Walks off of the docks.

Stands around for a while... Then looks into the woods.....

slowly walks towards the tree line. As I stand at the edge of the forest I think to myself.

(somethings strange about those woods... I dont know what it is but I dont like it.)

I also note that there is always a strange fog around here.

After stareing at teh woods for a while. I take a walk into the town.

Walks up to Gemeiner Letum...
"so whats the talk of the town."

"overheard something about a body."

02-08-09, 07:53 PM
Good day gentlemen,

After last night's incident involving the gunfire and commotion, I have ordered increased security for our safety. I am asking for volunteers first, and if the requirement is not met I will assign.

Kapitänleutnant Jimbuuna and crew of U-13 are ordered to stay within the town's area. We don't want any disturbances or mistaken identy for the local saboteurs that have been ravaging these past couple of months.

I expect full cooperation from all of you. Thank you,

Oberst Chad von Stupenberg

02-08-09, 07:56 PM
<to A Very Super Market> "Ah, thanks, Gemeiner, but no. I brought her in on fumes, and unless you can navigate through this gunk..." Sandy gestured at the fog in the bay. "It ain't going to burn away today, not the way our weather's going. 'Sides, between those Catalinas I saw yesterday and that Type-II unit in Trondheim, the water's so heavily mined that I'm not doing anything until I learn where they are."

He frowned as he noticed the commotion by the fuel tanks, but kept going, resolving to check it out once he had deposited the drinks at the tavern.

"Fraulein Grey? It's me. I got those drinks, enough for a week!"

02-08-09, 08:04 PM
<to Letum> It is.......messy. Looks like a wild animal attack, appears it might be a local, though, the old constable. I'm trying to compile a report for the Oberst now.
You'll all be briefed at tomorrows morning formation.

02-08-09, 08:12 PM
<to UnderseaLcpl>

Could be a saboteur, could be a spy, could be some local doesn't like the fuzz.

I'm sure we can survive with a sabotaged bobby.

Either way, it sounds to me like the little matter has settled it's self, Sir, and I don't
see how I can assist the dead.
I'm no Chaplin. don't the locals have some quaint custom for corpses?

02-08-09, 08:19 PM
<to Letum> If it is a saboteur or a spy I don't plan to sit on my thumbs until he blows something up or steals something. So are you up for doing some questioning or would you rather stay on post?

02-08-09, 08:22 PM
<to UnderseaLcpl>
Quite right Sir! Excellent idea. Questioning it is.
No rock shall go unturned.
Start with the locals shall I? They speak German don't they?

Well no time like the present Sir...

*Salutes and Marches double time to the pub*


Enters pub, throws overcoat over the chair next to the fire and winks at the barmaid.

02-08-09, 08:26 PM
By this time the fisherman had joined the knot of people, having dropped off the load of drinks by the back. "Gus!"

And suddenly, the fisherman seemed to look up at the cloud cover, as if trying to remember something. It hit him quite suddenly.


02-08-09, 08:27 PM
<calls after Letum> I DO want a report when you get back!

02-08-09, 08:38 PM
Sandy turns to the Oberfeldweber. "Sir...I ain't quite sure what's going on, but there's an old...story. Something about monsters...but I don't remember all of it." He scratched his head. "I dunno, maybe we should go to the bar, the landlubbers know more about this kind of thing than I do. P'raps a drink will jog me mem'ry. But I do know for a fact that they've just gotten some new drinks in, and I also know that the drink you asked for will pro'lly be available."

Task Force
02-08-09, 08:43 PM
After lisening to all the body talk, I go to the bar for a drink.

As I walk in, I say hello to letum and walk to the bar.
I order and wait. as the barmaid makes my drink.

02-08-09, 08:47 PM
<To Penelope_Grey>
They say 'Letum likes the ladies'. It's not true you know; It's hurtful.
Theres only one true lady in Vanvikan and only one lady I like in Vanvikan.
How about fetching me a pint, care for a woodbine?

You won't believe the things UnderseaLcpl has been telling me in private!

He seriously thinks that theres a....*notices Taskforce has spotted me and shuts up* ...well, he wants to know what everyone makes of
the dead copper anyway. Haven't hear anything have you?

<to Taskforce>
Oh, hullo Taskforce! Sunk Churchill yet?

A Very Super Market
02-08-09, 08:52 PM
Gemeiner Super Market is back at the military base, silently observing U-13 with the Zeiss he nicked from an earlier visit. U-boots are an unwelcome necessity, he'd be out of a job without them. God forbid the Eastern front to be lacking in men, or, lacking more than usual. These boats don't even do that well, and it says a lot for their crew. Always drunk.

"Smelly bastards"

Task Force
02-08-09, 08:53 PM
Tf says to letum. Almost. Churchill has to run out of ships soon. (quick laugh.)

Thanks Penelopy Grey. moneys on the bar. (exits bar, goes and looks around town alittle more.)

02-08-09, 08:59 PM
<to TF>
All those Tonmmies you've sent to the bottom Task....England must be practically an
island of single women by now.

Show me an invasion barge and I'll paddle it there.

Task Force
02-08-09, 09:05 PM
(To letum) "Yep, theyl give up any day now."

Returning from a nice walk. I go back abord U 13. (unluky me. with friday the 13th comeing up.) I go to my bunk and look through different books I brought.

02-08-09, 09:24 PM
<to PG> A drink for a thirsty and hard working fisherman please...and while you are at it, have one on me too.

<to JCWolf> Interested in some of this fresh fish from the sea to fix for the crew this evening?

<to Chad> Something strange is happening Herr Oberst...the fish are not biting as they used to.

Task Force
02-08-09, 09:39 PM
Tf walks into bar.

"whats happening everyone."

Anyone else knotice that this place has a strange feel to it.

Task Force
02-08-09, 09:59 PM
after visiting the bar, I go and take a rest in my bunk. (good night all, heading to bed.):up: :zzz:

02-08-09, 10:01 PM
<to Chad> Something strange is happening Herr Oberst...the fish are not biting as they used to.

Please explain yourself peasant.. What would you have I do?

And barmaid, bring me a beer, come now, it's been a long day.

A Very Super Market
02-08-09, 10:02 PM
Gemeiner Super Market wets his pants when Task Force enters the enlisted bunk!

"You *******!"

(Task Force is already asleep)

02-08-09, 10:06 PM
If the locals where fish a good German fisherman would throw them back, right Oberst?

02-08-09, 10:10 PM
If the locals where fish a good German fisherman would throw them back, right Obert?

Ja.. Tell us one of your stories Private Letum, if I remember correctly you came from a small town near a lake back in Germany right?

Laufen zum Ziel
02-08-09, 10:13 PM
I am glad I was on guard duty last night and armed. As I was debating
getting an early morning drink I overheard the fisherman bitching about
being locked out. I thought to myself, strange that we just had a
brutal murder and he doesn't want details. Or does he already know the
details? And how?

02-08-09, 10:31 PM
*Calls for UnderseaLcpl*

Have that report on my desk by morning Sargent..

*Takes a drink*
I better call it a night, I have some paperwork that needs filling out.

Weiss Pinguin
02-08-09, 10:35 PM
Wachoffizier Pinguin slowly wakes up and feels his headache quite clearly.

"Gott, that's the last time I down several bottles in a row. Anybody know the time?"

Laufen zum Ziel
02-08-09, 10:42 PM
-Trying to sleep -

Thinking - I will probably have guard again tonight. Since that incident last night I am a little concerned about Lectum. He did not appear to be too alert last night. Almost like he had something on his mind. They said the murder was very brutal, almost like an animal attack. I did hear some howling. I wonder if they have wolfs here? I will have to remain vigilent on guard duty.

02-08-09, 10:49 PM
By this time in the bar, the fisherman is slightly inebriated: not a good sign considering the three-quarters-full stein of beer in front of him.

To NealT: "You're right about the fish...I don't like this. I wash talking to UnderseaLcpl earlier, at the murder shcene. I've never seen wounds like that, all...ripped, bloodily ripped."

He turns to the nearest man with Kriegsmarine insignia. "U-13, right? When'd you guys tie up? 'Cuz I hope you have a good investigator with you, Gus was our only cop. A good guy. Always liked a drink."

The fisherman takes another sip.

Yeah, Gus was a nice guy. Used to help me unload the stuff I brought in, all customs-free and no-duty, haha. Who said there weren't advantages to fishing in the open sea? You get to meet all kinds of interesting people, Swedes, Finns, and smugglers. Lots of 'em are, and quite a profitable bishness it is. Gus usta cover for me...if a new policeman takes his place, how am I going to keep up my job?

That last outburst managed to draw a few dirty glances.

02-08-09, 10:50 PM
If the locals where fish a good German fisherman would throw them back, right Obert?
Ja.. Tell us one of your stories Private Letum, if I remember correctly you came from a small town near a lake back in Germany right?

Very well kiddies. Sit comfortably and let Private Letum tell you a story from the
I am from the tiny lakeside village of Pouch in Mühlbeck.
I had a good Catholic wife before the war; just what my parents wanted.

Catholic indeed! She was practically a nun! So dull, so up tight. Not at all like these
blond Norwegian girls. *smiles at the barmaid again*. My wife, she forbid me to drink,
she forbid me to even look at other women, let alone talk to them. She was a

For 15 years until 1943 I was under her rule.
Then Boom! The Americans come in their fat skycars and bomb the house.

What do you think my wifes last words to me on her death bed are? She says to me
that no catholic woman can't enter heaven if her husband is unfaithful after his wifes
death. She made me promise that as long as I was in Germany and had a grave to
visit her at I would never look at another woman.

What could I do? I mean...the rest of my life!?
Here's what I did!
I had her cremated, scatted the ashes without a gravestone, found my flat feet had
magically fixed them selves and joined the wehrmacht to head out of Germany.

So here I am, free of all my ties and where does the Fuhrer send me to make the
most of being single for the first time in years? A village full of crazy fishermen to
guard a fuel depo that hasn't seen a drop of oil since Autum 1944.

But hey, who am I to complain. At least it's quiet here and I can sit out the war in

02-08-09, 11:00 PM
"I objectsh to the 'crayshy fisherman' part!" *hic*

Considering that he had yet to drain his first stein of beer, this was a very bad sign.

"You wantsh crayshy? Go down shoush, down the *hic* fjord! They'sh sheeding Trondheim with sho many minesh, a fish carnt fartsh underwater but he get blown shky-high..and now the ice ish getting worsh, no boat can get out wizthout going...going...what wash that big ship? Four funnelsh, went down, not a shub...shub...shubmarine did it, hit ishe. Go either..." *wild hand gesture* "...or you hit mine. We're shtuck here, mate!" He took another slurp.

A Very Super Market
02-08-09, 11:18 PM
Gemeiner Super Market was getting increasingly paranoid in the enlisted bunks. Task Force was snoring loudly, and it was getting increasingly hard to focus.

Am I on guard duty? Dammit, I don't even remember!

He quickly grabs a rifle from the rack, and runs outside. The watch tower is on the outskirts of the woods, and Laufen is still up there.

He has me covered right? *Crack* What was that? It came from the woods! This is Letum's rifle... isn't he on guard duty?

Letum!!! Is that you?

He walks into the woods slowly, trying to peer through the fog. There are strange sounds coming from the depths. Suddenly, he falls face-first into the dirt, tripping on a log.

Agh! Good god, this gun isn't even loaded! *Whimper* AAAAAAAAAAH!

The private ran directly through the base, possibly waking up half the residents, and nearly rams the inn door down.

Excuse me, I need to use the washroom...

02-09-09, 12:13 AM
*Wakes up in the bar...again, looks at what time it is and starts strolling back to the submarine, hoping he doesn't run into anyone or anything*


*Suddenly remembering that Herr Kaleun wanted the boat sea-worthy as soon as possible, he changes direction and knocks on the door to the machine shop*

Anybody here?

*Finding the place empty, returns to the submarine*

Onkel Neal
02-09-09, 12:40 AM
Feb. 8, 1945 19:45
It has proven to be a very trying day for the little village of Vanvikan. With Constable Gus dead, who will question the villagers, the Kamp workers, and the visiting men from U-13? No one seems to be taking charge and the evidence lays unnoticed, witnesses unquestioned, and alibis unchecked. Mercy’s Inn does record business, and poor Penelope’s feet are sore. The children are not allowed outside and the women have ceased speaking to the Germans.

It hasn’t been a picnic for Oberst Chad and his men. They have scoured the nearby woods and laid out extra concertina wire around perimeter. Everyone expects extra guard duty tonight, and as a result, there are scant resources to continue work on the torpedoes and other duties. But where is the guard assignment list from Oberst Chad? Why doesn’t the U-boat Kapitan post some of his men as guards? The Kamp workers eye the U-13 warily. All was good in their base until the U-bootsmenn showed up.

Kapitänleutnant Jimbuna and his elite crew came to Kamp Letzte Jagd under orders, but they expected to rest, not patrol a backwater village and hunt for a maniac. If only the base workers would get their torpedoes aboard and the repairs done, they could get away from this shadowy harbor. Jimbuna cast a weary eye in the western horizon. Two weeks ago he eagerly searched the sea for prizes, fat merchants that he and his crew sent to the bottom. Now all he beheld was a reluctant setting sun….


HUMANS, you are either asleep, drunk, on guard duty, or in some cases, all three.

All SEERS, PM me with the name of one player you wish to focus your crystal ball on.

All GUARDIANS, PM me with the name of one player you wish to protect with your mighty Luger.

ALL WEREWOLVES/HELLHOUNDS, PM me with the name of one player you wish to attack.

Day will commence in ~8-12 hours or whenever all Seers, Guardians, and Werewolves complete their missions.

02-09-09, 12:42 AM

A groan. Headache. Nighttime already? But it's only 7:45PM...damned winter days!

No alternative but to spend the night in Nokia's inn, with its camp personnel and the U-boatsmen...

02-09-09, 12:53 AM
I always think that its better to Stay
out and observe what is going on...
Even at night I prefer not to believe
That This place haves something wrong,

But than, someone can also look at me and think
that the way I stay in the shadows watching is
strange also...

So I grab my belt and go deep on my thoughts
and stay in the shadow watching the Night coming down !

02-09-09, 01:13 AM
Scheisse! Where is my MP-40?

02-09-09, 01:50 AM
Well after getting hammered early today and haveing a good nap back at the boat while on watch :haha: I think I'll go to town and have a cold one and see what tall tales that lout letum is telling. He's a strange one. I wonder what HIS story is. :hmmm:

I'm keeping my eyes peeled tho. In the Fuhuer I trust, all others eat silver. :shifty:

That Taskforce bears watching. :yep: He's a shifty looking character walking around this town at night like he owns it.

Orrr Maybe he bears a closer look ?

A Very Super Market
02-09-09, 01:54 AM
It's completely silent in this town. Don't fall asleep. Don't. Here I am, hiding in some bathroom stall in a backwater town, in Norway of all places. And Oberst Chad is going to kill me in the morning since I haven't shown up for guard duty.

He could kill me tonight...

02-09-09, 02:16 AM
We'll I made it to the pub in one piece no thanks to those lazy camp guards who, should be out patroling since that constable met his end. No wonder were loseing the war. :nope:

Oh well their as worthless as a porthole on a submarine. :haha:

Thank the heavens above for our Kaluen. He'll get us out of this craphole of a town in one piece.

Where the hell is that barmaid ?

02-09-09, 04:05 AM
Penelope, an food? I think I'll kip here tonight. No way am I going outside.

02-09-09, 04:17 AM
Evening.. I went outside for a last smoke at my house, before bedtime. Having difficulties to light up my cigar at first time, "bloody useless matches" I mumbled to myself.. At the same time silently worrying on what happened last night just outside the village.. As the sun almost drowned herslef in the ocean, and the bright purple red color painted everything around. The village looks deserted by now, somehow strangely everyone is at home, it's ain't that late but.. hmm.. their closing the shutters too ? Fells not good at all..
The only place wich looks attractive to the living soul is our famous Mercy's Inn.. Could see a few german soldiers hanging around.. probably on their so called night shift patrol huh..
I wish this night woun't bring any more bad news to us all..

*** throws down half smoked cigar on the wooden terrace, steps on it to put it down completely.. ***

Better be not..

*** goes inside and locks the door ***

02-09-09, 04:24 AM
*Sleeps and dreams of the maidens of Valhalla*

02-09-09, 04:30 AM
*Unable to sleep, climbs outside and looks toward the dim lights coming from the other side of the fjord*

Damned fog...

*Stays outside for a few minutes, then goes back inside and tries to sleep again*

02-09-09, 06:48 AM
Strange, strange dreams come this night. Not of the fair maidens, but of creatures so hideous...covered head to toe in hair. Blood all over the face. Fangs that are as sharp as the fuel depot's newfangled razor concertina wire.

And the noises...the screams...the look of fear in the eyes...reaching down, down, down into the very depth of the souls...

Better to be in his boat on the sea...

02-09-09, 07:15 AM
*walks back to the barracks to meet Chad.*

"Herr Oberst! I have done some looking around and come to the following conclusions. One, firstly there are rumours in the local area of creatures in the night, werewolves would you believe, eh? Superstitious nonsense in my opinion, sir, but one can draw a link between that and wild animal attacks.
Also, the attack took place near the fuel depot, and on a policeman nevertheless, therefore it is reasonable to assume that the policeman caught someone in the act of stealing fuel, tried to apprehend them and was brutally murdered.
Who would gain from such an act?
Well, as you are aware, with the war on, fuel is a precious commodity, and rationing has surely affected the fishermen of this community, it is possible that one of them tried to steal the fuel and murdered when caught to keep his theft secret. Likewise, it is entirely possible that someone in die ubootwaffe decided to help themselves to a spot of extra fuel, it is a well known secret that the uboats are being rationed on fuel now too, perhaps one of their men decided to help themselves?
Quite frankly, sir, the list of suspects, barring yourself and Kaleun Jimbuna, and the fraulein at the bar who were all present at the bar during the attack, is quite high, anyone in this village could wish to steal fuel to sell on the black market where they would receive a hefty sum. I will continue to investigate in the morning, sir!"

*He salutes and heads out to the bar where he gets a tankard of beer and sits down at the piano to start playing 'Westerwald'.*

02-09-09, 07:22 AM
Oh gawd!
Not Westerwald again?!

02-09-09, 07:24 AM
Sitting in the bar looking around, everyone looks so scared.

Penelope, how's the food coming along? Is the bed in the backroom still made up?

God knows there have always been odd things here, but it has got worse since the Germans arrived....now some one said man dogs, werewolves!!!???? The sea has many secrets but dry land has always been a safehaven....

02-09-09, 07:28 AM
* Walks into the bar and orders a beer, then announces to the bar in general *

"I've been out checking my sheep, with some wild animal around you can't be too careful - luckily they're all fine."

"Are our esteemed military any closer to catching the culprit or are they all snoring drunk in their racks?"

02-09-09, 07:29 AM
Oh gawd!
Not Westerwald again?!

"Shouldn't you be nibbling at some young frauleins toes, Letum? Here, have a beer on me, I think we're going to need it. Werewolves, indeed, have you ever heard such nonsense?"

*He ends the piece with a flourish and stands up, brandishing his tankard, he pays at the bar for a glass of beer and plonks it down in front of Letum. He then leans across the table.*

"Personally I think it has more to do with fuel than with fur, and I have told Oberst Chad the same. It wouldn't surprise me if one of those fishermen decided to sneak out a little bit of diesel for their boats..."

02-09-09, 07:41 AM
I bet they don't make this much fuss when a local dies on the Eastern Front.
You all have too much spare time.

02-09-09, 07:50 AM
Got into the Bar door step, and decided to walk in for a drink,
On a table to the left Oberon was talking to Letum of Werewolves !

" Werewolves " - I thought !

" Maybe , The all thing was in fact strange , back home, Grandfather
was allways teling storys about them "

I would rather prefer a Wolf then a Werewolf...."

Got to the bar tender and asked for a beer, and again my thoughts whent
to my Grandfathers story....Picked the beer payed it and whent into Oberons table...

- Mind if I joyne you guys ?

02-09-09, 08:01 AM
"Come Come, Herr JCWolf, sit down."

*Oberon pats the table at where JCWolf is standing.*

"Just be careful what you say out loud here...the walls have ears, as they say..."

02-09-09, 08:09 AM
Yeah, I eard the talk that flys around the village,
I am preaty sure that in the end this will meen extra
patrols and watch guards for someone !

But realy, The guy was killed, and someone ....or something
has done it !?

I was just around the corner whem it happend !

02-09-09, 08:13 AM
Yeah, I eard the talk that flys around the village,
I am preaty sure that in the end this will meen extra
patrols and watch guards for someone !

But realy, The guy was killed, and someone ....or something
has done it !?

I was just around the corner whem it happend !

*Oberon takes out a flip-pad of paper and a pencil and tries hard to focus on it.*

"Just around the corner, eh? What did you see?"

02-09-09, 08:14 AM
*Still unable to sleep, holsters his Luger and goes to the bar*

*Sits down and orders a drink*

Gefreiter Oberon, have your patrols turned up anything yet?

02-09-09, 08:20 AM
*Comes stumbling out of the kitchen looking tired and very dissheveled and looks round at the full bar! She screams loud and hurls down the drinks and food at the floor*

Look at the state of the lot of you?! There is a crisis on, and all you can think about... is getting lashed or stuffing your faces!!!

Can you not see I'm on my own here in this stinking inn! I should be in bed now, but I'm too scared to sleep and too tired to deal with all of you!! Has anybody seen Nokia!? No! I'm here all by my lonesome serving, cooking, tidying up... my feet... look at my feet!!

*Everybody looks at the feet*

I've been working here, flat out all day and into the night... and for minimum wage!! When I was working for Kpt. Lehmann as his Navigator I was getting benefits, leave time, and company U-Boat... here... I get a great big helping of nothing with a side order of sod all to go with it!! Its not even my Inn!!! But that stingy get Nokia... who is freaking AWOL... won't take on any other bar staff!

I really need to rest now. Instead of treating me like your servant... here's a better idea... why don't you come up with a plan of some sort to deal with those... those... THINGS!! That doesn't include drinking and eating eh!? Because if a creature of some horrific description shows up here... what are you gonna do? Drink it under the table!?

I think you need a more concrete plan than that!!! Consider this, the bar is closed and it won't be open till morning. Now start acting like men instead of a bunch of drunken students!! Get the hell out there and protect us for Godssakes!!! The Fuhrer would be disgusted!!

*Chases out the men into the night!! Slams door shut complete with closed sign, saying "open tomorrow morning" lock clicks.*

02-09-09, 08:25 AM
*Oberon holds his tankard rather disappointedly now empty of beer.*

"Verdammt, now I'm going to have to do some work."

*He over to the fuel tanks with Gemeiners JCWolf and Letum*

"Right, mensch, let's have a look around here, look for broken branches and any signs of someone moving out from the town. Chances are, that it's one of the villagers."

*to himself* "This is just as bad as the bloody Marquis."

"If anyone approaches, ask for ID, if they don't respond, shoot to disable, got that?"

02-09-09, 08:30 AM
Yeah, I eard the talk that flys around the village,
I am preaty sure that in the end this will meen extra
patrols and watch guards for someone !

But realy, The guy was killed, and someone ....or something
has done it !?

I was just around the corner whem it happend !

*Oberon takes out a flip-pad of paper and a pencil and tries hard to focus on it.*

"Just around the corner, eh? What did you see?"

It was to far to realy know who was, but saw someone near the
The Fuel Depo. turned my sights for a wile to light up a cigaret
and then eard the all thing that aparently must have been Guz

..."Hey is this guy drunk " I thought and when looked saw another figure
near by Guz on the ground...Was to fast, just when I got close Guz was
or what was left of him, on the Floor and blood everywere,

nasty sight !

02-09-09, 08:35 AM
*Oberon holds his tankard rather disappointedly now empty of beer.*

"Verdammt, now I'm going to have to do some work."

*He over to the fuel tanks with Gemeiners JCWolf and Letum*

"Right, mensch, let's have a look around here, look for broken branches and any signs of someone moving out from the town. Chances are, that it's one of the villagers."

*to himself* "This is just as bad as the bloody Marquis."

"If anyone approaches, ask for ID, if they don't respond, shoot to disable, got that?"

Ya das ist nicht ein Problem !

I can watch the surroundings mean wile you look near the Fuel tanks...?!

02-09-09, 08:42 AM
*Oberon holds his tankard rather disappointedly now empty of beer.*

"Verdammt, now I'm going to have to do some work."

*He over to the fuel tanks with Gemeiners JCWolf and Letum*

"Right, mensch, let's have a look around here, look for broken branches and any signs of someone moving out from the town. Chances are, that it's one of the villagers."

*to himself* "This is just as bad as the bloody Marquis."

"If anyone approaches, ask for ID, if they don't respond, shoot to disable, got that?"

Ya das ist nich ein Problem !

I can watch the surroundings mean wile you look near the Fuel tanks...?!

Ja Wohl.

*Oberon walks off around the fuel tanks, looking at the snow, trying to find any tracks or disturbed undergrowth.*

"Nein, nicht, schiesse. Left it too long. Unless..."

*He looks carefully at the vegetation surrounding the fuel depot and ventures slightly into the forest surrounding the village.*

"Hmmm, nein...I do not like this..."

*He exits and nods at JCWolf and Letum.*

"Ja...I think there ist little more we can do here. Letum, you were on guard last night, get to bed. JCWolf, keep an eye on this area, use the East Tower to cover the fuel tanks, if you spot someone, use the spotlight and sound the alarm. Alles Klar?"

02-09-09, 08:44 AM
Kapitanleutnant Jimbuna returns to the boat as darkness is about to fall. The watch suddenly realise who it is walking up the gangplank and snap themselves into a state of alertness.

Jimbuna climbs the conning tower and calls down the voicepipe for Raptor1, Nisgeis and Fincuan.

The three men appear in various states of unreadiness.

"Right!!....you will all be aware of a serious incident ashore earlier in which some old copper was murdered, or should I have said butchered"

The three stared in bewilderment at Jimbuna, probably too scared to acknowledge for fear of being suspected of having had some involvement.

Jimbuna to Raptor 1 "I am reliably informed that repairs to our engine will take some time to expedite and the refurbishment of our eels likewise. It looks like we are going to be stuck here in this Godforsaken hellhole for a while"

Raptor 1 nodded his understanding.

Jimnuna to Fincuan "Show me the guard duty rosta I ordered you to create this morning"

Fincuan handed over a crumpled and stained sheet of paper reminiscent of something someone had used to wipe their backside on earlier.

Jimbuna ran a hawk like eye down the list of names before handing it to Nisgeis saying "Very well, go below with Fincuan and carry out a roll call. I want to know if anyone is unnacounted for. I expect a guard on the flack cannons by the time you return. Shall we say in 10 minutes gentleman?"

Nisgeis and Fincuan snapped to attention and saluted before hurrying off below deck.

Jimbuna lit one of his rollies and stared out at the fog in the direction of the woods wondering to himself why he had this uneasy feeling that something wasn't quite right on the shore side. He turned to Raptor 1 his trusted Chief who had sailed with him since the beginning and said "It looks like I may need you to repair those engines in double quick time if my suspicions are correct Chief"

Raptor 1 replied "You can count on me Herr Buna"

He heard the noise of feet climbing up from within the boat and looked around to see the flack gunners making their way to their weapons.

A few minutes later Raptor 1 and Fincuan returned to give their report.

Raptor 1 "All the men are accounted for sir....apart from one"

Jimbuna "And whom might that be?"

Raptor 1 "Firewall sir"

Jimbuna thought for a moment then said "Right, secure the boat, make sure all hatches are locked tight" and to the flack crew "Lift the gangway and slacken the mooring lines, I want a stretch of water between the boat and the land"

Fincuan cleared his throat in what was an obvious effort to gain Jimbunas attention.

Fincuan "Sir......I did receive a report from our youngest crewman Task Force"

Jimbuna "Well"

Fincuan "He reported that A Very Super Market came aboard earlier whilst he was sleeping, and he swears he felt a slight tugging at his bed clothes. As he awoke he saw him leaving the accomodation area at a fast rate of knots"

Jimbuna "Make a note of it and get a statement from Task Force in the morning".

Jimbuna dismissed Nisgeis and Fincuan then turned to his trusted Chief and said in a hushed voice so that none of the flack gunners could overhear "This is all I need.....stuck with a sub that is immobilised in a Godforsaken place with one missing crewman ashore, a murdering maniac in the woods and a shirtlifter with a preference for young virginal sailors"

Raptor 1 smiled and said "These things happen Jimbo but only in the Wehmacht, never in the Kriegsmarine".

As the two of them started down the conning tower ladder Jimbuna looked back at the flack gunners before closing the hatch and said "Keep your eyes peeled men, anything unusual, wake me, your relief will be up in 4 hours....oh and keep an eye out for each others backs!!"

02-09-09, 08:50 AM
*Oberon walks into the barracks and catches A Very Super Market trying to sneak back in.*

"HALT! Oh, it's you. Never mind that, get your backside out on patrol and don't come back until the sun comes up."

*He shakes his head*

"Youngsters, they wouldn't have gotten away with this in France..."

02-09-09, 08:52 AM
*Reenters the submarine and wonders what sort of cruel fate would strand him here instead of letting him die honorably at sea, right before attempting to sleep for the last time*

02-09-09, 08:57 AM
*Oberon holds his tankard rather disappointedly now empty of beer.*

"Verdammt, now I'm going to have to do some work."

*He over to the fuel tanks with Gemeiners JCWolf and Letum*

"Right, mensch, let's have a look around here, look for broken branches and any signs of someone moving out from the town. Chances are, that it's one of the villagers."

*to himself* "This is just as bad as the bloody Marquis."

"If anyone approaches, ask for ID, if they don't respond, shoot to disable, got that?"

Ya das ist nich ein Problem !

I can watch the surroundings mean wile you look near the Fuel tanks...?!

Ja Wohl.

*Oberon walks off around the fuel tanks, looking at the snow, trying to find any tracks or disturbed undergrowth.*

"Nein, nicht, schiesse. Left it too long. Unless..."

*He looks carefully at the vegetation surrounding the fuel depot and ventures slightly into the forest surrounding the village.*

"Hmmm, nein...I do not like this..."

*He exits and nods at JCWolf and Letum.*

"Ja...I think there ist little more we can do here. Letum, you were on guard last night, get to bed. JCWolf, keep an eye on this area, use the East Tower to cover the fuel tanks, if you spot someone, use the spotlight and sound the alarm. Alles Klar?"

Alles Oberon !

As I was walking to the east Tower, I couldn't avoid thinking why
didn't I told The guys what I have found in the Tree lines betwin the bushes...

The snow was to soft to cover that kind of trails,
and defenetly who have done them wouldn't care to much on
covering its own trails....

Climbed to the Top watching post of the east Tower and checked the search light
just to be sure it was working, down at the Fuel tanks saw Oberons shadow Moving away....

I hate being at this towers !- I thought...

02-09-09, 08:58 AM
Jimbuna walks through the boat carefully, trying not to disturb anyone in the process.

As he walks between the bunks in the accomodation area he notices Task Force lying prone with both eyes wide open staring at the bulckhead above him with a puzzled look on his face.

Jimbuna "Are you okay Task Force?.......Anything the matter?"

Task Force looked at him with his infantile face and said...."Where is the golden rivet aboard the boat sir?"

02-09-09, 09:04 AM
*Checks the clock on the wall and undoes his tunic and changes into his bedclothes, he goes to get into bed and then stops, he thinks for a moment and then checks the chamber of the K98 is empty and removes the full clip from it, he then takes out his Luger, makes sure it is loaded and then puts it and the K98 ammunition under his pillow before lying down.*

-Thinking- "What a bloody odd day, a murder, rumours of werewolves. Damn this hellhole, it's cold, dark and the locals are all wierd, I wish I was back in die vaterland again."

02-09-09, 09:25 AM
Herr Oberst Chad! (Insert here the strong sound of the immaculate boots heel's clashing in military salute)

Hauptmann Hitman returns from an inspection tour and reports:

I can confirm that there is a strong ambience of panic in the local population and hints of indiscipline in the crew of U-Boat 13 and Kamp Letzte Jagd. I have been hearing even rumours of unnatural creatures taking part in the mysterious assasination that has happened tonight.

I respectfully suggest that we put up the proper inquisitional procedures of the Wehrmacht and not just scure the perimeter of defence, but also take strong measures to ensure that everyone here is under vigilance of at least another two. It is now clear that we have a maniac among us, and we must determine who it is.


02-09-09, 10:25 AM
*Fincuan walks over to Jimbuna*

(Trying not to be overheard)
"Herr kaleun, I heard the Chief Engineer asking people about werewolves earlier today... The superstitious bugger he is, I think he imagines those creatures had something to do with what happened last night! Personally I think it's just hogwash, what do you think sir?"

Weiss Pinguin
02-09-09, 11:03 AM
Pinguin stares around the crew quarters in bewilderment.

"What the devil? What am I doing back here?"

Suddenly he notices everyone's tense attitudes... "Did someone die while I was asleep?"

Onkel Neal
02-09-09, 12:37 PM
Dawn breaks bloody


Feb. 9, 1945 04:45

Gemeiner Letum dropped his stationary pad and fumbled for his rifle. Was it his nerves or did the guard tower just shake? He peered down the ladder hatch and saw a figure moving up. Gott! At the last second, he relaxed. “You better be glad of that cheap perfume you wear, Chief Engineer Raptor! I almost shot you!”
“Huh? Oh, don’t be so jumpy. You would never last a day in das boot. I am bringing you some hot coffee.”
“Danke, that is very nice of you.”
The Chief settled down on a stool next to Letum in the small, dark guard tower. “If I were running this operation, I would have rope ladders so you could pull them up after you. How do you write in this light?”
“I don’t want to affect my night vision, it is not so good to begin with.” He took a sip of coffee. “So, Task Force tells me you guys sank three tankers off the Irish coast.”
“Ja, they light up the sky, very warm, too, I tell you. The Old Man has nerves of steel, too, we had a starshell hit the sky right above us. The enemy can see in the dark now, some new secret weapons….what was that? Did you feel the tower move a little….?”


Sirens went off across the base. With dawn creeping over the sky, the men of U-13 and the Kamp raced to the East guard tower. Even in the dim light, blood was everywhere. A mangled corpse hung from the searchlight, which was smashed.
“It’s Raptor!” shouted Fincuan from the guard tower. He’s dead…and partially eaten. At least chewed well.”
“Hullo, what’s this?” shouted SandyCaesar the fisherman. He stood before a second body, tangled in the concertina wire by the base of the guard tower.
“Mein Gott, another man lost?” wailed Penelope, disheveled and worn from her long night in Mercy’s Inn. “Oh no! It’s young Letum, he’s.…” She wiped her hands on her grimy, stained apron and covered her face in anguish.
“Nein, he’s alive!”
“Get the medic,” shouted Seaman Aramike. “Where is that damn Oberfeldwebel UnderseaLcpl? He’s the only man trained for this situation.”
They pulled Letum free of the wire, his face scratched and battered, masked with blood. “Get him to the cafeteria, get an infirmary set up at once!”

Dawn broke with sorrow as one man lay dead and another comatose and badly battered.


02-09-09, 12:43 PM
*Raptor, being dead and all, joins Gus in the Vanvikan cometary*

02-09-09, 12:44 PM
*Oberon helps the men carry Letum to the infimary, still dressed in his night shirt and trousers with a Luger tucked in his trousers.*

"Verdamnt, what was Letum doing up there? And where is JCWolf?"

*They clear a table and place Letum on it.*

02-09-09, 01:15 PM
*Wakes up after a 24h drinking session for trying to drown the sorrow of running out of Koskenkorva only to find out that another person has been killed*

"Sorry for my absence I have been a bit busy"

*Asks Penelope for forgiveness and promises never to just go AWOL again and informs that she will be getting a considerable raise*

"Now things are going FUBAR! Two dead already! What is going on???"

*Takes a scoped K98 ,won in a bet with a drunk German solider, from a hidden box and throws it over the shoulder*

"I don't know about the rest of you but we better be prepared for anything"

*Fills some orders for more BEER and other ALCOHOL beverages and then starts cleaning the Inn so it would be in some kind of order when customers arrive.*

02-09-09, 01:16 PM
*Once assured that Letum is in good hands, Oberon heads back to the East Tower where the U-boat crew are retrieving Raptors corpse. He nods his head in respect and then climbs up the tower to look around. He is looking when he spots something in the wooden frame.*

"Ah, what is this?!"

*He looks closer and blinks.*

"Claw marks? Nein, das is keiner richtig..."

*He shakes his head in disbelief but cannot get the claw marks out of his mind.*

Weiss Pinguin
02-09-09, 01:18 PM
The wachoffizier of U-13 quietly stands in the corner of the infirmary, shakily trying to light up.

Finally he gives up. "Anything I can do to help?"

02-09-09, 01:22 PM
*backs away from Nokia!"

Don't you dare speak to me! Where have you been all this time? Drinking? Oh yes! Very convenient Nokia! Nobody has seen you since, and you say drinking.

For all I know... YOU could be the beast!!! :hmmm:

Thank the good Lord that Letum survived.

*Starts to open up the bar, keeping a look over her shoudler at Nokia... wondering just what her Boss was really doing last night....

Unlocks door and puts it on the wedge, waiting for the masses to come and get their fill of booze and hopefully offer some helpful hints on how to go about tackling what happened.*

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 01:24 PM
Looks around. His face goes white as he looks at Lectum. He says to Oberon “My god, that could have been me. I was on guard with Letum the night before. Thank god they skipped me last night.”

02-09-09, 01:26 PM
Well made it back to the boat in one piece no thanks to anyone but myself and my crewmates.

Am well rested and will help the Chief get this boat running and ready for patrol before the Kaleun has all our asses for lunch. :haha:

After a cup of something muddy that is supposed to be coffee I get the news.

02-09-09, 01:33 PM
Looks around. His face goes white as he looks at Lectum. He says to Oberon “My god, that could have been me. I was on guard with Letum the night before. Thank god they skipped me last night.”

"Ja...this doesn't make sense, although the fact that the guard tower overlooks the fuel depot could still mean that our culprit is a fuel stealer. I don't know men of the Ubootwaffe that well, but I wouldn't be willing to bet that they would kill one of their own. It must be a villager! One of the sailors or fishermen perhaps? I am going to get dressed, stay here and guard the scene of the crime."

*He climbs down the tower and heads back to the barracks to get dressed into his uniform.*

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 01:39 PM
To Obern "Ja, Hurry back" and chambers a round into his weapon.

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 01:51 PM
Thinking - I will be damn if I am going up to that bloody tower. I will guard the scene from the ground where I can run and shoot if I have to. I wonder if I should suggest to Oberon that a guard be placed on Letum. I dont believe in superstition However I have heard that people bitten by an unnatural beast may become one. Besides he may be able to tell us who did it and we need to keep him safe.

02-09-09, 01:59 PM
"...who would want to go after Letum? And Raptor..."

Looks around. "Best discuss this with everyone else at the bar...suddenly, those old myths don't seem quite so far-fetched any more."

02-09-09, 02:08 PM
<To the first passerby> Where is Gemeiner Letum? I need to examine him at once!

02-09-09, 02:10 PM
"He's in the infirmary, mate. Between the tooth marks and the concertina wire..." The fisherman shivered. It was suddenly very, very clear that he wasn't getting any more beer for that day.

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 02:13 PM

02-09-09, 02:20 PM
<begins examining Letum, administering coagulants and monitoring vitals>

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 02:25 PM
- In the Inn having what the Brits call a pint.

- Oberon walks in.

- Waves Oberon over to his table and says "There's some strange goings on here." "What was Raptor doing off of U-13?" "May I suggest we place a guard on Letum" in case the village rumors about unnatural things may be true, though I don't believe in that type of thing.

02-09-09, 02:35 PM
- In the Inn having what the Brits call a pint.

- Oberon walks in.

- Waves Oberon over to his table and says "There's some strange goings on here." "What was Raptor doing off of U-13?" "May I suggest we place a guard on Letum" in case the village rumors about unnatural things may be true, though I don't believe in that type of thing.

"Ja, I...er..."

*He lowers his voice*

"I think it would be a good idea to keep an eye on the villagers, Ja? They are not exactly...overly welcoming to our cause, and fuel gets a lot on the black market...I will go and see Letum and then make a tour of the village. Keep your wits about you Kamaraden, it may be the one thing that saves your life."

*He walks out of the pub and heads across to the mess hall where Letum is being treated.*

"Herr Oberfeldwebel! How is Herr Letum?"

02-09-09, 02:36 PM
SandyCaesar was also in the inn, describing his theories to the population at large. Unlike normal occasions, he wasn't punch-drunk.

"Both of the attackeds were German, one from the boat, one from the Kamp. As Germans outnumber Norwegians two-to-one, that might or might not really mean anything...or it might mean that they'll start coming after us, especially if they forget poor Gus." He paused to take a swig of coffee. "But if they were together...two wolves? Or just one very big, very mean one?"

02-09-09, 02:41 PM
*Inside the u-boat, having carried Raptor's body back to the boat with the men*

"Scheiße, was ist den los hier?! Only a few hours ago we were spewing **** and going on with life on the u-boat, and now he's DEAD! I need to tell the captain what happened, if only I could find him"

*Walks over to locker and carefully removes a bottle from there and takes a long sip*

"Rest in peace komrade... Although I must say you aren't much prettier now than before. Even your damned picture has changed to that of Otto Kretschmer now!"

02-09-09, 02:46 PM
<*Walks in and sees Letum, walks over next to him*>

Verdammnt! Who did this to you private? And what were you doing with Raptor? UnderseaLcpl, get this man awake and get me my answers. They attacked one of us, it's getting a bit too close for comfort now.

<*Looking around the room*>
Where is Captain Hitman? Ah there you are..

Hitman, I want to have a meeting with all personal, it seems someone didn't show up for their guard duty. I want to know who, why, and where they were. I fell asleep last night at my desk, and A Very Super Market was still in the barracks at the time I got to my office. I want to see him personally.

<*A few minutes later, after meeting up with Kapitan Jimbuuna*>
Jimbuuna, I'm sorry for your loss with Raptor. But one of my men was also injured in the incident. We need to organize our crews, and set up 2 men watches at night. I'm having a meeting later today with my men and making damned sure that they understand the severity of protecting not only our supplies and equipment, but ourselves too!

If you can pull your men from the bar, they're more than welcome to join our meeting where i will discuss safety precautions for handling the situations with the saboteurs.

Task Force
02-09-09, 02:48 PM
After a nights rest. (err actualy at school) I get out of my bunk. Look around the boat and think to myself. "where is everyone"

I walk out on the conning tower and then thing. Why does this place look so creepy all the time. Guess ill go to the bar.

"I walk in" So whats new? I ask Wheres raptor...

someone says "Dead"

I say What... Raptor... Dead...??? Who would want to kill raptor?

I think for a second...

Someone who dosent want us to leave thats who... Raptor was working on the Boats engines... Clearly... Its someone who dosent want us to leave... Maby so they could have more prey...

02-09-09, 02:49 PM
"I guess I have to explain my absence, when the first murder occurred I got shocked because nothing like that has happened here before. And as a stereotypical Finn I took to the bottle. But I promise to better my ways and not go without saying where."
(real reason: night+ school+ driving school= 19.5 hours away from forums :down:)

"Now if anyone wants to have a commemoration for Raptor the Inn is at your disposal and all the food and drinks will be provided by the Inn free of charge"

"Also I recommend you start preparing for the night early so this won't happen again!"

*Takes a cup of coffee and starts cleaning the k98*

02-09-09, 02:51 PM
07:20 aboard U-13

Jimbuna hardly slept a wink during the night. Foremost on his mind was the story told to him in the privacy of his cabin just before he retired for the night by his friend and confidant Raptor 1.

Raptor 1 was explaining about an ancient myth told to him by his mother when he was a child, Something about men that took on the appearance of giant wolves and preyed on the bodies of humans during the night when a full moon was out.

Jimbuna was initially tempted to laugh at his Chief but he had known him since the beginning of the war and knew him to be anything but the superstitious type.

The last he saw of his Chief was when he informed him he was going topside to make a final check on the sentries/flak gunners.

He must have dosed off and not for long because he was soon awoken by the clatter and commotion within the boat and the curtain to his small cabin/sleeping quarters being pulled aside quickly by Nisgeis.

Nisgeis "Kaleun, you must come topside quickly I have grave news from ashore for you".

Jimbuna jumped out of his bed and hurredly followed Nisgeis over the conning tower and to the aft of the boat. He was instantly aware that many pairs of eyes and ears were trained on them.

Jimbuna "What is it Nisgeis, what is the matter"

Nisgeis "It's the Chief Kaleun, they've found him dead, ripped to shreds in a watchtower"

Jimbuna felt the nausea and anger rise up from within him and couldn't help but to recall the stories of man eating wolves as told to him by his friend the Chief just a matter of hours earlier.

He heard himself saying to Nisgeis "I want every member of the crew up on deck in two minutes, do you understand"

Nisgeis "Jawohl Herr Kaleun"

As he spun on his heel to carry out the order Jimbuna grabbed the cuff on his tunic and asked "Did Firewall return last night"

Nisgeis "Yes"

Jimbuna "Put an armed guard below with him and have him wait my presence shortly"

Nisgeis looked a little puzzled at this but nonetheless said "Jawohl Herr Kaleun" before rushing off to carry out his orders.

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 02:55 PM
Watches Obern walk out thinking - Wonder why he ignored my suggestion of a guard on Letum? Strange though I wouldn't want to be the guard. I sometimes wish I was with U-13 and their AA guns. They beat the hell out of my guns. In fact I would not mind sleeping by a loaded deck gun.

02-09-09, 02:55 PM
*He walks out of the pub and heads across to the mess hall where Letum is being treated.*

"Herr Oberfeldwebel! How is Herr Letum?"

<To Oberon>

To be honest, Gefreiter, I'm not quite sure. Minor abrasions to the facial area, severe laceration of the ribcage and gut, and he's lost a lot of blood. Ask around and see if you can find any willing donors with type A-, if you please.
Still, his vitals are fairly strong. It's almost a good thing he had that concussion or he'd be in a lot of pain right now.

Still, do you see these gouges? Notice anything unusual about them? The same parallel lacerations found on the constable. Like he was clawed....

<whispers> to be honest, Gefreiter, I'm beginning to think a little more of those ridiculous local legends.

02-09-09, 03:05 PM
Herr Oberst Chad!

I respectfully insist that we establish an official investigation of all this and put together all evidences according to the wehrmacht procedures!

Only through that will we be able to shed some light on this terrible affair. Three persons have died already (Well two and a half) and it is of highest importance that we determine who are the responsables!

Right now we can already conclude that there are AT LEAST two different murderers, since Chief engineer Raptor and Gemeiner Letum have been attacked in different places!

We must summon all evidences and assign protection to the members of the investigating comission to ensure that the truth is found!

With due respect to your rank Sir, if you refuse to follow the regular military procedures I will have to think that you are hiding something and will need to forward this case to the....Gestapo :88)

02-09-09, 03:05 PM
"Oberfeldwebel! Herr UnderseaLcpl!"

The fisherman ambled over to the mess hall to examine Letum, staying out of UnderseaLcpl's way.

"This is frightening...I think we've all heard that legend about werewolves, sir," he said quietly. "But the scariest thing of all, Herr Oberfeldwebel, is that during the day...they become like one of us." He fixed his stare on a patch of snow. "German, Norwegian, Kamp staff, Boat crew, villager...it can be anyone. And I think there are two of them, possibly more...listening, waiting."

He gestured at Letum, and then at the cemetery.

"There's three people we know ain't werewolves: Letum here, Raptor1 and Gus over yonder. Everyone else, sir..."

Task Force
02-09-09, 03:10 PM
Walks to where letum is.

Walks into door. Heard something about letum getting torn up pretty bad... Hows he doing?

(I get the report.)

Well, atleast he is alive. To bad about raptor. I have a feeling he was right about the werewolf thing. I overheard him and Kapt. Buna.

02-09-09, 03:12 PM
07:30 aboard U-13 on the foredeck.

Jimbuna looked at his assembled crew and couldn't help but feel admiration for the way they had acted in the past during times of great danger during combat. Many a time it was left to one of the older hands to calm the nerves of a youngster. Often he had witnessed a youngster with greater fitness abilities help an older man with a strenouos task.....good team players they were.

Jimbuna suddenly came out of his reminiscence when the realisation suddenly hit him in the face about the real reason for his men being assembled before him.

Fincuan brought the men to attention then after a nod from Jimbuna Nisgeis stood them at ease.

Jimbuna "Right, I am sure by now you are all well aware of the tragic course of events during the night. There are facts we need to establish and establish them I will".

Over the course of the next hour Jimbuna spoke to each one individually at the far end of the jetty. Everyone including the officers....nobody apart from Firewall for the time being was excepted.

What bits people knew were pieced together in Jimbunas mind and ran something like this:

Raptor 1 had went below with Jimbuna at approximately 01:00 and after sharing the story of the myth was seen to exit the boat at the conning tower hatch at about 02:00. This was accurate as far as Jimbuna was concerned because the Chief told him he was going to do a last check everything was okay before retiring for the night.

When challenged by the sentries the Chief told them he was going ashore to look for Firewall.

'You bloody old fool' Jimbuna said to himself in his mind 'If only you had asked me I would have sent an armed guard with you my friend'

Jimbuna couldn't help thinking if the Chief was sincere when reciting the story of the man eating wolves and saw this as an opportunity to find out once and for all.

'It was definitely once and for all my friend' Jimbuna thought.

02-09-09, 03:15 PM
Hitman, you accuse me of hiding something? No, no, I'm not hiding anything.

I will put you in charge of investigating this manner. You have full access to any personal records that are in my office to prove I am not hiding anything.

You should really consider being a judge, with your straight forwardness and manner at finding information :|\\

<*Walking back over to UnderseaLcpl*>
Work with UnderseaLcpl on looking at the wounds found on both Letum and Raptor. You'll have to visit the local morque for information on Gus, I hear it is a nasty affair.

Report to me your findings as soon as you can.

<*Thinking to himself*>
With the constable dead, the town could run amock with only us to keep order. I wish Germany would send us more men!

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 03:17 PM
"Oberfeldwebel! Herr UnderseaLcpl!"

The fisherman ambled over to the mess hall to examine Letum, staying out of UnderseaLcpl's way.

"This is frightening...I think we've all heard that legend about werewolves, sir," he said quietly. "But the scariest thing of all, Herr Oberfeldwebel, is that during the day...they become like one of us." He fixed his stare on a patch of snow. "German, Norwegian, Kamp staff, Boat crew, villager...it can be anyone. And I think there are two of them, possibly more...listening, waiting."

He gestured at Letum, and then at the cemetery.

"There's three people we know ain't werewolves: Letum here, Raptor1 and Gus over yonder. Everyone else, sir..."

Over hearing Fisherman conversation with Herr UnderseaLcpl Laufen turns white again and thinks to himself. If the superstions are true there may be more unnatural beast, at least three new ones.

Task Force
02-09-09, 03:17 PM
Im realy getting concerded I tell Kapt. buna. I have heard these werewolf myths before. They come and get a person every full moon. But stangly. Every night at this god forsaken place has a full moon!!!! (I yell)

*I think to myself... "By the end of this, we all might end up dead... We realy need to get out of here."*

02-09-09, 03:22 PM
09:00 Kaleuns cabin aboard U-13

Jimbuna "So what do you have to say for yourself Firewall"

Firewall stuttered and stammered but eventually strung enough sentences to explain he hadn't gotten drunk in the village Inn and fancied his chances with Penelope Grey. In an attempt to impress her he drank a little too much and fell asleep in the toilet.

Jimbuna looked down at the nether regions of Firewalls trousers, smirked to himself and said "The next time you go to the toilet I suggest you pull your trousers down first"

Firewall looked sheepishly at Jimbuna and said "Understood Kaleun"

Jimbuna "Tonight it is my intention to put distance between the boat and the shore. We will anchor 100 yards offshore and you will take the only inflatable ashore and stand by it all night. You will not return to the boat unless it is either first light or you receive a direct order via megaphone from me. Failure to comply and the guards will have strict orders to turn the klak on you. Alles Klar!!"

Firewall "Alles Klar Kaleun".

02-09-09, 03:23 PM
*mookie the postman begins his rounds, mumbling to himself*

The blasted Germans show up and now people are getting torn to shreds in the night. Is it a coincidence? Saboteurs? Or something else...

I heard the stories about werewolves but those were just tales to keep the kiddies from wandering outside at night, weren't they? The way those men were torn up leads me to believe they were not....

*mookie makes his way over to the barracks to deliver the soldiers' mail*

Ho there, Oberfeldwebel! Terribly sorry about your men. Any word on what happened? If we have a murderer on the loose, and no constable, should we expect protection from your men? Or are we to take matters in our own hands?

02-09-09, 03:26 PM
Jimbuna to Task Force "Don't be silly you youngster, your letting your imagination run away with you.

What with your personal experience last night I'd have thought it was more important you sleep with your back toward the bulkhead"

Jimbuna couldn't help thinking....this was the second story of werewolves from two different sources in less than 24 hours.

02-09-09, 03:30 PM
<*Studying the map in his office intently of Kamp Letzte Jagd*>

I will put Cpl Oberon and Private Laufen zum Ziel in the west tower..
Cpl Stabiz and JCWolf will watch the east tower.

A Very Supermarket will be held at HQ for questioning for missing his guard duty last night.

Hitman will be investigating the murders and attempted murder.

UnderseaLcpl is with Letum, nursing him back to health.

If Kapitan Jimbuna agrees, he should have 2 men stand watch at U-13, while the rest of the crew have a strict curfew.


That should keep us safe, and accounted for. I will have a talk with Contact and see what we can do to work with the townfolk to keep everyone safe.


I still don't believe any of this werewolf nonsense, just the locals trying to scare us off, but we're not going anywhere. Not till this war is won and we are reinforced. Now, for a drink..

Task Force
02-09-09, 03:33 PM
I guess your right Kpt. buna. "even though I know different."

02-09-09, 03:35 PM
Ho there, Oberfeldwebel! Terribly sorry about your men. Any word on what happened? If we have a murderer on the loose, and no constable, should we expect protection from your men? Or are we to take matters in our own hands?

I'm afraid that you'll have to speak to the Oberst about that. We have a chain of command here, you know.

02-09-09, 03:38 PM
*mookie makes his way over to the barracks to deliver the soldiers' mail*

<*Walking out the door on the way to get his drink and runs into Mookie*>
Ah hello local postman! I want to ask you something, where can I find Contact, he hasn't answered any of my phone calls?

I'm afraid that you'll have to speak to the Oberst about that. We have a chain of command here, you know.
No information will be given except someone was gravely injured. Hitman is henceforth investigating who could of done this, while UnderseaLcpl is analyzing all the posiblities and variables involved in this attack.

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 03:39 PM
Seeks out UnderseaLcpl -

Says -

"I realize I am only a Gemeiner but I am not a stupid one." "Since Letum survived this latest attack it would appear that Chief Raptor may have been the primary target and that Lectum was just there." "The Chief is the most important person on U-13, in keeping the boat running that is." "Without him it will take longer to get the boat repaired and out to sea." Is someone, or something, trying to keep the boat and crew here." "I have suggested to Oberon that a guard be placed on Letum but my suggestion was ignored." "Why? it's not like we don't have enough men to place a guard."

Task Force
02-09-09, 03:44 PM
Yes. I think somethings up, As I and Laufen said before Raptor was the only one who could get are tub going. Someone wanted us to be suck here. But who?

02-09-09, 03:45 PM
<to Laufen>

I understand your concerns but I am a little busy with the casualty at the moment.
Stop by my office later, and I'll discuss it with you.

Task Force
02-09-09, 03:46 PM
I walk up to kpt. buna

"so has raptors family been informed yet?"

02-09-09, 03:54 PM
Seeks out UnderseaLcpl -
"I have suggested to Oberon that a guard be placed on Letum but my suggestion was ignored." "Why? it's not like we don't have enough men to place a guard."

Letum is in good hands with UnderseaLcpl. However, UnderseaLcpl is not responsible for the complete care of Letum, as Letum hasn't even woken up yet.

Perhaps, Laufen zum Ziel, after a discussion with A Very Super Market, I will put him in the west tower, and you may stand watch with Letum. I am fine with that.

<*Later talking to A Very Super Market*>
I was going to have you stay in the barracks tonight, after last nights mishap, but maybe the best thing for you is for me to personally escort you to the west tower and have you sit watch tonight Cpl Oberon.

Task Force
02-09-09, 03:57 PM
I walk into U 13, and get my gun and some silver bullets. (I aint gonna be warewolf food today)

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 04:03 PM
<to Laufen>

I understand your concerns but I am a little busy with the casualty at the moment.
Stop by my office later, and I'll discuss it with you.

Says to Undersealcpt -

"I will be looking forward to it."

After leaving Laufen thought about the rummor he might be assigned to a guard tower by Chad. If so he will talk to Oberon about taking a grenade with him and removing the ladder. It would be harder but he could handle using a rope. He would be holding the grenade all night. He was more then willing to take someone, or something, with him if need be.

02-09-09, 04:04 PM
Thanks Herr Oberst!

The official investigation will start inmediately :salute: and will of course be conducted without any publicity for now.

According to paragraph 36.8 of the Whermacht regulations for this type of procedures, anyone having information or knowledge about the matter is OBLIGED to contact me privately and share it. I will put together the conclussions and hand them to Oberst Chad and any eventual Court Martial that has to be conducted soon. We will find the responsables and solve this.

P.S. Real life issues will keep me out of internet for some hours, so it will take some time to respond. Thanks

Weiss Pinguin
02-09-09, 04:08 PM
Pinguin sits at an empty table in the corner of Mercy's Inn, his back to the wall, listening to the various conversations around him...

Werewolves? Could these fishermen be so mad as that! Then again, what person could possibly have done that to Letum and Raptor...

2 dead, and one horrifically injured... He draws out his pocketknife and stares intently at it. Nothing of that sort would be happening to him, not if he had any say about it.

02-09-09, 04:10 PM
I will put together the conclussions and hand them to Oberst Chad and any eventual Court Martial that has to be conducted soon. We will find the responsables and solve this.

Don't be so sure it is one of us, the saboteurs we have been chasing out of the woods have been locals, maybe they're beginning to take new measures against us.

Either way, everyone is a suspect, and I still want to talk to Mayor Contact

02-09-09, 04:12 PM
Jimbuna to Nisgeis. "I want you to leave Fincuan in charge of the boat and go ashore to the village and purchase all the silverware you can. If you run out of money simply confiscate it in the name of the Reich. Next, go to the local church and get all the holy water your able to carry. I don't care if it's the priests p*ss so long as it's blessed, bring it back here"

Nisgeis "But kaleun...."

Jimbuna "Never mind the questions, just do as your ordered and be as quick as you can. On your return I will inform you of my suspicions and plans for this evening.

I must go ashore and speak with Oberst Chad but should be back before you return"

Nisgeis "Jawohl Herr Kaleun" and off he went.

02-09-09, 04:14 PM
Jimbuna to Task Force "It's not possible because the radio signal is being hampered by the weather. Hows your bottom young man?"

02-09-09, 04:14 PM
I must go ashore and speak with Oberst Chad but should be back before you return"

There you are Jimbuna :salute:

I have 2 teams of 2 members each for both towers located at the Kamp.

What are your plans for guard duty tonight?

Task Force
02-09-09, 04:14 PM
I wonder what kapitan bunas up to? I say to myself.

02-09-09, 04:14 PM
*He walks out of the pub and heads across to the mess hall where Letum is being treated.*

"Herr Oberfeldwebel! How is Herr Letum?"

<To Oberon>

To be honest, Gefreiter, I'm not quite sure. Minor abrasions to the facial area, severe laceration of the ribcage and gut, and he's lost a lot of blood. Ask around and see if you can find any willing donors with type A-, if you please.
Still, his vitals are fairly strong. It's almost a good thing he had that concussion or he'd be in a lot of pain right now.

Still, do you see these gouges? Notice anything unusual about them? The same parallel lacerations found on the constable. Like he was clawed....

<whispers> to be honest, Gefreiter, I'm beginning to think a little more of those ridiculous local legends.

"I believe I am Type A, please, take as you need Herr Oberfeldwebel."

*Oberon studies Letum and shakes his head*

"There were similar marks in the tower. Perhaps a fishermans knife produced these wounds, the marks in the tower? Perhaps they were missed strikes...but even so, two armed men in the tower, they should have been able to get at least one shot off. A wolf would not have climbed the tower, so that rules out a wild animal attack."

*He looks at UnderseaLcpl and bites on his bottom lip.*

"I don't like it, but I suppose we must entertain these ridiculous notions of men-wolves if we are to keep an open mind. I do believe that Ziel was somewhat anxious that Letum be guarded, something to do with the injuries he has sustained."

*Hitman arrives to study Letum and inform Oberon of his guard duty.*

"Guard duty? Schiesse. Ah, so it is."

Task Force
02-09-09, 04:17 PM
As I walk through the middle of town. I meet oberon.

Hey oberon, ya got gard duty?

"yes, Im not looking foward to it ither."

"Be careful, we dont want a repeat of lastnight."

I go to the bar and order a drink.

02-09-09, 04:18 PM
*Takes a quick look at the clock and wanders out of the Inn to have a look at what the others are doing*

02-09-09, 04:19 PM
* Arrives at the mess hall and speaks to UnderseaLcpl *

I just heard of the latest attack and came straight over, I stayed with my sheep last night, I do sometimes when they're upset.

Can I be of any assistance with the patient, I have some special sheep linament that may be of use?

02-09-09, 04:21 PM
I do believe that Ziel was somewhat anxious that Letum be guarded, something to do with the injuries he has sustained."

Oberon you bring up a good point..

Ziel was really anxious to have someone watch Letum.

If the attacker meant to kill Letum, perhaps he might try again.

Oberon, bring Ziel to my quarters immediately! I have some questions I'd like to ask him :o

Task Force
02-09-09, 04:22 PM
As I walk in, I notice Nokia walking out.

Hello nokia, ya heard im sure you heard about raptor and letum.

yea, to bad about them.

i walk in and get a drink.

02-09-09, 04:24 PM
*mookie makes his way over to the barracks to deliver the soldiers' mail*

<*Walking out the door on the way to get his drink and runs into Mookie*>
Ah hello local postman! I want to ask you something, where can I find Contact, he hasn't answered any of my phone calls?

I'm afraid that you'll have to speak to the Oberst about that. We have a chain of command here, you know. No information will be given except someone was gravely injured. Hitman is henceforth investigating who could of done this, while UnderseaLcpl is analyzing all the posiblities and variables involved in this attack.

I left Mayor Contact's mail with his wife, but I haven't seen him about. He's a busy man you know, but I'll be sure to let him know that you're looking for him.

02-09-09, 04:26 PM
Oberon salutes Hitman with the traditional hand to forehead and pats Letums foot before leaving, at the doorframe he pauses for a moment and turns,

"Oh, Herr Hauptmann, I'm just going to take a walk up to the Nightwatch Tower and have a look, I'll be back for guard duty."

Hauptmann Hitmans eyes narrowed as he studied the old Gefreiter, then he nodded curtly and let Oberon leave.

Oberon shivered and drew his jacket around him as he left the cafeteria and slung his K98 over his shoulder, a necessary evil in the current times.
He then trudged up the path through the village and up to the Nightwatch Tower, a dark and foreboding ruin of a tower from where it is rumoured the plague came. He shivers more at the dark presence, something evil lurked within, something dark. Even in his years stationed in France fighting the British and French he had not felt fear as he felt now, he felt rooted to the spot, completely unable to take a step forward to the tower and his curiosity preventing him from taking a step backward. After ten long minutes, his fear defeats his curiosity and he turns and walks at a rather rapid pace away and back into the pub where he orders a large tankard of beer. He sits down at the piano and opens it up to play, then pauses and remembers who he joked with when he last played, with that sobering thought he closes the lid again and rubs his face with his hands before putting the still full tankard of beer back on the counter and walking back out to the barracks, his mind trying to make sense of the non-sensical.

02-09-09, 04:31 PM
As I walk in, I notice Nokia walking out.

Hello nokia, ya heard im sure you heard about raptor and letum.

yea, to bad about them.

i walk in and get a drink.


"Yes I have heard and it's sad indeed I just hope this won't happen again tonight"

*Gives TF a couple of silver rounds from mi pocket*

"Take these just in case, they might be useful"

Task Force
02-09-09, 04:32 PM
Thanks Nokia. I say.

02-09-09, 04:35 PM
I must go ashore and speak with Oberst Chad but should be back before you return"

There you are Jimbuna :salute:

I have 2 teams of 2 members each for both towers located at the Kamp.

What are your plans for guard duty tonight?

Tonight Herr Oberst I intend to leave the shoreline and anchor 100 yards off, my flak gunners need no reminder to keep them alert. I have ordered Firewall to take the only inflatable to the shore and sit with it all night.

If he sh*ts his pants for a second time during the process it may well serve as a lesson to him not to go awol.

You take care of the camp and I'll take care of the boat and if there is any repetition of last nights events this evening I will share my suspicions with you in the morning.

I must warn you Herr Oberst, you may think I'm crazy, but I'm beginning to think that ghost stories may have some merit after all.

Come now, let us visit Penelope at the Inn and see if she has the 'hots' for anyone this evening"

02-09-09, 04:37 PM
Come now, let us visit Penelope at the Inn and see if she has the 'hots' for anyone this evening"
After you kaleu, grand idea:yeah:

Let me buy you a round

02-09-09, 04:41 PM
With Oberst Chads words ringing in his ears, he sets out into the village to find Ziel, on the way he passes Nokia heading out of the tavern, they paused and look at each other for a moment, then Oberon smiles broadly exposing his teeth and making Nokia flee. Oberon looks puzzled and then shrugs as he searches for Ziel.

"Laufen! Laufen! Verdamnt that Gemeiner, where is he?!"

02-09-09, 04:47 PM
*Greets the incoming Kpt Buna and his enterage*

Good day Herr Kaleun, what can I get you? I just wanted to express my sympathies for the loss of your chief engineer, I've hardly slept a wink last night, and, if there is anything I could do to help. Let me know! I'm scared witless but, I'll do what I can.

02-09-09, 04:49 PM

I'd like to buy Kaleu Jimbuna here a drink, and myself one too. Could you point me to where your phone is, I'd like to give Mayor Contact another call.

Weiss Pinguin
02-09-09, 04:50 PM
Wachoffizier Pinguin strides into the infirmary, and stops the first person he sees. "I heard that Letum needed some blood? I believe I'm A-, who do I need to see?"

02-09-09, 04:51 PM
*Returns to the Inn with a large wooden crate/box*

02-09-09, 04:56 PM
Now that it has sunk in. What a loss Raptor was a good CE.

And that drunken dolt Letum almost got himself killed.

What was Raptor doing at the camp so late at night unless, he was inticed into going there ?

Another thing bothers me. That bartender got there pretty quick. :hmmm: The alarm had hardly sounded. Another :hmmm:

02-09-09, 04:57 PM
*Sorts out drinks.*

The phone's over there, good luck on getting hold of the Mayor. Oh and by the way Oberst Chad... little tidbit of information for you, may help, may not...

*whispers in Chad's ear*

His election to Mayor... was rigged!

02-09-09, 05:08 PM
*Greets the incoming Kpt Buna and his enterage*

Good day Herr Kaleun, what can I get you? I just wanted to express my sympathies for the loss of your chief engineer, I've hardly slept a wink last night, and, if there is anything I could do to help. Let me know! I'm scared witless but, I'll do what I can.

Jimbuna to Penelope "Well, erm, *cough* perhaps once all this misfortune is sorted"

Oberst Chad is astonished at the interraction between them and thinks to himself 'I wish my father hadn't have warned me about that type of woman before I embarked for my tour of duty to Norway'

02-09-09, 05:10 PM
*Sorts out drinks.*

The phone's over there, good luck on getting hold of the Mayor. Oh and by the way Oberst Chad... little tidbit of information for you, may help, may not...

*whispers in Chad's ear*

His election to Mayor... was rigged!

Oberst Chad thanks Penelope for her kindness and thinks to himself....'A little 'tidbit' would be nice' :woot:


02-09-09, 05:11 PM
*whispers in Chad's ear*

His election to Mayor... was rigged!

What?! And yet you citizens sit while your Mayor disappears during the day and shows no commitment to appointing a new constable, or assigning locals to guard duty during the night? Interesting..

<*Walks over to the phone, but instead of calling Mayor Contact, phones UnderseaLcpl insead*>

"Yes Sargent, that's right," Chad explains. "Bring this to the attention of Hitman, I no longer feel that the saboteurs were pacifists from Switzerland. Perhaps, Mayor Contact is organizing something to get us out of here, and we have to prepare to fight them on their own front."

<*Presses down on the lever and dials the Mayor's residence again*>

"It's me again, is the Mayor in? This time it is urgent.."

02-09-09, 05:12 PM
Damnit you jimbuna

You're having all the fun there hitting on the barmaid while we're stuck in this steel cylinder with smelling male bodies. I'm SO going to be a captain one day...

02-09-09, 05:16 PM
Damnit you jimbuna

You're having all the fun there hitting on the barmaid while we're stuck in this steel cylinder with smelling male bodies. I'm SO going to be a captain one day...

Just do your duty Oberfahnrich.....I will do mine. I shouldn't be too long and I'll bring you back a packet of nuts ;)

Oh, and make sure that shirtlifter doesn't sneak aboard again and get at Task Force :)

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 05:16 PM
To Oberon-

"I understand you were looking for me?."

From Oberon -

"Yes I been looking for you. Where have you been?.

To Oberon -

"Over at the armory checking on some equipment" "How may I help you?"

Thinking - Two bottles of Brandy for 2 grenades and a rope ladder. not bad."

02-09-09, 05:17 PM
*shakes head and waggles finger side to side... shows an engagement ring.*

Don't look so surprised Oberst Chad, when I arrived here after things in Germany got worse, I only found out due to the fishermen's drunken ramblings. Being the only boozer for miles... Nokia does a fair turn over here at the Mercy. And you do hear all sorts going on.

Most of the people round here are lovely good folk, but... they have about as much motivation as a sloth! When I was in the Jungmadel it was a lot different to round here let me tell you!

All I know is, Contact is the most useless Mayor this town has had, during the flood in 1944... 15 people lost their homes... the Mayor... was... "touring a nearby town on a 'policy exchange' trip!"

So make of that what you will... all I know is, I have my whole life in front of me, and I have no desire to be pulled limb from limb by whatever it was that got poor Raptor and Letum!

02-09-09, 05:23 PM
*Unpacks the box witch contains Deutschlands finest schnapps, beer and Koskenkorva from Finland. It also contains some books and a Finnish officer uniform and a Lahti pistol*

*After unpacking puts the books on the bar table and starts cleaning the Inn and putting stuff to their proper places*

(Going to sleep and possibly school so next post in 7 to 15 hours)

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 05:30 PM
All I know is, Contact is the most useless Mayor this town has had, during the flood in 1944... 15 people lost their homes... the Mayor... was... "touring a nearby town on a 'policy exchange' trip!"

So make of that what you will... all I know is, I have my whole life in front of me, and I have no desire to be pulled limb from limb by whatever it was that got poor Raptor and Letum!

In the inn -

While enjoying his second pint after leaving Oberon Laufen overheard Frl. Grey telling chad about the Mayor.

Thinking - The Mayor and Nokia seem to disapear a lot and I don't hear much from the fishermen or the sheppard either. If it was me I would want as many people around as possible. I sure wouldn't go off by myself. Sort of a shame that Frl. Grey has a ring. Oh well if Letum gets better it's just as well.

02-09-09, 05:33 PM
<*Chad sees Ziel standing in the Inn*>

"Come on over and have a drink with us.."

Ziel walks over and takes a seat.

"Have you decided if you were going to take the tower guard, or are you going to watch Letum?"

02-09-09, 05:35 PM
"'Motivation of a sloth'? I resent that! Our boats are completely out of diesel, and before anyone suggests it I am not going to drift down this fjord with a jury-rigged sail, seeing that the good folks in Trondheim have sea mines everywhere." He pauses to take a drink of water. "So we're stuck here. I only arrived two years ago, and since then I spent most of my time...er, 'fishing' is what I put on my reports." <gesture at the unusually well-stocked bar> "And that's strictly between you and me and the wall, ja?"

02-09-09, 05:42 PM
Extract from local newspaper "Pulse of Vanvikan"

*** Mayor returns to the village from Trondhiem where he had a meeting with Mayor of that city, disscussion point was the last events of non-explained brutal murders at the outskirts of the village and the request of extra reinforcement of 13 armed policemen to the village of Vanvikan was achieved to assure the safety of local citizens. The reinforcement of policemen should arrive in the next couple of days. ***

02-09-09, 05:42 PM
"But in any case, there's the matter at hand. The Germans want guard duty, and personally I like the idea of everyone in little groups...safety in numbers, that sort of thing. Four groups of six? Or six groups of four? That would include everyone...so lesrae will have to bring his sheep into the town square, of course...

Ach, if only we can hold out until those polizei arrive..."

Onkel Neal
02-09-09, 05:45 PM
Unnatural seletion

Feb. 9, 1945 13:05

The whole base buzzed nervously with the news of the latest mauling. Raptor was buried with full, if somewhat hurried, military honors in the ancient cemetery northeast of the village. The U-bootmenn were deeply shaken, they had loved and admired the old Chief. In the makeshift infirmary, the Kamp men streamed past Letum’s screened off bed with the caps in hand and a few with a tear in their eye. None were allowed to visit with the comatose soldier. Oberst Chad had a guard stationed at his bed.

Mayor Contact and Oberst Chad conferred and called all the men and the villagers to the old well for an announcement.

“Men of the Wehrmacht, men of the Kriegsmarine, people of Vanvikan, I am declaring a state of emergency,” began Oberst Chad. “Two men have been savagely attacked and murdered, and one is lying in a bed from which he may never wake up to tell us what he saw. Therefore, we shall not wait for the next attack. Under my authority, we will determine who among you is likely to be causing these crimes and he, or she, will be summarily shot at sunset. Come forward and present your evidence, your testimony, your alibi…and then cast a lot for the person you believe to be the guilty party. I am a firm believer in people’s instincts. We shall find the murderer.

If you are accused, you will be allowed to make a plea before the mob, er,…I mean, people.”

Now, let’s get this dirty business over so we can continue on with our work and lives.”

02-09-09, 05:49 PM
"Mayor Contact, nice to see you again, I hope your trip went well?"

Chad stands up and puts his hand on his hip, showing his black revolver, looking at the Mayor very suspiciously.

"Listen, I wanted to talk to you, the events of last night and the night before are really becoming quite bothersome. I have set up several watches in the Kamp, and talked to Kaleu Jimbuna and have heard his plans for the night. What I want to talk to you about, is, until the reinforcement of your "Police" show up, how are you planning on protecting your people?

The German Wehrmact is willing to protect you, as long as you promise to keep an eye out on those saboteur. If they breach the Kamp, they will be shot on site, understood? It doesn't matter who it is.

02-09-09, 05:52 PM
Standing with me is UnderseaLcpl, Hitman, and Mayor Contact :up:

02-09-09, 05:58 PM
" Looks around bar thinking to himself " :shifty: My boats manned with drunks and womanizers. And no radio to contact Berlin.

That old fool Donitz might as well have stocked this boat with mackerel as with this crew.:nope:

If I have to rely on them or the rest of the DOLTS here I might as well stake myself in the middle of town like a goat.

You owe me Herr Himmler if and when I get out of this hell hole.

Some secret misson. :roll: And now I have to listen to what these arrogant asses have to groan about. JC

02-09-09, 05:58 PM
*Steps out of the assembled crowd she walks up to the three men. She reaches into her pocket and removes a piece of coarse black fur from the pinny.*

I found that Oberst Chad, on my windowsill this morning... I'm thankful to be alive!

02-09-09, 06:00 PM
SandyC looked suspiciously at Firewall. Silver weapons, swagger...unless it were all a ploy?

"That man could be our salvation, or our doom," he whispered to himself.

02-09-09, 06:04 PM
"Penelope, thank you.. But you should have came straight to me."

Chad hands the fur to UnderseaLcpl for inspection, and then put into an evidence bag.

"Any others, please step up!"

02-09-09, 06:04 PM
"Mayor Contact, nice to see you again, I hope your trip went well?"

Chad stands up and puts his hand on his hip, showing his black revolver, looking at the Mayor very suspiciously.

"Listen, I wanted to talk to you, the events of last night and the night before are really becoming quite bothersome. I have set up several watches in the Kamp, and talked to Kaleu Jimbuna and have heard his plans for the night. What I want to talk to you about, is, until the reinforcement of your "Police" show up, how are you planning on protecting your people?

The German Wehrmact is willing to protect you, as long as you promise to keep an eye out on those saboteur. If they breach the Kamp, they will be shot on site, understood? It doesn't matter who it is.

Good day Colonel

As you already know we are definetly having a serious situation in this area.

I'm announcing curfew as order to all the citizens of Vanvikan village from 22:00 evening to 8:00 morning sharp. Anyone who will be cought outside of these time limits in the area will be prosecuted to the arrest. Anyone who will try to avoid arrest will be shot on sight.
Till police reinforcement arrives I would like to ask you colonel to support these actions, and to think of tranfering all you personel into the perimeters of village to strengten the circle of diffence in one place and try to hold this night without any casualties. I hoping for you cooperation Colonel.

02-09-09, 06:10 PM
Jimbuna stares with incredulous amazement at the throng arrayed in front of him and thanks his lucky stars he can position his boat out in the fjord.

'If only I had a crystal ball' he thinks to himself.


02-09-09, 06:15 PM
"Penelope, thank you.. But you should have came straight to me."

Chad hands the fur to UnderseaLcpl for inspection, and then put into an evidence bag.
I really didn't know if I could trust you though Oberst. I have told you as much as I know, I am putting my absolute faith in you here....Especially as it seems you are the only one willing to step up for us!

Last night, something, or somebody, tried to kill me. I am here to tell the tale... and for that I am eternally grateful. I kept it secret because I just wasn't sure... Im frightened out of my wits!

02-09-09, 06:17 PM
That fur on your window sill barmaid could have got there going OUT the window as well as something trying to get in.

You were pretty quick getting to Letum right after the alarm.

Care to explain THAT to us. ?

02-09-09, 06:17 PM
Adressed to Kapitanleutnant Jimbuna

Due to the unexplained alerted situation in the are of Vanvikan we offer you and all the crew of your boat to withdraw back to village and to make a ring of deffence to hold two days untill we receive the police reinforcement from Trondhiem. We need any ammunition you got. Since we don;t know what are we facing with extreme cautious is advised. Curfew hours are in force. Please respond to this request before sunset.

02-09-09, 06:18 PM
Jimbuna approaches and pulls a banana skin out of his pocket and asks "Who is about to slide on this" http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/1817/thinkbigsw1yo4.gif

02-09-09, 06:19 PM
I would, but I'm not 100% sure you are sober! You smell worse than the inn!

Also, Oberst and his team are free to examine my quarters and they will see that nothing tried to get out, rather something tried to get in.

02-09-09, 06:22 PM
Adressed to Kapitanleutnant Jimbuna

Due to the unexplained alerted situation in the are of Vanvikan we offer you and all the crew of your boat to withdraw back to village and to make a ring of deffence to hold two days untill we receive the police reinforcement from Trondhiem. We need any ammunition you got. Since we don;t know what are we facing with extreme cautious is advised. Curfew hours are in force. Please respond to this request before sunset.

I thank you for your offer and concern Quiss....err Myor, but my men have already suffered one tragedy.

I have explained my tactics to the Oberst.....In the Fuhrer we maintain our trust.


02-09-09, 06:25 PM
If you must know FIREWALL, I was woke by the sound of the blaring sirens like everybody else, I poked my head out of the window, I found the fur and then legged it over to see what was happening. I was working well into the early hours you know in the bar... how can you accuse me... of of this...


I know exactly what this is, this is because I told you to get your drunk arse out of the bar when you were brandishing a luger and a knife!!

Did you know about this Kpt Buna? He was there last night totally wasted... waving a gun around and a knife!

02-09-09, 06:26 PM
Adressed to Kapitanleutnant Jimbuna

Due to the unexplained alerted situation in the are of Vanvikan we offer you and all the crew of your boat to withdraw back to village and to make a ring of deffence to hold two days untill we receive the police reinforcement from Trondhiem. We need any ammunition you got. Since we don;t know what are we facing with extreme cautious is advised. Curfew hours are in force. Please respond to this request before sunset.

I thank you for your offer and concern Quiss....err Myor, but my men have already suffered one tragedy.

I have explained my tactics to the Oberst.....In the Fuhrer we maintain our trust.


With all respect Kapitanleutnant. We may loose more if we fail to stay in one place and protect ourselves from IT whatever it is.. If you care for your crewmen as I care for my people in village I'm hoping you will reconsider it to do the smart way..
Teamwork wins at the end..

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 06:28 PM
To JCwolf - "Could not have been Letum. "She is a looker I wonder if someone or something else has inclinations towards her." "A man knows his limitations and she is way out of mine."

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii113/laufen345/GrenadeandGun.jpg For 2 bottles of brandy.

A Very Super Market
02-09-09, 06:38 PM
I have guard duty?! In the west tower!? Please colonel, what good would it be for me to be up there? Both Letum and Raptor were armed, and look what good it did them! That thing knows that there will always be men in the towers!

Task Force
02-09-09, 06:39 PM
AAHHHH.... Kapitan buna, I found some sheets... and peices of wood. *cough* Want to go back to germany the way they did in the good old days.

02-09-09, 06:39 PM
Everyone is missing the point in this.

Among us elderly fisherman, there is a story that is often heard but not spoken. A story of a fair maiden who befriended a soldier. She later had to let him go because she chose another - a sailor of the high seas. He wandered off into the woods where he was attacked by a pack of mad wolves. He became so distraught that every month, when the moon was full and the woman bleeding, he changed and sought her out. If he could not find her, his rage took over and he killed. Killed in a bloody manner with all kinds of unspeakable terror. Killing all whom he saw as that sailor who stole his woman.

Going to sea will not help...as he can swim.

Going high will not help...as he can climb trees.

Walking in pairs or threes will not help...as he has friends.

Now...who wants some of my fish catch today?

Task Force
02-09-09, 06:42 PM
IIIIIlll take 2. thanks. (would be nice to have a nice fish dinner as a possiable last meal.)

02-09-09, 06:44 PM
*** Mayor feels exhousted, so he heads back to his house hoping for cooperation power to form.. I'm going to take a short nap - things to himself. Enters the house.. the eye coughts the door on the floor. "Exactly!" Opens the door. how could I forget this, just what I needed, a sporting gun. Takes the gun out, blows the dust from it... "This was quite a while I've used it.." Will need to clean it first..

Oh well I think it could wait a little bit, I realy feel I need a nap.. Takes the ordinary medicine.. Puts the gun under the bed and lies down to rest for an hour..***

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 06:47 PM
Adressed to Kapitanleutnant Jimbuna

Due to the unexplained alerted situation in the are of Vanvikan we offer you and all the crew of your boat to withdraw back to village and to make a ring of deffence to hold two days untill we receive the police reinforcement from Trondhiem. We need any ammunition you got. Since we don;t know what are we facing with extreme cautious is advised. Curfew hours are in force. Please respond to this request before sunset.

To Oberon -

"I have heard that the Mayor wants the crew of U-13 to leave their boat and live in the compound." "I have also heard that he wants us to give up some ammo." "I would think they are safer on their boat, in fact I wish I were on it." "As far as giving up ammo, what is he thinking about." "Very strange indeed."

Weiss Pinguin
02-09-09, 06:51 PM
Pinguin quietly moves over to where Super Market stands. "I can take his place in the west tower, if the Kaleun will allow. I've spent many a dark night on the conning tower of U-13... I think I may have more experience than the gemeiner, here. Raptor was our chief engineer, and if the lunatic who did him in returns, I wish to have a word or two with him. Or three."

Task Force
02-09-09, 06:58 PM
After I walk back from U 13, after my fish dinner. I go to the bar. Penelope Grey (poor girl, Getting ran like crazy like this. And with this werewolf/enemy in the area talk, shese been working double time fixing drinks.) Is working the bar...

Hello penelope.

"hello Task Force"

Ill take whatever you have left after the croud rush.

{penelopy starts makeing my drink.}

Ever knotice the fog around here, seems to never go, and the atmosphere, It always has a odd feel to it.

Lots of people here say. They dont believe this werewolf theroy. But I do...

I know of no animal that could tear raptor up like that... And almost kill letum...

And, we would have know if it was a person from the town. They would have left blood somewhere. And no one was bloody, appears they found no blood anywhere other than the tower.

I dont understand this place. I feel less safe than when we were under attack it that old U boat sitting at the dock...

Penelopy nods and gives me my drink. I give her the money and sit there at the stand for a while...

02-09-09, 06:59 PM
Gefreiter Oberon walked up in front of Chad and saluted him.
"Sir," he began "May I state for the record my long years in service to the fatherland, my loyalty to you and the men of this group. May I also request permission to speak freely."
Chad nodded and sit down, templing his fingers.
"Sir, a dark cloud has fallen on this village, be it a werewolf or a murderer pretending to be one, it has brought out the worst in us, the accusations, the plotting, and if I may be so bold, sir, the executions. I am aware that desperate times require desperate measures, yet it saddens my heart to see once kamaraden sharpening their knives."
Gefreiter Oberon shuffles his feet slightly, looking down.
"I am, but an elderly soldier, fate has chosen me to be here, make of that as you will. My alibi? Last night I drank with young Letum and JCWolf in the tavern, Fraulein Grey will account for that, she threw us out in a rather upset state, something to do with her feet. After this, myself, Letum and JCWolf went to the fuel depot to search for evidence, we found none, so as Letum had been on guard the night before, I sent him home and posted JCWolf in the East Tower with instructions to sound the alarm and use the searchlight if he spotted suspicious activity. How Letum came to be in the tower, along with Raptor, and as to the current whereabouts of JCWolf, I do not know.
Sir, on the first event, you ordered me to search around and make a report, I did so, and I shall continue to investigate this occurance to the best of my ability. My primary suspects at this moment are the three sailors of this village, of these three, Herr NealT has struck me as a man who would benefit from some fuel stolen from our fuel tanks.
Now, sir, if I am to be excused, it will be night soon and I would like to prepare for my watch."
Oberon saluted Oberst Chad and was excused.

02-09-09, 07:23 PM
Awww, I just woke up. What is going on? And where is Raptor?

02-09-09, 07:27 PM
After I walk back from U 13, after my fish dinner. I go to the bar. Penelope Grey (poor girl, Getting ran like crazy like this. And with this werewolf/enemy in the area talk, shese been working double time fixing drinks.) Is working the bar...

Hello penelope.

"hello Task Force"

Ill take whatever you have left after the croud rush.

{penelopy starts makeing my drink.}

Ever knotice the fog around here, seems to never go, and the atmosphere, It always has a odd feel to it.

Lots of people here say. They dont believe this werewolf theroy. But I do...

I know of no animal that could tear raptor up like that... And almost kill letum...

And, we would have know if it was a person from the town. They would have left blood somewhere. And no one was bloody, appears they found no blood anywhere other than the tower.

I dont understand this place. I feel less safe than when we were under attack it that old U boat sitting at the dock...

Penelopy nods and gives me my drink. I give her the money and sit there at the stand for a while...

*mookie chuckles over his brandy at Task Force's words*

Aye, your intuitions are correct, friend. It's a hard life out here in the fjords, but those of us who have lived out here our entire lives are used to it. I've heard some of the other men scoffing at the tales of werewolves, but they're true I tell you. I've seen many strange things out here...things that are unexplainable. Your best bet is to watch yourself and your shipmates closely. For their sake, and yours.

Can I show you something? *mookie opens his coat, revealing a holstered Luger parabellum* Loaded with bullets I dipped in silver myself, too. If your captain allows you weapons, you would do well to do the same, my friend.

*mookie sips his brandy*

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 07:31 PM
- In the inn working on his second beer.

To Frl. Grey "I have got to keep my wits about me with this strangeness going on so would you please limit me to two beers a day." "All this has me very upset and drinking won't help." "I have been lucky with only one night of guard duty but I know it won't last forever." "Tonight I will be sleeping with my hand on a little surprise for someone, or something doing this."

Grey to Laufen - "Well at least we will have one sober person around here."

Task Force
02-09-09, 07:40 PM
All right, which one of us is gonna get lynched tonight.

02-09-09, 07:44 PM
*Looks at the clock*

If you'll excuse me gentlemen... I wanna get some rest now... I'm wiped out. Thankfully, its daytime! So I will rest easy here now. I'm going to go into what I call sleepwalk mode.

They taught it to us in the Jungmadel. Basically its a technique to help German mothers cope with their 12 kids, I will be fast asleep but will still be about to serve you drinks, collect money, just don't expect me to engage you in conversation until I awake. At least in the sleepwalk mode I can rest, though, my feet are really going to pay! And don't even dream about taking liberties with anything! My other half is in the SS!:smug:

Oh before I enter sleepwalk mode... I think if there is anybody round here who should be lynched, its FIREWALL. I don't trust that boozed up knife wielding gun toting drunk as far I could throw him! He protests too much methinks!


Task Force
02-09-09, 07:46 PM
> mookiemookie

I believe in these storys. When we arived here, I had this strange urge to go to the edge of the woods.

I dont know what it was, but I had a feeling those woods had something lurking in them... And after seeing raptor, my Idea made was proven, no person, or animal( unless this place has the biggest wolf in the world.) could do that to him.

Task Force
02-09-09, 07:48 PM
Myself, I trust almost no one. And some people around here are acting odd. Im still reading over this stuff.

(firewall, he was missing from the boat when jimbuna called role. Hese the only one I know of who was out.)

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 07:55 PM
In his bunk -

M-40 Beside him and his hand on a grenade under his pillow.


Task Force
02-09-09, 08:00 PM
Ummm... kpt buna... Can I move to the other end of the boat... away from Laufen. He might accidentaly pull his gernade chain.

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 08:05 PM
Pinguin quietly moves over to where Super Market stands. "I can take his place in the west tower, if the Kaleun will allow. I've spent many a dark night on the conning tower of U-13... I think I may have more experience than the gemeiner, here. Raptor was our chief engineer, and if the lunatic who did him in returns, I wish to have a word or two with him. Or three."
Trying to get some sleep - Wonder why with all this strangeness someone would actually want to be in a tower. He is a far braver, or more stupid, then me. But again I am only a Gemeiner what do I know.

Weiss Pinguin
02-09-09, 08:10 PM
Pinguin stands on the conning tower of U-13, and the image of Letum's horribly mangled body flashes through his mind. He's going to have a devil of a headache when he wakes up... IF he wakes up...

"Gott..." He mutters to the air, "Hopefully we're having soup tonight... I could do with some tea as well..."

After several minutes he heads below to the galley to look for some bread.

02-09-09, 08:18 PM
Ummm... kpt buna... Can I move to the other end of the boat... away from Laufen. He might accidentaly pull his gernade chain.

He's not on our crew or on the boat. :nope:

Task Force
02-09-09, 08:19 PM
Im gonna check the list again.

Woops, ill take that post back. I can sleep in my bunk again.

Weiss Pinguin
02-09-09, 08:22 PM
Im gonna check the list again.

Woops, ill take that post back. I can sleep in my bunk again.
lol, almost did the same thing, then decided to check the player list again and decided he probably wasn't sleeping on our U-boat :lol:

Anyways... I am now munching in my bread, back on the conning tower.

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 08:26 PM
Says he would love to be on your boat. Right next to the loaded deck gun. However I am prone to sea sickness.

Laufen zum Ziel
02-09-09, 08:47 PM
Woke up in a sweat -

OMG had a nightmare about being chased by something who looked like this


I almost pulled the chain before I realised it was a nightmare, or was it.

02-09-09, 09:02 PM
"Ahoy U-13!"

SandyCaesar, shouting from his trawler:

"Mind if I tie up next to your boat? Should anything happen, your watchstanders can see anyone or anything coming down the quay."

Weiss Pinguin
02-09-09, 09:21 PM
Wachoffizier Pinguin jumps up from where he had been dozing on conning tower, and looks out across the water at SandyCeasar's craft.

"Ah... I'll have to get permission from the Käpitanleutnant... But I don't think it would hurt to come alongside in the meantime..." He adds.

Pinguin stoops down and shouts through the hatch, "Herr Kaleun! Ach, does anybody know where the captain is?"

Task Force
02-09-09, 09:26 PM
Aaaahhhh He is probably in his bunk. Wouldnt wake him. (I say up the hatch.) Whats up?

oah SC wants to pull aside us. Well, I guess it would bo ok, just make him stay away acouple yards.

02-09-09, 09:31 PM
Of course this will require the Kapitains permission yells FIREWALL from control room.

Onkel Neal
02-09-09, 09:32 PM
Unnatural seletion


Feb. 9, 1945 13:05

The whole base buzzed nervously with the news of the latest mauling. Raptor was buried with full, if somewhat hurried, military honors in the ancient cemetery northeast of the village. The U-bootmenn were deeply shaken, they had loved and admired the old Chief. In the makeshift infirmary, the Kamp men streamed past Letum’s screened off bed with the caps in hand and a few with a tear in their eye. None were allowed to visit with the comatose soldier. Oberst Chad had a guard stationed at his bed.

Mayor Contact and Oberst Chad conferred and called all the men and the villagers to the old well for an announcement.

“Men of the Wehrmacht, men of the Kriegsmarine, people of Vanvikan, I am declaring a state of emergency,” began Oberst Chad. “Two men have been savagely attacked and murdered, and one is lying in a bed from which he may never wake up to tell us what he saw. Therefore, we shall not wait for the next attack. Under my authority, we will determine who among you is likely to be causing these crimes and he, or she, will be summarily shot at sunset. Come forward and present your evidence, your testimony, your alibi…and then cast a lot for the person you believe to be the guilty party. I am a firm believer in people’s instincts. We shall find the murderer.

If you are accused, you will be allowed to make a plea before the mob, er,…I mean, people.”

Now, let’s get this dirty business over so we can continue on with our work and lives.”

It is time to decide who must stand before the firing squad. Choose sides, draw lots, and point the accusing finger of fate.

So, now you should post: I vote to lynch [NAME]. (And explain why.)

And if you could be so kind, BOLD the name of the person you are voting to lynch.

Be careful who you trust!

Good hunting!

Weiss Pinguin
02-09-09, 09:32 PM
"Very well, then..." Pinguin turns back from the hatch and yells for SandyCeasar to come alongside. "Ah, if you don't mind, I think several yards would be a safe distance 'til the captain says for sure."

A Very Super Market
02-09-09, 09:39 PM
Resigned to his possible fate, Gemeiner Super Market slowly climbs the ladder up to the watch tower.

Maybe if I log a few extra hours.... Herr Oberst will let me the night off... yeah..

There was nothing in the tower but a small searchlight and a rifle. Across the camp, he could see the damage done on the Eastern tower. He tried not to imagine the blood on the wire, which no one had the heart to clean up yet.

How would I get out?

The forest, normally terrifying to the young private, seemed unnaturally welcoming this day.

The trees! I.. I would jump of the side... grab ahold of... that branch! And then.. then..

Who am I kidding?

Night hadn't come yet, so there was no point in panicking until then. He picked up his binoculars, and stared off into the distance. The Inn was still lit, though not nearly as rowdy as the day before. That fisherman he let in the town was yelling at U-13, floating quite a distance from the dock.

Idiot sailors. Even the regular wolves can swim.

The rest of the town was darkened, though most would welcome an allied raid, if only to relieve themselves of the monster. In these houses, they wouldn't do any mangling, there'd be nothing left of whatever fortunate soul was hit.

The silence was insufferable. Even the villagers with their strange Norwegian dialect was preferable. Even Task Force's snoring was better. He slowly clambered onto the ladder, and ran to the inn.

It was quieter than usual. Everyone was tense. Suddenly the private realized, a lynching!

They all started arguing, but he stood in the corner and tried to take the situation in. How could they stoop to this level? He could hear a heated argument started by the colonel himself, a fight between civil and military, for he was accusing the mayor himself! Even the barmaid was loudly arguing, blaming a drunken sailor for the whole thing. The Sergeant Major was brooding thoughtfully at a table, as was Task Force and Laufen zum Ziel. Where was that fisherman? And the watch officer? The rest of those smelly sailors were even accusing each other, such was the level of madness the town had descended into. What had happened to the camaraderie that had made the place almost bearable? Surely, the crew, with their years of experience bunking right next to each other would notice if one started to sprout hair and go on a bloody rampage? The colonel is here too! He is expecting me to say something! Where is that bar owner? He is being accused!

His eyes stare wildly across the room, breaking into a cold sweat.

Dammit! They're almost finished, and there'll be vote soon. I've no clue yet!

Suddenly, he blurted out.

Letum! A few though him to be drunk, but a momentary epiphany was going on the private's mind.

How did he survive that attack, cut, but still intact? You all saw Gordon (Or whatever) and Raptor! Ripped to shreds, yet Letum lives!

I will update this post based on other's accusations and such. Stay plugged to get the REAL information on AVSM TV!

Task Force
02-09-09, 09:48 PM
"I cant think now, will be in tomorows lynching."
"good night fellas, Sadly, one of us wont be drinking at the bar tomorow.
Goes and lays in his bunk.

02-09-09, 10:34 PM
"Very well, then..." Pinguin turns back from the hatch and yells for SandyCeasar to come alongside. "Ah, if you don't mind, I think several yards would be a safe distance 'til the captain says for sure."

"Thank you very much. Pulling alongside; won't try to board you boat. I promise."

Weiss Pinguin
02-09-09, 10:42 PM
"Hehe... Is there anything you need? I don't think the captain would mind me passing some food over, and if you're going to be here anyways..." Pinguin suddenly looks out towards the village, noticing the faint noises coming over the water. "I wonder what the commotion is about?"

02-09-09, 10:47 PM
Mayor Contact,

Mayor Contact, these past few hours you have been very shifty. First, disappearing all day un-allowing myself to get ahold of you, finding out that when you acquired the job of Mayor that the election was rigged, and then asking Jimbuna for his weapons to form your own line of defense, I'm going have to vote you, for lynching.

These are all valid reasons, and as anyone can see, you have been acting strangely as of late, especially since the saboteur attacks. I have a firm belief, that you are trying to set us up, and take over the compound.

As I understand, you are agitated at the mere presence of us being here. We are at war, and you must accept that we have defeated your country's weak defenses. Any attack on our people, civilian or not, is taken seriously and we will come after those responsible.

If my fellow countrymen agree with me, and you are killed, I will take control of the villiage, and arming every capable person with what we can, we can, we WILL protect ourselves, something it seems you're not capable of right now.

Please stand down and present your case, if any, on why I shouldn't have Stabiz or Oberon put a bullet in your head right where you stand :shifty:

I vote to lynch Mayor Contact

Onkel Neal
02-09-09, 11:47 PM
Man, y'all are the most non-vindicitve lynch mob I ever saw :)

So far the lynch vote is
A Very Super Market --
Aramike --
Chad -- Contact
Contact --
Fincuan --
Firewall --
Gorduz --
Hitman --
JCWolf --
Jimbuna --
Laufen zum Ziel --
lesrae --
Letum -- COMA
mookiemookie --
NealT --
Nisgeis --
Nokia --
Oberon -- NealT
Penelope_Grey -- FIREWALL
SandyCaesar --
stabiz --
Task Force --
UnderseaLcpl --
Weiß Pinguin --
XabbaRus --

I will check back at 8:00AM forum time tomorrow morning. If we don't have at least 10 votes, no one gets lynched (lucky werewolves) and it will be NIGHT!


A Very Super Market
02-09-09, 11:56 PM
And Onkel Neal would know all about lynch mobs eh?:D

I guess I can try to stir up the hornet's nest. Changing my post now, and bolding the name

02-10-09, 12:03 AM

I just know...

02-10-09, 12:10 AM
Since I'm stuck on board tonite, on watch below.

I have some time to think.

Where be the Kaleun tonite. Out carouseing. If only I could get this radio working.

There would be a lynching if my real boss saw how this boat was commanded. I guess by proxy....

Kapitainleunant Jimbuna gets my vote. :D

02-10-09, 12:14 AM
I ask you to reconsider this one time A Very Super Market.. We need to stick together, Letum is out cold, and I have a guard on him. Not saying that he ISN'T a werewolf, but if so, why would he put himself in such harms way of hurting himself so badly.

The wounds appear not to be self-inflicted, thus making it unlikely that Letum is covering up his "tracks".

Now Contact on the other hand, tends to disappear, turn up unexpectedly, and can't keep his villagers in line. Change your vote to Contact..

And someone fix that light fixture that was broken out!

02-10-09, 12:25 AM
Well crew of U-13 The power struggle has begun.

Careful who you aline with. Since I know I'm being followed I'm a safe bet.

Onkel Neal
02-10-09, 12:27 AM
That's more like it! Let's see those pitchforks and torches :)

Now we are at:

A Very Super Market -- Contact
Aramike Contact
Chad -- Contact
Contact --
Fincuan -- FIREWALL
Firewall --
Gorduz --
Hitman --
JCWolf --
Jimbuna -- Jimbuna
Laufen zum Ziel --
lesrae --
Letum -- COMA
mookiemookie --
NealT --
Nisgeis --
Nokia --
Oberon -- NealT
Penelope_Grey -- FIREWALL
Raptor1 --
SandyCaesar --
stabiz --
Task Force --
UnderseaLcpl --
Weiß Pinguin --
XabbaRus --

It is still day, though late in the day. After the lynch vote it will be night again.

(Fixed error where I had Jimbuna voting to lynch Jimbuna, that was Firewall wanting to lynch his CO)

02-10-09, 12:32 AM
Firewall, you trying to get our beer supply all to yourself? Hell no, that ain't going to happen! :/\\chop

I vote to lynch FIREWALL

02-10-09, 12:46 AM
Firewall, you trying to get our beer supply all to yourself? Hell no, that ain't going to happen! :/\\chop

I vote to lynch FIREWALL

IF, your alive by tomorrow. :haha: :haha: :haha:

I'm on duty at the boat maybe..... Where are you ???

A Very Super Market
02-10-09, 12:50 AM
Looks like the U-boot crew aren't as tight-knit as they appear...

Maybe I've just been under too much stress. How could I vote to lynch Letum? You're right herr Oberst, that mayor hasn't been too kind to us base personnel in the first place, I'll change my vote to Contact. Perhaps a good's night rest is in order for myself? To calm my nerves a bit...? As in no guard duty?

02-10-09, 12:55 AM
Looks like the U-boot crew aren't as tight-knit as they appear...

Maybe I've just been under too much stress. How could I vote to lynch Letum? You're right herr Oberst, that mayor hasn't been too kind to us base personnel in the first place, I'll change my vote to Contact. Perhaps a good's night rest is in order for myself? To calm my nerves a bit...?

Good man, let me buy you a drink after this is all over :yeah:

02-10-09, 01:06 AM
"Hmm...now, if I were a wolf, what would I do? Probably low-profile it through this process. Or, alternatively, take the lead and mislead everyone else...dammit, way too many suspects!

Okay, two with my definite attention, killers or guards...hell, I'll just go with Contact. It's almost guaranteed that he's innocent, but still...eliminating the number of suspects, eh?..."

Laufen zum Ziel
02-10-09, 01:11 AM
I can't get too sleep thinking about tomorrow. Someone or something will be executed. I know that my Oberst thinks Mayor Contact is guilty of the violence. His thinking is that the Mayor is never around, wants are ammo and wants to move the U-13 crew into the compound.

I think that the Mayor is being protective of his town and a little on the stupid side to believe that the crew of U-13 would leave their boat for land. It is even more stupid to think that a good German soldier would give up his ammunition. True, he may be a stupid bad Mayor but is that a reason to lynch him?

My vote is for NOKIA, He is a strange one. Never around, like he does not like people. Another thing I do not like about him is that he leaves Frl. Grey by herself in the inn. I know inn keepers all to well and they are all interested in profet. He does not appear to care much if he is making a profet at all. All good Germans are known to like their beer. What kind of creature doesn't want to make monie?

Being a simple Gemeiner I don't want to make my Oberst mad but I also do not want to send an innocent man to his death. Another thing is that he does not appear to be as scared as the rest of us.